RWS 100, Anticipated Schedule, Fall 2009, Tu/Th

Project 1

Wk / Tuesday / Thursday
1 / 9/1
  • Syllabus
  • Deal with crashers
  • Introductions/ice breakers
  • In class: Writer’s Autobiography (students write about their backgrounds as writers and readers)
  • Assign email assignment (via BB)
/ 9/3
  • Review email assignment
  • Watch subtext (if have Smart Classroom)
  • Discuss writing as a series of “moves” employed by writers
  • Begin discussion on rhetorical situation/strategies, pass out “Key Terms and Concepts—PACES” worksheet
  • Chart their email assignment
  • Hmwk: Read David Foster Wallace’s (DFW) commencement speech

2 / 9/8
  • As class, address questions posed in worksheet “Rhetorical Analysis: Group Inquiry”
  • Introduce critical reading/charting, perhaps use “Critical Reading” worksheet on overhead
  • In groups, chart text. Each will fills out an “Articulating the Argument” worksheet
  • Review argument/claims/evidence as a class
  • Hmwk: (to segue into writing with templates) Read They Say/I Say (TS/IS) Preface and Introduction
/ 9/10
  • Review/finish DFW project and argument
  • Review TS/IS
  • Begin rhetorical analysis/writing with “Warm-Up Assignment”
  • Students begin to write in class
  • Review DFW’s claims that connect to Pinker
  • Hmwk: Read Pinker (perhaps divide the 12 questions on the group inquiry worksheet and have the assigned students answer them via BB before next class), finish Warm-Up Assignment, print “P1_Prompt”

3 / 9/15
(Add/drop deadline on 9/14)
  • Collect Warm-Up Assignment
  • Review P1 Prompt
  • Discuss text
  • Review rhetorical précis form
  • Hmwk: Rhetorical Precis on Pinker
/ 9/17
  • Collect Precis
  • Group work: Divide class into 7-8 groups, each in charge of charting a section of the text. Groups share their work on the board and begin to fill out the “Articulating the Argument” worksheet as we go (or, have each group submit its findings via BB and I can compile/copy a complete version for whole class).

4 / 9/22
  • Continue articulating Pinker’s argument
  • In class-writing: Introductions with “Outline for Intro”
  • Ask students to anonymously write any questions they still have about P1 on a piece of paper and turn it in at the end of class.
  • Hmwk: Begin reading de Waal, writing their essay, print “P2 Prompt”
/ 9/24
  • Address student questions as an FAQs
  • Review P2 Prompt
  • Introduction to de Waal—transition from Pinker with common themes
  • Hmwk: Read de Waal’s “Apes with Self-Esteem”, write P1 paper, bring four copies to class for Peer Review

5 / 9/29
  • First half: Begin discussion on “Apes with Self Esteem”
  • Second half: Peer Review
/ 10/1
  • P1 due
  • Sign up for conferences (MTW)
  • Discuss “Survival of the Kindest”
  • Hmwk: TBD

6 / 10/6
Class canceled for conferences (P1 revisions due 10/15) / 10/8