Staff Council

Meeting Minutes

April 27, 2006

Order- Chair Cheryl Garvin

The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm in UC-260.

Delegate Attendance

All delegates were present except for:

Dolores Cox, alternate Lauren Graves present

Paul Bailey, alternate Gina Hearn present

Scott McElroy, alternate Row Anderson present

Meeting Minutes

Motion properly made and duly seconded, the minutes of the Staff Council meeting held on March 30, 2006 were unanimously approved as distributed.

Year Review

Meeting started with Cheryl thanking all the delegates and highlighting many of our accomplishments.

Bid farewell to those whose terms are expiring and a warm welcome to the new Delegates.

Great team.

Upcoming Events

May 19th – Staff Appreciation Day with Doug Smart to speak at 10am to 11:30am in Spivey. Will do a campus tour between 8am and 9am and then meet with Staff Council Delegates in green room before he begins.

Luncheon provided by Outback Steakhouse. Will be able to serve 50 people every 15 minutes. There will be an online registration for time slot designation. They will be providing burgers and condiments/fixings along with chips and cheesecake and tea.

Raffle Items are coming in from vendors. Drawing will be at luncheon. Names of all voting members will be put in the basket. Do not need to be present to win.

All delegates should wear a navy shirt and will have a button.

The General Staff Meeting

Committee Reports

Smith Award

Ready for Tuesday

Elections Committee

Elections completed for two new delegates:

Jivaro Lovett

Carol Montgomery

Getting ready for the May elections.

Professional Development

VOIP Training completed.

19 funds approved

Special Events

Cookbook sales going on, tomorrow last day. To date there are 86 pre-ordered.

PR Coordinator

Spotlight- Karen Blackburn.

Deadline for next Staff Matters, May 9th.

Disposition of Concerns

Discussion with Harun is ongoing in regard to the curb access concern.


Meeting adjourned at 2:53pm. The next meeting will be the annual campus wide meeting scheduled for May 25, 2006 at 9am in Spivey Hall

Respectfully Submitted,

Alina Brooks

Alina Brooks, Secretary