2016 – 2017 Event Grant Application Form

FIRST ROUND DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION – 12 noon on 29th January 2016


Preparing your application:

§  Please ensure that you read the accompanying Guidance document. This contains important information which will assist you with the completion of your application.

§  Please read the form through before you begin to complete.

§  Please be honest about your budget and finances. If your funding application is approved we shall ask for evidence of invoices to back up your budget statement.

§  Please make sure that you have enclosed your audited accounts for your organisation for the previous two years. If you are a new organisation please provide a summary of your financial position.

§  If you have run the event before, then please attach any press reports, feedback or evaluation reports which have been written after the event has taken place.

How we will assess your application:

Public sector funds are limited so we are seeking a clear account of how you meet the Council’s priorities and criteria. We are also generally oversubscribed with requests.

Please ensure that you consider your answers carefully. You must show where you meet our priorities and criteria as this is how we will assess your application.

If you are successful, you shall receive a Grant Agreement which sets out how much funding you have received and the terms and conditions you must comply with.

If you need assistance in completing the form, please contact 01843 577735 or

NB: All decisions on the budget for Events will be made in February 2016. Therefore this Event Grant Funding scheme is subject to change.

Section 1: Applicant’s Details

1.1 Name of the Organisation making the application:
1.2  Please state who will be our main contact point for this application:
1.3 What address shall we use for correspondence?
1.4 Your telephone number:
number: / 1.5 Your mobile telephone number:
1.6 Please provide your email address below:
1.7  Please state how much money you are requesting:
1.8  If successful you will be contacted for your bank details. Payment of the funding MUST go to a bank account in the name of the organisation referenced in 1.1. Please confirm the registered name that is on the bank details:

Section 2 – Details of your event

2.1 What is the name of your event? A working title is acceptable.
2.2 Please provide a basic description of your event.
2.3 Where do you plan to hold your event? Do you own this land/property? If no, what is the name, address and contact telephone number of the owner?
2.4 What date(s) will your event be held on?
Set Up Date(s):
Event Date(s):
Event Start/Finish Time(s) :
Take Down Date(s):
If you are applying for funding for a package of events then please outline these on a separate sheet and attach to this form.
2.5 Is this the first time this event has been held?
YES / NO / 2.6 How many times have you previously held this event?
2.7 Is your event open to the general public? If not, your event will not qualify for funding. /
2.8 Please estimate the number of people you expect to attend your event?
2.9 What is the status of your organisation? (please tick)
Constituted community group (e.g. resident associations, sports clubs)
Community Interest Company
Limited Company

2.10 Is your organisation VAT registered? If so, please supply your VAT number:

2.11 Please give your Company Registration Number?

Section 3 – Meeting our Priorities and Criteria

3.1 TDC Priorities for Events
TDC wishes to encourage and support a diverse range of high quality, innovative and ambitious events that engage local residents and visitors alike. This fits with our corporate plan priorities of working with voluntary and community sector organisations and establishing Thanet as a destination to visit.
We therefore provide funding each year to go towards events being run in the district. The money is split between the three towns and the villages. Ramsgate and Broadstairs Town Councils are given the money for their areas to distribute. This form relates to applications coming to TDC for Margate and the Villages.
TDC has established four priorities in 2015-16 to support events that;
1.  Enable and empower local groups to organise effective events that widen community participation, develop a sense of local pride and inspire communities to come together.
2.  Assist Thanet’s role as a creative and cultural centre including arts, music and heritage.
3.  Help people to spectate or engage in sport and active recreation.
4.  Establish Thanet as a visitor destination, creating an economic impact of people visiting from outside the area and putting Thanet on the map.
Your event must meet one or more of these priorities to be successful. Please tick one or more priority that you think your event meets.
Priority Description / Please tick all that apply for your event / Please give brief details of how your event will meet these priorities
(1) Widen community participation and develop a sense of local pride and inspire communities to come together.
(2) Supporting Thanet’s role as a creative and cultural centre, including arts, music, culture and heritage.
Priority Description / Please tick all that apply for your event / Please give brief details of how your event will meet these priorities
(3) Helping people to spectate or take part in sport and active recreation.
(4) Establish Thanet as a visitor destination, creating an economic impact from visitors
3.2 Criteria for Funding
Each event application will need to justify how their event meets one or more of priorities and the following criteria will also be used by the events funding panel.
a.  Event Management
-  An outline of how the event will be run.
-  Detail of the people that are responsible for delivering each element of the event and the experience that they have.
-  Explanation of the set-up of the organisation.
-  Engagement with the relevant agencies.
-  Risk assessments and policies and procedures that are in place.
-  Public Liability Insurance.
b.  Promotion
-  The event will be marketed/promoted in advance to ensure it is accessible by general public.
-  There will be ways of celebrating the event afterwards.
-  The event organisers will promote Thanet and the District Council’s contribution.
-  Where relevant, the event will target visitors from outside of the district.
c.  Economic Impact
-  It will support local businesses.
-  There will be an increase to the footfall to the area.
-  People will use local accommodation.
-  Encouragement for people to use different modes of transport.
d.  Community Involvement
-  Volunteers will support the planning, organisation and delivery of the event, including schools, youth groups and minority groups.
-  Consideration of the estimated number of participants/attendees that will attend.
e.  Sustainability / Value for money (based on information in section 4)
-  Planning how the costs of the event will be met.
-  Additional funding that has already been secured.
-  Plans of how the event will generate income.
-  Demonstrates value for money.

