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Exercise Tangaroa messages / Today’s the day of Exercise Tangaroa, NZ’s national tsunami preparedness exercise. We’re working with over 100 agencies across NZ to test how we’d respond to a major tsunami. Find out more here / Today is Exercise Tangaroa – testing how ready we are for #nztsunami find out more #Extang
How a tsunami works / Want to know how a tsunami wave is caused and why they do what they do? Take a look… / Want to know how a tsunami wave is caused and why they do what they do? Take a look…
Where tsunami come from / There are three ‘types’ of tsunami. Local source where we’d have a few minutes warning, regional where we get 1-3 hours warning and distant where we have more than three hours warning.
Whatever type it is you’ll still need to know what to do if it happens. Find out more here / NZ can get local, regional or distant #nztsunami – would you know what to do if it happened?

The impact of tsunami waves / All tsunami waves can be dangerous. The bigger they get, the bigger the impact. Large tsunamis can wash away entire buildings and seriously damage roads, bridges and infrastructure. Do you have a plan for if it happens? / Bigger definitely doesn’t = better. What would you do if a tsunami washed away your home? #nztsunami
What is a tsunami / A tsunami isn’t just a big wave, it’s a series of powerful waves with strong currents. In a tsunami wave the whole column of water from the surface right to the seafloor is moving, fast. About the speed of a plane in the ocean and a car on the land, tsunami cant be outrun. / In Tsunami waves the whole column of water from the surface right to the seafloor is moving, fast.
Causes of tsunami / Tsunami happen when a lot of water is forced to move very quickly – this can be caused by things like an underwater earthquake, volcano or landslide. Do you have a plan for if it happens? / What do underwater earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides have in common? Causing #nztsunami
It happens here / In the last 200 years, there have been at least 3 tsunami that were more than 10 metres high at the NZ coast.Māori mythology also speaks of large tsunami. Some were caused by distant earthquakes some by underwater quakes not far off the coast. For the close ones, there’s very little warning before they arrive.Do you have a plan for if it happens? / In the last 200 years, there have been at least 3#tsunami over 10 metres high at the NZ coast. What would you do?
Types of tsunami warning natural / For a local source tsunami there may only be a few minutes warnin.? Luckily there are natural warning signs you can keep an eye out for. Unusual noises, a sudden rise or fall in see level or a long or strong earthquake could all be signs a tsunami is on its way. / For a local source tsunami there may only be a few minutes warning. Luckily there are natural warning signs you can keep an eye out for.
Types of tsunami warning official / If a tsunami warning is issued Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups have all sorts of ways they can send out warnings. This could include texts, apps, websites, radio, tv or sirens. Contact your local council to find out what the warning systems are in your area. / Just a few of the ways Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups can send out tsunami warnings
Types of tsunami warning informall / Remember, a tsunami warning may come from friends, family or the media. May attention! If you think they’re trustworthy don’t wait for an official warning to act. / Do you trust your friends and family? A tsunami warning from them could save your life.
Tsunami survival: before / Before a tsunami happens.
  1. Know the risk for where you are
  2. Know the warning signs and systems for your area
  3. Make and practice a plan
/ Before a tsunami happens, make sure you know what to do.
Tsunami survival: during / During a tsunami;
  1. Listen to the radio
  2. Follow instructions
  3. Stay away from the water
/ Do you know what to do during a tsunami?
Tsunami survival: after / After a tsunami happens:
  1. Listen to the radio
  2. Follow instructions
  3. Be aware that bigger waves may be coming
  4. Be careful re-entering damaged buildings
/ What would you do after a tsunami?