IFLD Examination – Sample questions

The questions will be based on the following aspects of the course:

A. Questions from Course Handout & Lecture

Example questions:

  1. We normally refer to Communicative Language Teaching as an ‘approach’. Why is this term used rather than ‘method’? (Units 1 & 2)
  2. What are the four components that Canale and Swain (1980) list as comprising ‘communicative competence’? (Unit2)
  3. Why has there been a general shift from specifying curricula in terms of outcomes rather than aims?
  4. What are the main advantages of assessing language performance by means of explicit descriptors of competence as found in the Common European Framework of Reference? (Unit 3)
  5. Why is it important to consider ‘authenticity’ when preparing reading activities?
  6. What roles are played in reading by schematic and systemic knowledge?

B. The tasks that can be found in your handouts

Example: (Unit 1)

What do you think might be some of the advantages and disadvantages of basing your teaching on the above conceptions?
Conception / Advantages / Disadvantages

Unit 4:

Read the following EPOSTL descriptor:
4. I can apply appropriate ways of reading a text in class (e.g. aloud, silently, in groups etc.). (Methodology, Reading, p26)
Consider whether and when you might use these or other ways of reading in class. Give your reasons.

Read the ‘Gertrude Bell’ text (appendix 3) and think of one meaningful task which requires a) skimming b) scanning c) intensive reading

C. Questions based on EPOSTL Descriptors referred to and discussed in the handout.

Example 1:

  • I can select from and plan a variety of organisational forms (frontal, individual, pair, group work) as appropriate. Lesson planning, C. Lesson Organisation 1, p29)

Try to think of some activities for which you would use the four organisational forms referred to in this EPOSTLdescriptor. (Unit 2)

Example 2:

  • I can take into account and assess the expectations and impact of educational stakeholders (employers, parents, funding agencies etc.). (Unit 3)

Explain what these expectations might be.

D. The Dossier tasks which you have carried out for homework

For example, on the Unterstufe Curriculum (You do not have to know all its details but to understand the principles behind it.)

E. The Terminology Lists at the end of each unit. (Compare questions in section A.)

(Note that you are NOT expected to learn complete definitions by heart.)

You are only expected to understand the terms as they are explained in the unit. For example: the term ‘learner autonomy’ can be found in the list of unit 1 but there is no definition of it in the unit so you will not be asked to provide one.


  1. Why is the term “personal rationale” of the teacher an important concept.? (Unit 1)
  2. What role does the concept of an ‘information gap’ play in communicative methodology? (Unit 2)
  3. Why did ‘speech act theory’ become important for the Communicative Approach? (Unit 2)
  4. Why might reading be described as an ‘interactive process’? (Unit 4)