Quad kids year 3 and 4

On one of the hottest days of the year more than 500 year 3 and 4 children descended upon Hornchurch Athletics Track to take part in the year 3 and 4 Quadkids event. The morning session got under way with a procession onto the track with schools holding flags from their allocated country as part of the celebration of the World Athletics Championships being held in London this summer. With a little bit of cloud cover proceedings were soon under way with 8 groups of children taking part in a sprint, run, throw and jump. As the cloud burnt away so the temperatures climbed just in time for the 400m run. However the children were not deterred and all completed the challenge gaining valuable points for their team. Throughout the morning young leaders from Frances Bardsley Academy, Hall Mead School, Marshalls Park School, Gaynes School and Bower Park Academy managed the groups and the 4 activities with professional enthusiasm overseen by members of Collective staff. It must be mentioned that without these young leaders we would be unable to run such a large high quality event so sincere thanks goes to the schools who engage with our leadership programmes.

At the end of the morning session the results showed that Ardleigh Green Junior school had won both the year 3 and year 4 competitions although we still had the afternoon session to run.

The afternoon saw temperatures soaring to over 30 degrees so we began swiftly and did our best to get the activities completed before anyone suffered with heat stroke. As during the morning, all children completed their 4 disciplines under the watchful eye of our young leaders who maintained their enthusiasm despite the heat and their tiredness. Teachers carried water bottles and kept the children hydrated and the services of Johnacc ambulance were thankfully not required.

As the afternoon session finished results were again collated and merged with the morning scores to reveal that Ardleigh Green had managed to hold on to first place in both age groups with St Edwards very hot on their heels. All credit to Ardleigh Green who this year have made a clean sweep of all age groups of the Quadkids events.

Results and individual medal placings for the morning and afternoon sessions can be found here -

Full results can be found on the Quadkids website here

Many thanks to all our young leaders and volunteers for making this such a successful event and Hornchurch AC for their support.