All Wales Telecare LIN

MRC Llandrindod Wells – Wednesday 12th Jan 2011

Attendees: CUHTEC

Paul Faulkner Ceredigion

Leo Lewis Hywel Dda LHB

Val Parsons Caerphilly

Becky Simmonds Caerphilly

Sean Obrien Caerphilly OT Team Manager

Myfanwy Defriend Ceredigion

Sonia Lloyd-Williams Merthyr

Steve Lewis NPT

Jeannette Munn Carmarthen

Kim Warrington Gwynedd

Menier Jones Gwynedd

Sarah Turvey-Barber Monmouthshire

Eira Hughes Conwy

Abbe Harvey North Wales Regional Partnership

Diane Edge Wrexham

Sian Brown NewportCity Housing

Terese Pitt NewportCity Housing

Adrienne Street Torfaen CBC

Karen Williams Value Wales, Welsh Assembly Government

Lee Davis Head of Assistive Technology, ASSPD

Melodie Streeter Note taker, ASSPD.


Alun Davies Cardiff

Maria Spear Cardiff

Julia Champion Vale of Glamorgan

Brian Jones Newport

Kay Board Wrexham

Janet Price Pembrokeshire

Julia Champion Vale of Glamorgan

Glyn Tomos Gwynedd

David Williams Torfaen

Christine Duffy Flintshire

Paul Price Blaenau Gwent

Beverley Habens Pembrokeshire

  1. Minutes & Actions arising from Nov meeting

Pill dispensing- Lee reiterated that SSIA would like to hear of any issues around this topic. Val reported to the group that Caerphilly will start a trial on pill dispensers.

Action: Jeannette to send issues Carmarthen have on pill dispensers to SSIA.

Other actions from Nov meeting included an event by Value Wales for suppliers by this spring, Karen reported that this would no longer be going ahead, but two events, one North and one in South Wales which Commissioners, procurers would be invited to attend will still go ahead, dates to be confirmed.

  1. Future Membership of LIN

Lee invited the group to give comments on who they should invite, e.g. LHB’s

Karen informed the group that she was still establishing contacts and progress with LHB’s was ongoing, Leo suggested the group invite members of LHB’s to a LIN meeting in order to improve links. Karen reported that she is to meet with Chief Executives of LHB’s on 18th Jan 2011, and that Helen Howson from Community Health & Strategic Development division would be meeting with the All Wales group. Karen explained that she would need to scope out the information on costs from each area, Karen also informed the group that she would need information on the last twelve months, and would need a clear indication of budgets for the next year from the group, as well as any information service agreements that the group are tied into, delivery services, monitoring services etc. Karen would like to look at the synergy across the partnerships, and map out all the different service elements, and what future service requirements are likely to be. The group agreed that future LIN meetings should stay at an every other month basis.

Action: Lee asked the group to identify representatives from LHB’s and send contact details to, for future invite to LIN, also to discuss pool budgets, e.g. ideas for buying Telehealth equipment

Action: Karen to feedback information from the meeting with Chief Executives to Lee.

Action: Group to send financial health information from each area to Karen.

Action: Karen to draft questions re; equipment purchase, monitoring cost services, signed and fixed legal contracts also stating period of time and send Lee/Melodie a monitoring document on expenditure so Lee/Melodie can distribute to the group to complete.

Action: Lee to contact Dir of Primary Services group and ask them to contact their local people, Lee to write to Dir’s of LHB’s

  1. Final Report from ImperialCollege

Lee introduced the report and conclusions from the ImperialCollege to the group. Myfanwy reported that she is developing client profiles where savings could be made, and re-analysing data, Myfany suggested the group could client profile their own areas, to see where they could install telecare at an earlier level.

Action: Group agreed to client profile their own areas and send the information to Lee.

  1. All-Wales Framework for Telecare in Wales

Lee tabled the paper showing the headings for the Guide to Service Development by Kevin Doughty, Lee asked the group to study the headings with their colleagues and report back. The group discussed the technicalisation around Tunstall hosting.

Action: Group to feedback Lee any comments on the headings for Lee to consider.

Action: Group to provide case studies and link item number with each case study.

Action: Leo to contact GwynThomas and report back to Lee.

Action: Lee to contact Kevin, application groups & scenarios need to include children.

  1. Telecare Public Promotion

Following on from the last meeting, Lee had explained that he had contacted Age Cymru and found that there is not an all Wales site that could signpost the Telecare url links to the 22 Local Authorities. Leo suggested that the NHS Direct website could host the information and signpost Telecare links for the 22 Local Authorities.

Action: Leo to contact NHS Direct to establish signposting.

Action: Group to send Melodie their Telecare url links.

Action: Lee to draft a paragraph that will accompany the url’s on the NHS Direct website.

