Student Involvement & Leadership Center – The University of Kansas – Greek Life

Expansion and Colonization Procedures

Created: September 2012 – Revised: June 10, 2014


  • Purpose:

The Expansion Committee shall deal with all matters pertaining to the expansion of Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council, and National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations at the Greek community at the University of Kansas. All action in the areas of expansion must be approved and sanctioned by this committee.

  • Membership:
  1. The Expansion Committee is a joint committee of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center (SILC), students, faculty, staff, and alumni/ae. It shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following individuals: IFC President or his designee, PHA President or her designee, MGC President or her/his designee, NPHC President or her/his designee, two (2) faculty/staff representatives, and one (1) alumni/ae representative.
  2. The Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center, Associate Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center – Greek Life, Assistant Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center – Greek Life, and the Greek Life Graduate Intern(s)shall serve as ex-officio members of the Committee. All members of the Committee are appointed by the designated SILC staff member in charge of coordinating the Committee.
  • Duties:
  1. To regularly examine the climate of the Greek community and determine whether or not expansion is advised and/or appropriate.
  2. To regularly report all committee activities to the SILC Staff and the four (4) governing councils.
  3. To review the Expansion and Colonization Proceduresat the beginning of each semester to ensure that they reflect the current council and University policies and guidelines.
  4. To review all submitted expansion materials and make recommendations to the Student Involvement and Leadership Center and respective governing council.


  • Greek Life expansion may occur through the approval of a:
  1. Formal petition for expansionfrom an (inter)national fraternity/sorority headquarters by the Expansion Committee, governing council, and Student Involvement & Leadership Center.
  2. Formal petition for expansion by a student interest group of an (inter)national fraternity/sorority headquarters by the Expansion Committee, governing council, and Student Involvement & Leadership Center.
  3. Formal petition from a group coming off a disciplinary loss of student organization registration, after the organization has been approved by the Student Involvement & Leadership Center and governing council.
  4. Partnership agreement between the (inter)national organization, respective governing council, and the Student Involvement and Leadership Center upon the voluntary suspension/closure of an existing chapter.


  • Duties of the Expansion Committee:
  1. Determine need for expansion within the Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council, and National Pan-Hellenic Council. All expansion within the Panhellenic Association shall be determined through the policies and procedures outlined by the National Panhellenic Conference Extension Committee.
  2. Gain approval from the Student Involvement & Leadership Center and the University for expansion.
  3. Contact those (inter)national organization(s) with a letter of interest on file or with a previouslygranted charter at the University of Kansas. Notify these organizations of the plan.
  4. Obtain materials and items to be reviewed from those (inter)national organizations interested (see below).
  5. The Expansion Committee reviews materials and determines the groups to be invited to make presentations and meet with university officials.
  6. Presentations and meetings are scheduled with the Student Involvement & Leadership Center staff, Expansion Committee members, and Greek community members. Invited groups will be expected to visit campus, meet with above mentioned parties, and make a presentation during their visit.
  • Duties of the petitioning organization:

Provide the following materials to the Expansion Committee, for review and possible invitation to make a presentation. The Expansion Committee reserves the right to not schedule a group for expansion if all aspects of requested materials are not provided. Also, the Expansion Committee reserves the right to waive any of the following aspects of the documentation for any reason. Unless otherwise noted, all of the following must also be included in the expansion petitions:

  1. Letter of Intent
  2. Provide a current, written request expressing the desire to establish a chapter at the University of Kansas.Letter of Intent should be accompanied by documentation and the below-mentioned supporting materials.
  3. Alumni Information
  4. Total number of alumni in the Lawrence, KS, and Kansas City metropolitan area.
  5. Explain interest and support of the Lawrence, KS, and Kansas City metropolitan area alumni in establishing a chapter.
  6. A list of specific alumni who have already indicated interest in working with the chapter in an advisory capacity.
  7. Nearest alumni club/organization/graduate chapter.
  8. (Inter)national Documents & Publications
  9. A copy of the organization constitution/bylaws, both national and local.
  10. A copy of the (inter)national magazine or publication.
  11. The colony must file with the Student Involvement & Leadership Center a current certificate of insurance verifying liability and social host insurance coverage of at least $1,000,000.
  12. (Inter)national Policies & Programs
  13. Hazing policy
  14. Sexual Assault
  15. Alcohol and Substance Abuse
  16. Scholarship
  17. Membership Education
  18. Recruitment/Membership Intake
  19. Leadership Development and Officer Transition
  20. KU Specific Policies, Plans, and Procedures
  21. A description of how the group plans to meet the KU Greek CommunityStandards(
  22. A description of the policies, procedures, and plans for succeeding as a non-housed chapter at the University of Kansas (only for organizations wishing to join the Interfraternity Council),
  23. A description of policies, procedures, and plans for succeeding as a culturally-based or historically-black/African-American Greek-letter organization at a predominantly white institution (only for organizations wishing to join the Multicultural Greek Council or National Pan-Hellenic Council).
  24. Colonization/Chartering Procedures
  25. Minimum standards for colonization
  26. Minimum Standards for the colony at the University of Kansas for chartering
  27. Anticipated timeline for colonization/chartering at the University of Kansas
  28. (Inter)national and localmembership requirements
  29. Statistical information on (inter)national strength:
  30. Statistical Information
  31. Total number of chapters nationwide and distribution area
  32. Total number of chapters and colonies in Kansas and Midwest regions, specifically listing each chapter location
  33. Total number of colonization efforts during the past five (5) years, including where, number chartered, number failed (reasons behind closures) and contact person(s) at these institutions.
  34. Total number of initiated members
  35. Total number of colonization effortsanticipated this year and where
  36. The number of chapters lost during the last three (3) years, including where, when, and why
  37. Average size of chapters on campuses similar to the University of Kansas
  38. Inter/national Support & Assistance
  39. Description of support programs for the organization while it is a colony, after it is chartered, and long-term support. This may include traveling consultants, regional or local volunteers, and specific programs used to support colonies, new chapters, and existing chapters.
  40. Advisor program, specific to the University of Kansas group, including plans to identify and train advisors prior to expansion. The advisory committee should be trained by the (inter)national organization, with proof of the education and training of these individuals submitted to SILC prior to expansion. The chapter advisorshould plan to attend all meetings as scheduled for advisors by the Student Involvement & Leadership Center staff.
  41. Description of (inter)national staff assistance to colonies and established chapters (i.e., while a colony, after chartering, long-term, etc.)
  42. Description of conventions, leadership schools, or programs available to colony and/or chartered members
  43. (Inter)national expansion budget, and percentage allotted to the University of Kansas group
  44. A summary of the organizational structure at the chapter and (inter)national levels.
  45. If organization is returning to campus, describe the following:
  46. Reasons why the chapter left campus, and when
  47. How the group plans to avoid this from happening again
  48. How the group has addressed any debts or circumstances surrounding the chapter at the time of its closure (if applicable)
  49. Compliance with terms outlined in partnership agreement (if applicable)


