Throughout my life I have truly been fortunate. Most people grow up

experiencing equal amounts of good times and hard times. To be honest I have

experienced some hard times, but most of my life so far has been good times. I know that

I would not have been this fortunate if it was not for my family and friends.

I was born on May 15, 1986 at MarionGeneralHospital in Marion, Indiana. I

was given the full name James Madison Reed. I was the second born in my family. I also have 3 sisters. Mona is 3 years older than me and is a social worker, Hannah is 2 years younger than me and is a student here at ManchesterCollege, and Cera is a senior in high school. I am very much a momma’s boy and get a lot of my personality from her. My parents are Janice Reed and Parr Reed. My dad grew up in Gas City, IN and my mom in Coldwater, MI. It is about two hours apart and they didn’t meet until college where they both went to MarionCollege (now IndianaWesleyanCollege). My mom is a 3rd grade teacher and my dad an elementary principal. They are the main inspiration for me wanting to go into the education field. My father was a principal in gas city where I live now. So throughout my life growing up I always had him around and was always kept accountable because he was always right around the corner. I only have one grandmother left, her name is Irma and is my mom’s mom. She still lives in coldwater and I visit her often. My mom’s dad died when she was young, so I never got to meet him. Both of my Dad’s parents passed when I was in middle school. I was very close to them and it was very hard for me. I still have a lot of unanswered questions I wish they were around to answer.

When I think back about my childhood, the first thing that comes to my mind is a

ball. When I look at pictures of me when I was young there is always some kind of ball

in my hand. I grew up around sports, and I have been playing them ever since I was old

enough too. My parents got me involved with as many sporting events as they could, and

looking back on it today I do not think I can thank them enough. I went to elementary

school as Northview Elementary, which is about five minutes from my house. After school I would come home where I usually had some kind of baby sitter or nanny watching after my younger sisters. I always tried to act like they weren’t in charge of me, which usually ended in me getting into a lot of trouble from my parents.

Looking back at middle school I know that is where I see my life really began. I

went to middle school at R.J.BasketMiddle School. That is where I starting making friendsand starting participating in athletics. In middle school I played football and track, andplayed basketball for the school. Outside of school I played baseball in a home

rec-league. My eighth grade year was a very meaningful time in my life.

After middle school, it was time for high school and I was extremely excited

about starting high school. Now looking back on it I wish I never would have had to

leave. My high school experience was a great one and I will never forget some of the

joys and some of the not so joyous times that I experienced. In high school I tried to keep

myself as busy as I could. I participated in about every sport they offered track, basketball, football, tennis, golf and baseball just to name a few; I also was involved in FCA. Although Iparticipated in these activities, grades and attendance were still major priorities in mylife. My mom would always get mad at me if would get anything below an A,even a B+. At the time I never understood what was so wrong with getting a B+, but nowI know it was because she knew that I could do better, and I never did thank her forpushing me so hard.

One aspect that everyone grows up with during there lives that no one enjoys

talking about is death. The strange thing is I have not dealt with that yet. It scares me to

think about it because I have never had too. All the time now days you hear about high

school kids dying, well my graduating class was really fortunate to not have that happen.

I also have never had a family member of mine that I have known die in my life. Death

is just one aspect in my life that really scares me, because I have never had to experience


When I think back about my life, I am so thankful for supportive family and

friends. I am especially thankful for my parents, sister, and grandparents. I do not want

to even think how my life would be different with out them in my life. Right now in my

life I am in college and so far it has been a great experience. I hope throughout

the next couple years here, I can reach my full potential and just live my life to the fullest.