New Chapter Development Team Training Agenda

Friday June 24, 2011 1:30 - 3 PM

Location: CD Summit Room

●  1:30 - 1:40 Welcome, Short Intros and Icebreaker - Liz

●  1:40 - 1:45 Meet the Team: Org Chart and Reporting Chain - Liz

○  Org Chart Handout

○  Who do I go to, for what type of help?

●  1:45 - 2:00 Overview of Extension process

○  Relationships with VST, LCs, and IHQ - Abbie and team

●  2:00 - 2:20 NCDS Timeline / Master Calendar - Bobette

○  Calendar Handout

○  Talk about listed Roles and Responsibilities

○  Types of Reports, Who they go to, When they are due

●  2:20 - 2:45 Resources available to the NCD Team - Amy (and baby Kate)

○  Resources Handout

○  Preview of Advisor Training modules and input request

●  2:45 - 3:00 Wrap-up and Move to TLC for kickoff

Breakout Sessions During TLC

●  Friday June 24, 10-10:30 PM: StrengthsQuest results and Communication Skills

○  Team results and discussion points to be given to Liz by TLC organizers prior to TLC

●  Saturday June 25, 12:30 - 1 PM: Collaboration with AD Team

○  AD Team structure, team members, roles, who leads what, who do we contact for what, how do we fit in?

○  Occurs after the intergenerational session on Friday and the creating a coaching culture session on Saturday.

Meet the NCD Team

Below you will find a list of all the chapters that are currently being assisted by the Extension/New Chapter Development Team. Each chapter is started off with our team to give it a firm foundation for chapter life before it joins the regular Chapter Development system. Liz York leads the team and works closely with IHQ to cultivate new colonies and she also serves on International Council where she represents our team and uses her broad fraternity experience to help IC make decisions across Alpha Gamma Delta. Amy Ryan leads the start up of every single colony and she keeps those colonies under her wing for one calendar year. Bobette Thompson inherits those new chapters and they stay in our stable for two additional calendar years before they graduate to the regular Chapter Development system.

We are pleased to have several new NCDSs and committee members on our team for 2011/2013. I encourage you all to reach out to each other for advice and help since the best way to face the change and turmoil of a new chapter is to have someone to talk to about it. We have our own listserv/team website where you can contact each other. is the email address that reaches us all - please use it. We have a talented team with varied and rich experience. I hope each of you will find a mentor, a confidant or even a new friend while you serve the fraternity these next two years. Our team philosophy is that service to the fraternity on the VST should be fun and it should help you learn and grow while you have the opportunity to live our Purpose. Please challenge each other, our advisor teams, and our collegians to learn something new every semester and reward them with praise and acknowledgement whenever you catch them living the Purpose!

Colonies/New Chapters and Projected Graduation Dates

Beta Upsilon/Roosevelt Spring 2008 - Spring 2012 (Transition beg. Fall 2011)

Theta Iota/Western KY Spring 2009 - Spring 2012 (Transition beg. Fall 2011)

Kappa Delta/Westminster Fall 2009 - Fall 2012 (Transition beg. Spring 2012)

Zeta Omega/ UOIT Fall 2009 - Fall 2012 (Transition beg. Spring 2012)

Delta Xi/Arizona State Spring 2010 - Spring 2013 (Transition beg. Fall 2012)

Alpha/Syracuse Fall 2010 - Fall 2013 (Transition beg. Spring 2013)

Delta Upsilon/Boise State Fall 2010 - Fall 2013 (Transition beg. Spring 2013)

Theta Upsilon/Georgetown Spring 2011 - Spring 2014 (Transition beg. Fall 2013)

Austin Peay State University Fall 2011 - Fall 2014 (Transition beg. Spring 2014)

University of South Carolina Fall 2012 - Fall 2015 (Transition beg. Spring 2015)

Roster (as of June 1)

Liz York IVPE

Amy Ryan Director of Extension

Bobette Thompson Director of New Chapter Development

Jillian Thomas Assisting Amy with setting up AP and USC until next colony opportunity

