If you’re a poet,

we want to know it!

Please enter your details below:

Full name [enter here]
Category Child 6 – 12 years
Teen 13 – 18 years
Adult 19+ years
Postal address
Town/city / Postcode
Phone / Mobile
Title of poem

I, [enter your full name], certify that the poem I am entering into the poetry competition is my original work and I release it for publication by the Kāpiti Coast District Libraries in print, eBook or on the library website.

Please type your poem on page 3 of this document.

Once you have completed the above form and typed in your poem, please save this document and email to

Poetry competition guidelines and conditions of entry

·  The theme for the competition is ‘Matariki/Winter’. Poets are invited to freely interpret this theme – whether your poem is about snow-capped mountains, star-gazing, moon bathing or Sunday morning lie-ins … it’s your choice – kei a koe te tikanga!

·  Poems will be accepted in English and Te Reo Māori (English translations are optional).

·  This competition is free and open to all users of the Kāpiti Coast District Libraries.

·  The poem you enter must be your original work, unpublished and not already accepted for publication.

·  Each person entering the competition can submit only one poem.

·  The length of your poem must not exceed 35 lines (excluding title).

·  The competition opens on 1 June 2016 and closes on 30 June 2016, 5pm.

·  Entries should be sent by email to . Handwritten entries will not be accepted.

·  People who enter the competition will receive confirmation of receipt of their entries by email.

·  Once entered, your poem cannot be withdrawn from the competition.

·  Entries will not be returned, so keep a copy of your work.

·  Poems must not contain offensive or derogatory language.

·  A panel of judges will determine the winners based on theme, creativity, clarity, style, form and meaning.

·  Prizes will be awarded to the top three entries in the following categories: children aged 6-12 years; teens aged 13-18 years; adults aged 19+ years.

·  Winners will be announced on Friday 26 August at the Open Mic Night noted below.

·  Copyright of poems submitted will remain with the author, but the Kāpiti Coast District Libraries reserve the right to publish your entry in e-book or print or on the library website.

·  All entries will be judged anonymously. The entrant’s name must not appear on the poem itself.

·  Under no circumstances can alterations be made to poems once entered.

·  The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

·  The submission of your poem will be taken as indicating acceptance of the above conditions.

Open Mic Night

Join us to celebrate National Poetry Day on Friday 26 August at the Paraparaumu Library from 5.30 – 6.30pm. The ‘Matariki/Winter’ poetry competition prize winners will be announced, followed by an open mic session where you can read your poem to a live audience.

[Poem title]

[Poet’s name]

[Start poem here]