  1. Presentations will be made to the KUGreek Community at special meetings called by the Council Presidents.
  2. The Expansion Committee reserves the right to request additional materials/documentation in order to recommend, invite, and schedule a group for expansion presentations.
  3. Information submitted by the (inter)national organization as well as evaluations from all presentation panel members will be used by the Expansion Committee to make the recommendationsto respective governing council and the Student Involvement & Leadership Center.
  4. The Expansion Committee can make the following three recommendations:
  5. No invitation should be extended at this time, with specific reasons as to why and when another presentation may be made,
  6. More information is needed before a final decision may be made, or
  7. An invitation to expand/colonize/proceed with student organization registration at the designated time should be extended to a specific organization.
  8. Based on the Expansion Committee’s recommendations, the respective governing council president and advisor will send a joint letter to the (inter)national organization(s), extending an invitation to expand/colonize at a designated time.
  9. If a local interest group/colony/chapter already exists, the group may proceed with the student organization registration process at the time determined by the Expansion Committee. This process is coordinated by the Student Involvement & Leadership Center.
  10. After completingstudent organization registration, the colony/chapter must petition the respective Greek council upon completing the Colony Requirements section of the Constitution of that Council. All new fraternities/sororities must be recognized by a Council.


  1. The approved(inter)national organization must consult with the Expansion Committee and Associate Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center – Greek Life(or his/her designee) regarding all colonization plans and procedures.
  2. The Expansion Committee and the Associate Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center – Greek Life (or his/her designee) will specify to the approved(inter)national organization guidelines for beginning and completing colonization.
  3. The Expansion Committee and the Associate Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center – Greek Life (or his/her designee) will help provide any necessary services and information to the approved(inter)national organization regarding colonization, University, SILC and Council guidelines, policies, procedures, and rules.


  1. If necessary, the Expansion Committee, SILC, council or the University can waive any of the following requirements.
  2. The colony is responsible for adhering to all requirements as outlined in the Organization Registration Section of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center website.
  3. Representatives of the colony must attend all council meetings and are encouraged to participate in all fraternity and sorority community activities.
  4. During the colony period, the colony shall develop programming in the following areas, with records of these provided as requested by the Student Involvement & Leadership Center through the KU GreekCommunity Standards at the University of Kansas (
  5. Academic Performance
  6. Membership Development & Education
  7. Risk Management & Legal Liability
  8. Leadership & Campus Engagement
  9. Community Awareness
  10. Chapter Management
  11. The colony will have a one (1) year exemption from the Greek Standards process.
  12. The colony shall have an (inter)nationalor regional representative visit at least twice each semester for as long as the colony exists. This representative shall meet with the Associate Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center – Greek Life each semester.
  13. The officers of the colony shall be responsible for keeping all records current and complete each semester.
  14. Failure to meet any of the above requirements within one year of colonization shall result in a review by the Expansion Committee, council officers, and the Associate Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center – Greek Life(or his/her designee) to determine status of registration.


  1. As soon as the colony has: 1) fulfilled the above colony requirements, 2) has received its charter from the (inter)national organization, and 3) has completedall requirements outlined in its respective governing council’s constitution and by-laws, the organization may petition its respective governingcouncil for full membership status.
  2. Those organizations that are invited to campus through the Procedures for Petitioning Groups must have a formal vote by their respective governingcouncil to be granted full membership status.
  3. The respective governingcouncil may waive the chartering requirement in order to grant Full Membership status to a group if so desired.