Review Questions Person A

  1. How many electrons does Oxygen have (8)
  2. What family does Neon belong to? (Noble gas)
  3. What are the vertical columns called (groups/families)
  4. What are formed when the halogen family combines with the Alkali Family? (salts)
  5. What two properties are shared by all mater? (Mass and Volume)
  6. What family does Hydrogen belong to? (No family)
  7. What subatomic particle is positive? (Protons)
  8. Is Bromine a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid? (Nonmetal)
  9. The atomic number is equal to the number of ______and ______(protons and electrons)
  10. Is paper burning a chemical change or physical change? (chemical)
  11. Are Alkali metals hard or soft? (Soft)
  12. What group number does the noble gas family belong to? (group 18)
  13. Elements # 89-103 belong to what element family? (Actinides)
  14. Which element is located in group 13 period 5 (Indium)
  15. What is the density of water? (1.0g/mL)
  16. How many valence electrons does the Carbon family have? (4)
  17. Which family is unreactive or inert? (Noble gases)
  18. How many protons, neutrons and electrons does sulfur have?(16/16/16)
  19. The metals are located on the ______side of the transition line. (Left)
  20. Is solubility a physical or chemical property of mater? (physical)
  21. What method do you use to find the volume of an irregular solid and describe how to do this? (Displacement method- take the initial volume of a liquid and subtract that from the final volume of a liquid with the irregular object in the water.)
  22. The ability to react with vinegar is a ______(chemical property)
  23. Who first created the periodic table? (Dimitri Mendeleev)
  24. How many neutrons does the element in group 15, period 3 have? (16)
  25. Which family is the most reactive NONMETAL? (Halogens)
  26. Which element located in group one does not belong to the Alkali Metals family? (Hydrogen)
  27. Which family is used to make coins? (Transition metals)
  28. What do all of the elements in each family have in common? (the same number of valence electrons)
  29. What element is located in group 9 period 4? (Cobalt)
  30. In what state of matter are molecules closest together? (Solid)

Review Questions Person B

  1. What are the horizontal rows called? (Periods)
  2. What is the density of a substance that has a mass of 10g and a volume of 5 mL? (2g/mL)
  3. What sub atomic particle is negative? (Electrons)
  4. Is changing states of matter a physical or chemical change?(Physical)
  5. What two subatomic particles are located in the nucleus? (Proton and neutrons)
  6. Are alkaline earth metals malleable? (Yes)
  7. What state of matter is oxygen? (gas)
  8. Which familycontains the most reactive metals? (Alkali metals)
  9. How many valence electrons does Sulfur have? (6)
  10. Metals are located to the ______of the transition line. (Left)
  11. What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature? (Mercury)
  12. Is iron a metal, metalloid, or nonmetal? (Metal)
  13. Are alkaline earth metals malleable? (yes)
  14. Is flammability a physical property of matter? (No)
  15. What does the transition line show? (Where the metals, metalloids and nonmetals are located)
  16. What group and period does aluminum belong to? (Group 13, Period 3)
  17. Is electricity matter? (No)
  18. Who created the modern periodic table and what did he use to arrange the elements? (Henry Mosley and atomic number)
  19. What does the atomic number represent? (The number of protons)
  20. Which is less dense, a solid or a gas? (Gas)
  21. Which family is the most reactive nonmetals? (Halogens)
  22. Which family is used to make jewelry? (Transition metals)
  23. Which element is located in group 7, period 4? (Manganese)
  24. What type of change is freezing orange juice to make a popsicle?(Physical change)
  25. How many valence electrons do the Halogens have? (7)
  26. Which family has radioactive elements? (Actinides)
  27. An object has a density of 2.4. Does it float? (No)
  28. Name all 7 metalloids. (Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium, and Polonium)
  29. How many elements are on the periodic table? (118)
  30. Name three properties of metals. (Malleable, ductile, good conductors of heat and electricity, low densities, silvery, soft…..)