Adrienne Beckett Assisting Bobette with graduating KD, BU, ZO and TI

Christina Morton Training, Member Development

Dedra Casey Finance - A, DU

Kelly Yeatts Finance - TU, AusP, USC

Julianne Hawkins Recruitment - TI, DXi, DU, A

Sheila Sola Campus Relationships

Vacant Alumnae Development Extension

Laura Giamberardino NCDS KD - Adrienne, Bobette

Therese Marz NCDS BU - Adrienne, Bobette

Heather Nicholson NCDS TI - Adrienne, Bobette

Daphne Sniekers NCDS ZO - Adrienne, Bobette

Kimberly Johnson NCDS DXi - Bobette

Lesley Hubbard NCDS A - Bobette

Doreen Kowal NCDS DU - Bobette

Jennifer Everetts NCDS TU - Amy

Patricia Chaffin NCDS AusP - Amy

Caroline Mahoney NCDS USC - Amy

IHQ Contacts

Annie Raeder - exploratory visits, presentations, extension prep and campus information

Lisa Williams - alumnae information and conference call set up

Kodee Gartner - Leadership Consultant visit schedule and reports

Laura Ballard - chapter services and reports

Brooke Heffernan – exploratory visits, project management, extension strategy implementation

Abbie Schneider – fraternity services, strategic planning and oversight

Team Roles and Responsibilities

Collegiate Members: The most important people that we all come in contact with. Their role is to learn to be Alpha Gamma Deltas and take responsibility for the leadership and growth of their chapter. They need to be nurtured, guided, coached, listened to, informed, and collaborated with. This brings me to our second group.

Advisor Teams: The Chapter Advisor Teams are the main contacts with our collegiate women. They will be engaged in 95% of all the coaching and interaction with the collegians. It is our team's responsibility to reinforce the vision of coaching and empowering to the Advisor Teams to ensure that they are encouraging our collegians to take on the leadership and responsibility for their chapter. Advisors should advise, not do. They should advise, not decide. They should advise, not plan. It is vitally important that advisors feel empowered to advise and that they empower the collegians to lead.

Area Alumnae: The role of Area Alumnae is extremely important to a colony or new chapter. They are the spokeswomen that tell the community about Alpha Gamma Delta before the colony is established or even before we have been selected to colonize. Area Alumnae know what is going on with Alpha Gamma Delta internationally. They have pride in our organization and share that pride with others in their community. They have fond memories of their collegiate experience and want to help others find sisterhood and personal development as they did during their time in school. They are involved in their neighborhood associations, local schools, religious institutions, philanthropic endeavors, business and industry. They are well respected in the community and they are people who others count on. They are visible models for what Alpha Gamma Delta stands for and they live our Purpose in their everyday lives. Our team endeavors to treat Area Alumnae with the utmost respect and reaches out to partner with them at all appropriate times throughout the life of a colony/new chapter. In almost all cases this is done through either the chapter Alumnae Relations Coordinator or through the VST Alumnae Development Team and hopefully with both, coordinated simultaneously.

NCDSs: New Chapter Development Specialists are like a primary care doctor. They are the main contacts from the VST with the chapters. They have their Chapter Advisor, House Association President and Local Alumnae President programmed into their cell phones and they talk to them weekly (at first) then easing to bi weekly and finally monthly discussions. They also know all the other VST team members who are assigned to their chapter. They keep a list of all the specialists who are available to come in to teach specific subject matter to the advisor/officer team and they alert them to any possible issues or areas for improvement and consultation. The NCDS is copied on every email about a chapter. She is the person that Sheila, Amy or I go to when we need to know what is going on so she needs to be in the loop and informed about everything that is going on with her chapter. She helps the Chapter Advisor stay on track with all the tasks and planning that needs to occur. She helps the CA prepare for the overarching leadership training for the chapter. She coaches the CA in recruiting, screening, orienting and coaching other advisors. The NCDS receives monthly reports, coaches the CA on any areas of concern, applauds chapter accomplishments and discusses direction and challenges with the Directors and other NCDSs as appropriate. They collect and relay all chapter documents to the Wiggio VST website for their chapter. They pass information to the CAs and remind them of due dates. They connect the CAs with information, people and other resources. These ladies are the keys to successful chapter establishment and development.

