American History

Study Guide Chapter 11

Section 1:

Identifications: Names, Terms and Concepts

Anaconda Plan Robert E. Lee the Income Tax

Paper money/legal tender The Draft Bull Run

New Orleans Shiloh Peninsula Campaign

Monitor & Virginia Jefferson Davis

Study Questions

1.  Review: What were the essential issues that divided the American nation and led to the Civil War?

2.  Explain the common thinking patterns, motives, and ideals that influenced the North and the South as the war began.

3.  How did Lincoln keep the border states in the Union at the beginning of the war?

4.  What advantages did the North and South have at the beginning of

the war?

5.  In a sense, the Civil War was the first modern war. How did technology change the way soldiers fought on the battlefield?

6.  How did the U.S. government pay for the war?

7.  Why was Lincoln reluctant to make the abolition a slavery a primary goal at the beginning of the war? of the war

8.  Why were the Confederates able to successfully repel repeated invasions of Virginia until 1864?

9.  Why were Britain and France willing to support the Confederacy in the first three years of the war? Why did they never enter the war on the Confederate side?

Section 2


Frederick Douglas William Lloyd Garrison Antietam

1.  In what ways did Union generals try to help the slaves as the army invaded the South?

2.  Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

3.  In what sense was the Emancipation politically limited? Why was it an important turning point in the war?

4.  How did African Americans help support the war and fight for their freedom?

Section 3


Income Tax Homestead Act Greenbacks

Government bonds conscription Copperheads

Blockade runners Clara Barton

1.  In what ways did the war transform the Northern economy?

2.  How did the Northern government pay for the war?

3.  Why was the draft controversial in the North?

4.  Why did President Lincoln suspend the right of habeas corpus?

5.  How did the blockade affect the Southern economy?

6.  Why did the Confederate government struggle to pay for the war?

7.  How did the South’s dependency on slave labor limit its ability to win the war?

8.  How did the South’s commitment to state’s rights hinder its ability to conduct the war?

Section 4

1. Why were battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg crucial for the victory

of the North over the South?

2. Explain Grant’s strategy for defeating the Confederate army in


3. How did General Sherman capture Georgia and split the South in two?

4. What were the issues in the election of 1864? Why was Lincoln able to

defeat the Democrats?

Section 5

1. How did Congress’s decision to pass the 13th Amendment interfere with

efforts to end the war?

2. What were Lincoln’s goals when the war ended?

3. What terms did Grant give General Lee when he surrendered at

Appomattox Courthouse?

4. What was the political impact of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?

5. Why was the assassination of Lincoln a disaster for the South?

6. How did the war affect the development of the American economy?

7. What were the economic costs of the war?

8. How did the war affect the development of American society?

9. In what ways did the Civil War strengthen the federal government?