Trainer guide to new changes to ESR and generation of PDP 2016

From 30th November2016 the ESR is changing in three ways.

1. Sign off and release

After you have completed your ESR with your trainee and submitted it, the ESR will be released and viewable by those who have access to the trainee’s ePortfolio. The trainee will no longer be required to accept the review before it is released. Instead they will be asked if they agree with their ESR YES/NO? If they are happy to agree it they will mark YES, if they do not, they will mark NO, and a ‘Comments’ box will appear for them to state why this is the case.

This will stop delays at ARCP panels where ESRs have not been accepted by trainees and, as a result, have not previously been visible for assessment.

2. Actions before next review or post CCT appraisal

From December the number of trainee ‘suggested actions’ and trainer ‘agreed actions’ will reduce, from one for each competency, to a minimum of just 3 which will cover the main areas your trainee needs to focus on before the next review. It is expected, in particular for the trainee who is not achieving competencies at the expected rate, that you will add further action(s) to address the competencies that are below expectation, if these have not already been addressed by your trainee.

These actions will be summarised in a single table against the competency headings, producing a succinct set of actions for you and your trainee to use. It will stand alone as a summary document at the end of the review and be available to refer to throughout the next review period.

‘Agreed actions’ from the previous review will appear on the final page of the ESR and should be reviewed by yourself, and progress commented upon, in the box that appears.This will happen for subsequent reviews, but for the first new type of review the previous ESR will need to be accessed to review ‘agreed actions’.

This will enable you and your trainee to see focused specific actions that have been agreed, to help them progress in the next review period in addition to the jointly completed PDP.

3. ESR-generated PDP

Instead of this being created during the ESR be ES, the trainee will be asked to propose a PDP - at least one entry but up to three - at the time that they complete their self-rating. They will need to enter this PDP before they will be able to release their self-rating for viewing by you. If entries have been added during the review, these will appear and now additional ones are required.

This PDP will then be discussed with your trainee at the ESR meeting, and you should give them feedback and help them to make it ‘SMART’, if required. When completed it will become part of their on-going PDP.

In the usual PDP section in the portfolio, they are still expected to add other entries that show their awareness of their learning needs and how they plan to address thesein training.

This will hopefully mean more realistic and ‘SMART’ PDP entries are created at ESRs, and that these will be more achievable. It will allow a wider range of areas to be included, rather than them being purely focused around the competencies.