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): Extension Committee Members specializing in specific areas such as Training/Member Development, Recruitment, Finance, New Chapter Transition, etc. serve very special roles for our new chapters. These VST members have developed specialized expertise, not only in a subject matter such as finance, but they have also learned the special needs of a colony or new chapter. They help bring specific training to the alumnae volunteers, officers and members of our new chapters. They work closely with advisors and officers on specialized areas of chapter operations, conveying detailed knowledge and training. They coordinate with specialists on other functional teams such as the recruitment team, to bring additional resources, training, and expertise to the chapter. They work with more than one chapter at a time and coordinate closely with the NCDS for each chapter they serve. They anticipate the needs of their chapters and work proactively to train, orient and coach advisors and teams before problems arise or due dates pass. They cc: the NCDS on all their emails concerning specific chapters.

Director of New Chapter Development and Director of Extension: Our roles are to recruit, train, inform and coach our teams. We are your backup, sounding board and conduit for information from other directors on tactical big picture plans, ideas and directions. We are the connection between all the chapters and our International Council representative the IVPE. We report on a monthly basis to the IVPE on specific progress that is being made by the team and discuss any areas of concern that warrant her assistance. We are also the main contact with International Headquarters (IHQ) staff on behalf of the rest of our team. We work to help integrate the overall strategy of our team with the strategies of the other teams. We work with the other Directors to iron out uncertainties and clarify roles and responsibilities to help reduce duplication of efforts and together portray the most positive, coordinated impression of Alpha Gamma Delta to constituencies including the collegiate women, the local area alumnae, the campus administration, our Panhellenic sisters, parents, etc. It is our goal to develop systems, plans, and resources that help the rest of the team focus on providing excellent service and coaching to the chapters.

International Vice President Extension: The IVPE is our leader and representative to the International Council board of directors for all of Alpha Gamma Delta. She oversees all extension and new chapter development activities. She works with the other members of IC to develop and refine the long term vision for Alpha Gamma Delta. Together, IC prepares us for challenges that lie ahead and they determine overarching direction which has a direct effect on our team's structure, relationships, operational focus and other strategic aspects. She reports to the International President and works with other IVPs to shape the overarching direction of the fraternity. She has a responsibility to the entire organization that takes precedence over her specific responsibilities for our team. She sets the overall direction and guides the policy development and approval for our team activities.

The official roles for some of our team can be found on

IHQ Team Roles and Responsibilities

The International Headquarters staff works with all volunteers and staff in the support of the Fraternity’s collegiate and alumnae chapters. In reference to the extension and new chapter development area, our staff provides ongoing support to the Fraternity’s newest chapters throughout their entire time in New Chapter Development, and also serves as the primary project managers for the actual extension process. The chart below provides a very simplified visual of the role of staff.

Colony/Chapter Stage / Bulletin-Installation / Installation-Year 1 / Years 2-3 / Years 4 and Beyond
Primary Lead / IHQ Staff with VST support / Director of Extension with VST and IHQ support / Director of New Chapter Development with VST and IHQ support / Directors of Chapter Development with VST and IHQ support

Leadership Consultant: In a new extension effort, leadership consultants serve as the initial recruiters for the new colony. They are the “face” of Alpha Gamma Delta to the members of the campus community. They immerse themselves in the culture of the new campus, building relationships and friend-raising, all while cultivating new members for the colony. Once the colony has been established one or two leadership consultants (depending on the size of the colony) will be stationed with the colony for the duration of the first semester. Her role during that time is to model Alpha Gamma Delta practices, to help colony leaders get established by doing with them and then supporting, and to ultimately help the collegiate chapter navigate and connect to the resources they have through their local advisors, campus professionals, and VST.