Action: group to contact Melodie with details requesting password for Telecare LIN (Secure) website

  1. Rural Health Action Plan

Telehealth, the group agreed that this should be kept as a standing item on the agenda.

Action: Powys to keep Lee informed of any progress

Website query from the group on the secure section of the SSIA site.

Action: Lee to contact SSIA to ask if a reminder/sign could be put on to say a message is waiting to be opened.


Lee asked the group to explore the DAFFODIL website for any statistical information they may require, the group asked if this website will be open to the external organisationsin the future?

Action: Lee to check if access to this website will be rolled out to external organisations in the spring and what date?

  1. Response Services

The group discussed the levels of calls the responses services took in their areas. Myfanwy suggested that the group could do an evaluation of response levels in each area, an assessment also of unnecessary call outs, and how they approach maintaining the service. Conwy are currently monitoring a response pilot service to see what is happening in their area, and will have finalised their findings by March 2011. Monmouthshire reported issues around travelling time from one response to another.

Action: Group to send to Lee any data on savings that they have made, Lee to share these with the group.

Action: Conwy to send findings to Lee.

Action: Myfanwy to complete an evaluation in the spring.

Action: Lee to set up a section on the SSIA website to include Myfanwy’s evaluation, and send it to LHB’s.

Action: Group to look at data on admission rates, response service requests and send to Lee. Lee/Melodie to collate, this action to be completed by June 2011.

  1. White Paper

Lee updated the group on the forthcoming White Paper on Social Services.

  1. DALLAS – Demonstrators of Assisted Living Lifestyles

Investment Programme- Technology Strategy Board

Lee presented overview of the investment project to the group, and reported that the process will open in 2011 and resulting with a three year programme, the group discussed the possibility of bidding on an all Wales basis. TSB are designing an impact assessment, Lee described the conditions that would need to be met to apply for this funding, such as evaluation in terms of good practice, interoperability, cost/benefit analysis etc. the group discussed the following, a new way of providing a delivery service, i.e. using a mobile phone provider, care pathway, would need to be hooked into the Health & Wellbeing system. Lee also informed the group that there was a lot of interest within WAG to this project. The bidding process is due to open in June 2011.

Action: Leo and Lee to provide questions criteria, Melodie to email group what information is required.

Action: Group to identify and quantify all people in services resources.

Action: Karen to email Intellectual Property rights query to Lee, so Lee can bring this up at the TSB meeting on 26th Jan 2011.

Action: Group to feedback any comments or thoughts on the project to Lee.

  1. December 2010 Monitoring Form

Lee asked the group if the monitoring form needed to be redesigned or any new questions added, the group decided on the following questions being added or changed.

Q2 cancel and replace with question & tick box, date of recent strategy.

Q. How many people being assessed? Add new box onto this section.

Q. Is it exclusively part of Telecare services?

Q. How many telcare packages have been offered?

Q. How many individuals?

Add children’s box to Question no 7

Q. 14. Change to disaster recovery service instead of back up service.

Q. 5 add telehealth.

Rethink the pyramid, use tick boxes with percentages instead.

Q. How many short-term installation interventions.

Q. Please indicate how many of these are planned short term interventions?

11. Gwent Fraility Group

Val reported that they were looking closely at a consortium regional approach, and they were looking to start small and build up, the project lead is the Director of Social Services and they are currently looking for a co-location with Health so that all the services can be in one location.

Jeannette reported that the monitoring centre in Swansea had now closed last April and Carmarthen was now monitoring this area, Jeanette also informed the group that the Carmarthen centre is monitoring 29000 with packages, and it has taken on a community access team which is now 24 hourly to answer call and take on referrals, also an out-of-hours GP, all this is now located within the same building, they are currently having discussions on whether to move the Telecare service to sit within the monitoring service or to CRT’s, the Telecare team is currently monitoring 6 different system.

Action: Val to contact Abbe on lessons learnt in moving towards a regional telecare service.

  1. Request for visit from DE& T (Lisa Wheatley) dates are either 19th or 27th Jan 2011.

Lee asked the group if one of them would provide a demonstration at their monitoring centre on the above dates, for Lisa Wheatley and her colleague Alistair from DE&T.

Action: group to check their availability on these dates.


Chronic conditions event in Wales, Leo reported that this would take place in either end of March or early April, date to be confirmed, Leo invited the group if they would like to run a workshop to demonstrate the Telecare and Telehealth approach at the event. Group to contact Leo.

Diane Edge had a query on issues around using a sensor in sheltered housing, and specifically a double exit sensor so it would allow the client could go out of the room but remain in the unit. The group suggested RFID buttons could be sown onto the clients clothing therefore setting off the exit sensor.