Being a cheerleader is an honor and special privilege. Cheerleaders and spirit groups exist to promote good sportsmanship, good citizenship, and wholesome and enthusiastic school spirit and are first and foremost representatives of their school. Cheerleaders should exemplify both `individual and group behavior suitable to their position and in accordance with the rules as stated in the HCPS Student Code of Conduct. Members of these groups have a fundamental responsibility to play a leadership role in building teamwork and helping the school achieve its goals and objectives. Because of these responsibilities, members of the cheerleading squad will be expected to maintain a higher standard of behavior both on and off campus and academic achievement than that of their peers. Cheerleaders are expected to be physically and mentally skilled in learning and remembering cheers. They are also expected to be able to publicly demonstrate a skill level suitable for the team position and the timing necessary for group performance. Off the field, they are to enthusiastically support all athletic teams through advertisement, personal attitude, and attendance at events chosen by the coach and approved by the athletic director.


DEFINITION: Cheerleading year: The rules and procedures outlined in the constitution are in effect from the time the student is selected to the cheerleading squad until the next tryout date (typically May to May). This does not include the academic guidelines. The academic policies are in effect for a school year. The HCPS Code of Conduct will be enforced for the duration of the Cheerleading year (May to May).

ELIGIBILITY-TRYOUT:The candidate must be enrolled at EastHendersonHigh School at time of tryouts. A cheerleader candidate must support the East Henderson High School Cheerleading Squads above all other teams.A current physical must be on file before the student is able to participate in any athletic activity. A candidate must be neatly presented, medically fit, and provide parental permission, without regard to age. A candidate may be male or female. Acceptance of a candidate shall be on the basis of ability, the coaches’ agreement, acceptance of the squad rules, and without prejudice of race creed or color.

ACADEMIC GRADES: To be eligible for tryouts, students must have passed three out of four subjects the preceding semester in order to participate.

COMMITMENT: Candidates selected to be a member of the cheerleading squad are expected to make a commitment to the activity for the full cheerleading season. Any cheerleader who voluntarily quits the squad before the end of the cheerleading season without the approval of the athletic director and coach will not be allowed to tryout for the next year.


SELECTION: The coaches will select qualified judges for the tryout process. The procedures for selection are based on athletic policy guidelines. Parents will not be allowed in the building during any phase of the tryouts. All decisions are final!

TRYOUTS: A tryout will consist of performing designated skills in front of a panel of qualified judges. The format of the tryouts will be decided by the coaches, and will be held in a fair and open manner conducive to allowing each candidate to show his/her best abilities and potential. The tryout will also consist of teacher recommendations. Each teacher will rank their experience with the cheerleader based on their perceived leadership ability, academic status, and their ability to get along with the teacher and classmates, as well as their involvement in drama. The squad will be selected using a total of these recommendations and their judges’ scores. However, the coaches have the right to make the final call based on their experience with the candidate. Previous membership on any squad does not guarantee membership for the following year.


  • The varsity squad will be made up of a maximum of twenty (20) members selected from all eligible participants.
  • The junior varsity squad will have a maximum of eighteen (18) members selected from the freshmen and sophomore class.
  • Final squad selection for all squads will be based on the natural point break at the discretion of the administrative designee and/or the head coach.
  • The competition squad will be selected based on the natural point break of cheerleaders wishing to participate. The decision to have a competition team will be based on the discipline, desire and determination of the students willing to participate. Should there be a competitive team, the members of said team will be required to participate in both fall and winter sports seasons.


ELIGIBILITY-MAINTENANCE: Academic eligibilityrequirements must be met in order for a student to be eligible to participate in any sport at EastHendersonHigh School. Students must earn a passing grade (D or better) in the immediately preceding semester for at least three (3) courses. Students must also meet attendance requirements. State board policy mandates 85% attendance in the immediately preceding semester. Students must have no more than 13 absences in a 90 day semester. Student-athletes must not become 19 years of age on or before October 16th of the school year in which he or she is to participate. A valid physical must be on file, completed by a licensed medical doctor each year (365 days). This form must include the parent permission requirement. Student-athletes must have a valid physical on file for any pre-season conditioning and/or tryout period. Student-athletes are eligible to participate in high school athletics for a period lasting no longer than 8 consecutive semesters beginning with the student’s first entry into ninth grade. A student-athlete must not use or encourage anyone else to use alcohol or drugs. Eligibility is determined on a semester basis; any student ineligible at the beginning of the semester is ineligible for the entire semester.