Please complete the boxes below to show how you meet each of these criteria.

a) Managing your event
How will your event be run?
How is your organisation set up?
How do you engage with the relevant agencies?

Do you have public liability insurance? If yes, please provide a copy with this application. If no then please outline below when you intend to secure it as this will form part of the Terms and Conditions. Thanet District Council does not take any responsibility for any incidents and/or accidents which occur during your Event.


Who is responsible for delivering the event? What experience do they have? Please give a brief outline of the skills, experience and/or training that your employees or volunteers have in managing or working on an event?

What policies and procedures do you have?

Do you employ anyone to help with your event? If yes, how many people do you employ?

b) Promotion / Marketing
How will your event be marketed/promoted in advance to ensure it is accessible by general public?
How will you celebrate afterwards?
How will it promote Thanet and the District Council’s contribution?
If relevant, how will you target visitors from outside of the District?
c) Economic Impact
How will it support local businesses?
Will it increase footfall to an area?
Will people use local accommodation?
What mode of transport are people using?
d) Community Involvement
How many volunteers are you using?
Are you including schools, youth groups, minority groups?
How many participants/attendees are you estimating will attend?
e) Sustainability/Value for Money (based on information in Section 4
How will the costs of the event be met?
What additional funding do you have or how will the event generate income?
How can you demonstrate value for money?

Section 4 – Event Budget

Event Expenditure:
Please list the costs you will incur in putting on your event – This should include all expenses from security, marquees, music and entertainment, marketing and promotion. Please complete the sections below providing as much detail as possible. If necessary please use a separate sheet.
Hire of facilities (such as a hall or marquee)
Hire of services (e.g. fencing, music, entertainment, PA systems, staging)
Security and stewarding costs / £
Marketing and promotion costs / £
Statutory costs – licenses, road closures, land hire etc / £
Event Management Staff / £
Other costs – (Please ensure you itemise all expenditure)
Total Cost of Event (A) / £
Event Income: Please outline what income the event will generate and what other sponsorship funds you have been able to secure.
Sales of tickets / £
Sales of merchandise (programmes, t-shirts, etc) / £
Sponsorship from the business sector / £
Other grant funding SECURED (please itemise below)
1. / £
2. / £
3. / £
Other grant funding APPLIED FOR (please itemise below)
1. / £
2. / £
3. / £
Income from concessions/stalls (to include fees from pitch sales) / £
Income generated from your own fund raising activities / £
Total Income Raised (B) / £
Total Expenditure (A) / £

Section 5 – Your Declaration

Please complete the section below as the final part of your application. Failure to complete this section could result in a delay to your application.

5.1  Are you an employee of Thanet District Council? Are you related to an employee at Thanet District Council? Are you related to a Councillor at Thanet District Council? Please detail below.
I certify that I have personally completed this application form and that the information given is correct.

Please return the completed form – together with all appropriate attachments to

OR Events Team Thanet District Council

Cecil Street,

Margate, Kent,


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