Chapter 13

Sexually Transmitted and Contact Transmitted Bacterial Diseases

Chapter Summary and Essay Questions

The discussion of bacterial diseases concludes with a survey of the sexually transmitted and contact transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases merit special attention because they occur in epidemic proportions in our society. Also in this chapter are discussions of several classical diseases such as leprosy and staphylococcal skin diseases,and contact diseases affecting the eyes. On completing your work in this chapter, you should be able to answer the following essay questions:

a.Locate the male and female reproductive structures and differentiate between the primary and accessory sex organs.

b.Identify the parts of the male and female reproductive systems colonized with indigenous microbiota.

c.Describe bacterial vaginosis.

d.Identify the three major STDs in the United States.

e.Diagram the life cycle of Chlamydia trachomatis and the symptoms of chlamydial urethritis (chlamydia), organs affected, treatment, and possible complications.

f.Identify the organs in which gonorrhea occurs during the original infection and during complications of gonorrhea.

g.Describe the progression of events that occur in syphilis, beginning with the primary stage and progressing to the tertiary stage.

h.Briefly describe four sexually transmitted diseases other than syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.

i.Identify what parts of the urinary system are normally colonized with indigenous microbiota.

j.Describe the urinary tract infections that can occur in women and men.

k.Explain how the skin normally protects the underlying tissues from infection.

l.Identify the microbes normally found on the skin.

m.Explain the development and origin on acne.

n.Differentiate between a chronic and acute wound, focusing on the types of ways the wounds typically get infected.

o.Specify the relevant differences between three different staphylococcal skin diseases and toxic shock syndrome.

p.Describe the variety of streptococcal diseases of the skin.

q.Discuss the risk of traumatic burn wounds becoming infected and the precautions necessary to minimize such infections.

r.Name and describe the characteristics of three bacterial diseases transmitted by animal bites.

s.Describe the organism that causes leprosy; identify where it grows in the body, and explain how it causes the symptoms of the disease.

t.Compare the two bacterial eye diseases bacterial conjunctivitisand trachoma.