GENERAL CONDUCT RULES: Cheerleaders are expected to behave in a manner that is becoming to the individual, as well as to the organization they represent. They should be aware that in or out of uniform they are representatives of the cheerleading squad and the high school that they attend and should act accordingly. Any cheerleader removed from his/her squad for disciplinary reasons during the current cheerleading year will not be eligible to participate in the next tryouts without approval from the athletic director and coach. Areas to be reviewed will include but not be limited to a review of the reason(s) for removal and student records since removal (academic grades, discipline records, attitude, etc.) Proper manners should be used at all times to address adults. Mutual respect and politeness toward members within the squad are basic elements that contribute to the total success of the squad. Anyone assigned in-school suspension for any reason will be subject to the following actions:

  • Benching, writing rules, running, probation, removal from squad or any appropriate discipline deemed necessary by athletic director and/or coach.

Students assigned to in-school suspension may not perform, wear the cheerleader uniform, or practice with the squad while serving in-school suspension. However, students benched for disciplinary reasons will be required to attend the event, in uniform, and sit in the stands with coaches. Anyone assigned out of school suspension will be subject to the same actions as noted above.

Any member failing to abide by published school rules relating to conduct, use of drugs, alcoholic beverages, or other illegal activities will be subject to review by the coach and athletic director. Dismissal from the group may result from that review. Any drug/alcohol violations will be disciplined in accordance with the HCPS board policy.

Any member who is expelled from school will be removed from the cheerleading squad for the remainder of the school year and will not be able to try out the following school year. Any member placed in the Alternative Education Program will be removed for the remainder of the school year and will not be able to tryout the following year.



  1. Cheerleader will attend all in/out of school practices and required events. Any absence must be cleared by the Coach prior to practice.
  2. Cheerleader cannot miss the last practice before a game.
  3. Cheerleader will attend all summer practices.


Violation of the following guidelines may be dealt with by benching during practice/performance, running, jumping, mat duty, or other physical conditioning as determined by the Coach.

  1. Cheerleaders must be in appropriate attire when practice/performance begins.
  2. Hair must be up and secure.
  3. No jewelry during performance, game, pep rally or practice.
  4. No cell phones during game, performance, pep rally or practice.
  5. No gum during performance, game, pep rally or practice.
  6. Cheerleaders will have required items (forms, signs, etc.) at the beginning of practice/performance.
  7. Cheerleaders must be on time to all practices and performances and also returning from halftime or breaks during an event.
  8. Cheerleaders will not leave practice/performance area without Coach’s permission or until dismissed by the Coach.


  1. Cheerleaders will attend summer camp. Camp is MANDATORY. No exceptions. Failure to attend summer camp is reason for dismissal from the squad.


  1. Cheerleaders will not wear uniform to a non-cheerleader function. (Eating after a game may be approved by the Coach as an exception to guideline)
  2. Cheerleaders will not lend out uniforms, sweats, letter jacket, etc. to someone who is not a cheerleader.
  3. If uniforms are purchased by school they may be altered, but no fabric may be cut without prior approval from the Coach.
  4. If uniforms are purchased by the school they must by returned by the scheduled date.
  5. Cheerleaders are responsible for damage to or loss of any part of a uniform supplied by the school. (Replacement or uniform repair cost)


  1. Cheerleaders will follow all school rules and HCPS policy, including dress code.
  2. Accumulation of three (3) benchings (for any reason) will result in an athletic director/Coach review and possible removal from the squad.
  3. All rules set forth are general rules and guidelines for all EastHendersonHigh School cheerleaders. Failure to comply may at times require judgment calls to be made. These decisions will be left up to the individual Coaches for each squad.

Coaches reserve the right to upgrade any penalty (immediate benching, office referral) depending on the severity of the situation.