College Council Meeting

Sept. 4, 2014 EC 302


Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN)Dr. Larry Peel (LP)Austin McCoy (AM)

Tamara D. Guillen (TDG)Dr. Breanna Bailey (BB)Trisha Gottschalk (TLG)

Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ)Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM)Dr. Patrick Mills (PM)

Dr. Rajab Challoo (RC)Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC)Dr. Patricia Polastri (PP)

Dr. Joseph Sai (JS)Eric Hollingshead (EH) ______

Not present: P. Mills

1.Welcome/Introductions- Dr. Patricia Polastri will be serving as faculty representative. Marshall Fulgham is our new full-time academic advisor working with Austin. Dr. Ozcelik has been appointed new Interim Associate Dean.



-Hired new IT coordinator Joaquin Martinez, he will meet with Eric. Monica gave her 2 weeks’ notice (KDJ).


-All of the new faculty hires are here, but willbe needing more (RC).

B. Bailey

-Changes in degree plans need to be submitted to the college committee by Sept. 15th. Need to update front matter (if needed) for the college catalog to send to Pam in Provost’s office, no deadline but would like to get it done by end of the semester, chairs need to send changes to me first then I will send the final changes to Provost’s office.

A. McCoy

-Will be out next Wed for STC visits. Freshman convocation did not go so well, needs more organization, freshman fiesta is no longer an activity.

T. Gottschalk

-College picnic will be Sept. 11th. This week’s hog callmay be cancelled, will reschedule after concert which will help out with costs of the PA system. Still need faculty to help out with serving for the picnic, EVEN faculty already signed up. Ringing in @ 3:30pm before the picnic.Great turnout at the new faculty reception last week. I will be now taking new applications for college ambassadors. Just in case it rains, we reserved Jones auditorium for the cultural activities.

3. Items for discussion/Action

  • Departmental meetings- I would like to start attending dept.mtg, get w/Trisha so she can put on my calendar. SJN
  • Reassigned Time Requests- must have these in, need to send in ASAP. SJN
  • Engineering in the Valley- not much more new development for now. SJN
  • Enrollment Management- may need to cut back on # of students, may have to save some money from this year for next year’s cut backs. SJN
  • Staff reorganization/upgrade- will start to put in paperwork for vacant staff positions. Already discussed reorganization of the depts. and college (on white board). SJN
  • Dept Realignment-don’t know anything for sure, possible options 1) remain the same, 2) reduce, 3) realign, 4) expand. SJN
  • ABET-dept needs to identify a lead author for your program and a program coordinator if you have multiple programs. Chairs need to also be involved. Will send out a deadline schedule. CS now accredited. ATMAE due at the end of Jan for IMEN. BB
  • Lab upgrades- have everyone’s request, discussed with Provost. SJN
  • Distinguished Graduates- just made it into catalog this fall, college will put together a committee, will have application for students to apply to put together a package to submit, maybe this can be inserted w/ grad packet. SJN/BB
  • Scheduling- administrative assistants sat together w/ Trisha to figure out scheduling, need all admin cooperation to make completely successful, still having some issues. SJN/TLG
  • Computing- all six images up and working, still working on how many images/dept. and ITECH has asked us to reduce the size of images. I also have worked on reducing the startup time on the computers. EH
  1. Events
  • TBA