Name & address of the premises / The Connected Hub
Section / Education
Description of building e.g. office, hostel, PRU / School (PRU)
Person Responsible for day-to-day management of the premises / Sam Channon (Business Manager)
Date plan produced and/or amended / 02/12/2014
Name of person producing plan (print name) / Sam Channon Toby Earle
Job title / Business Manager CareTaker
Duties and identities of staff with specific responsibilities during an evacuation e.g. the Evacuation Controller, Fire Wardens, 1st Aiders
  • Controller - Sam Channon
In case of abcencse Louise Cook (Headteacher) / Laura Ball (Senior Teacher)
  • Fire Warden – Amanda Warner, Laura Ball, Louise Cook
  • First Aider – Amanda Warner is the nominated lead firstaider. Other named staff

Action to be taken by a person discovering a fire or smoke
  • RAISE THE ALARM immediatelyby activating any one of the call points located around the building
  • NO attempt should be made to tackle the fire unless extinguisher training has been given
  • Evacuate the building via the nearest emergency exit, ensuring you have your class / visitor with you.
  • Report to the Assembly Point (Outside Jolly Brewer Pub)
  • DO NOT stop to collect personal belongings
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so

Fire warning system (description of type of alarm used e.g. bell/siren/voice etc, types of signals and location of system panels)
The site has hard wired smoke detectors and heat detectors with audible sirens throughout the building. The alarm is monitored as follows:
0830 hrs – 1630 hrs Emergency Services to be manually called 999
1631 hrs – 0829 hrs Afterhours monitoring Station
Evacuation procedures (description of procedures to be followed)
Evacuation must start as soon as the Fire Alarm is sounded.
Reception to collect IPAD 1 for Remote access or print SIMS register and Signing in Book.
All belongings should be left unless essential. The nearest and safest escape route should be used. Staff should carry out a “sweep” of the building and surrounding rooms to make sure everyone is accounted for then start evacuation of the students and visitors.
Ensure all doors close behind you as you leave.
Staff in Catering room should turn off the main electric switch before they leave if safe to do so.
Once at the Assembly Point the Evacuation Controller / Warden must collect the register and carry out a rollcall. Information must then be given to the Emergency Services on any missing students or staff members.
Arrangements for the safe evacuation of persons identified as being especially at risk, such as disabled people, lone workers, young persons, members of the public e.g. use of Evac-chairs, buddy systems, additional fire wardens for public areas etc.
All Staff will ensure that visitors in their room or area are escorted from the building along with the students.
Contractors’ employers must adhere to Visitor Safety Guide (located in Reception)
As of 02/12/14 no Personnel Emergency Evacuation Plan’s (PEEP’s) need to be in place for staff or students.
PEEP’s are prepared immediately for new members of staff or students who may require assistance during an evacuation
Location of Assembly Point(s)
Outside the Jolly Brewer Pub
How the Fire Service (and any other emergency services) are to be called and who is responsible for doing this
The Evacuation Controller is responsible for contacting the Emergency Services during the hours of 0830 - 1630 hours.
Staff covering her absence are informed of the procedures.
Out of hours the monitoring station will call the Emergency Services.
Provision for out of hours – when fire wardens, evacuation controllers may be unavailable, including provision for staff who work late, cleaners, contractors and visitors who may be on thepremises
Tilbury house does not hire out the building for out of hours lets
Cleaning Staff - a nominated member of their staff carries out a roll call for them at the Assembly Point.
Procedures for liaison with the Fire Service on arrival and during the evacuation (who, where, what etc)
The Evacuation Controller will meet the Fire Service and give details on missing persons,
Procedures for keeping access areas for the fire and rescue service clear
The building is on the corner of two roads and is accessible via a gate at the front of the property. This is kept unlocked. The pathway to the PRU is visually checked each day by staff unlocking the building. Site keys will be taken to the assembly point.
Arrangements for fighting fire e.g. whether staff are trained to use fire extinguishers or not
The PRU has adopted a strict policy on fighting fires. NO untrainedstaff member or pupil should tackle a fire. Currently there are no staff within the PRU that are trained in the use of fire extinguishers. Even if training has been given, fires should only be tackled if safe to do so and no bigger than the size of a waste paper bin.
Specific arrangements for high fire risk areas and how this is conveyed to the Fire Service upon arrival e.g. location of highly flammable substances such as oxygen, acetylene
The PRU had identified one High Risk Areas within the building:
Kitchen Ground Floor (Gas)
In the event of the alarm being raised, staff will shut off the gas shut off valve and the electrical cut off switch (if safe to do so). The location of these valves and switch are listed below:
Kitchen: The gas valve is clearly marked in red and is situated left of the external door
Details of where staff training records are kept and arrangements for providing such training
All Fire Safety training records are kept on file within the Office.
All training is given annually or when new staff or students start
Contingency Plans for when Life Systems are out of order
If the smoke detector is inoperable whilst the PRU is in use then the Teacher in Charge will implement one of the following control measures:
All staff members will carry out regular fire watches which will involve checking every part of the PRU for the signs of fire. All equipment requiring gas will be shut off at the valve.
In extreme circumstances the PRU may be closed but this decision is made by the Teacher in Charge in liaison with / with permission from the LA.
If the PRU cannot be re-entered due to fire damage, the PRU has a reciprocal arrangement with Queens Park Primary and the students will be taken there (particularly in adverse weather conditions), while arrangements are made to call parents and send students home etc