MATH Stem Question Grid for Grade 1, Avenues Level B, Volume 2

Prepared by Debbie Barr for Guilford County School System ESL Department, December 2009

Number / Stem Question and Foils / Goals
Objectives / Correct
Everyone Needs a Home
9 / Look at the picture of the house. What three shapes do you see in the door?
A. square, trapezoid, circle
B. rectangle, trapezoid, circle
C. rectangle, square, circle
D. parallelogram, triangle, square / 3.01, 3.03,
planned incidental vocabulary / C
All Kinds of Children
4 / Look at the picture on page 4. How many groups of five children are there?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four / 1.02 / A
All Kinds of Children
6 / Look at the picture of the T-shirt. If three of the photographs are taken away, how many photographs will be left?
A. four
B. three
C. two
D. one / 1.04 / D
All Kinds of Children
16 / The cooking pot on page 16 is a ____.
A. cone
B. cylinder
C. rectangle
D. circle / 3.02, planned incidental vocabulary / B
This is the Way We Build Our House
20 / The table on page 20 is a ____ shape.
A. circle
B. square
C. rectangle
D. cone / 3.01, 3.02
planned incidental vocabulary / C
This is the Way We Build Our House
21 / The pretty design on page 21 is inside of two ____.
A. circles
B. squares
C. rectangles
D. cones / 3.01, 3.02
planned incidental vocabulary / A
This is the Way We Build Our House
24 / What is the shape of the computer screen on page 24?
A. circle
B. square
C. rectangle
D. cone / 3.01, 3.02
planned incidental vocabulary / C
Honza's Little House
36-37 / How many animals are in the picture with Honza?
A. five
B. four
C. three
D. two / 1.01a,b / B
Honza's Little House
39, 41 / Count the sunflowers on page 39. How many more sunflowers are on page 41 than on page 39?
A. zero
B. one
C. two
D. three / 1.03
planned incidental
vocabulary / B
Honza's Little House
46 / How many dresser drawers are open?
A. zero
B. one
C. two
D. three / 1.01a
planned incidental vocabulary / C
Honza's Little House
52 / Look at the picture. At the end of the story, how many animals live with Honza and his family?
A. zero
B. one
C. two
D. three / 1.01a
planned incidental vocabulary / B
(the dog)
Waiting for Wings
22-23 / Add the butterflies on page 22 and the butterflies on page 23. How many total butterflies are on both pages?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
D. 3 / 1.03 / A
Waiting for Wings
25 / What two shapes are on the butterfly's wings?
A. circle and rectangle
B. square and triangle
C. rectangle and square
D. circle and square / 3.03
planned incidental vocabulary / A
Waiting for Wings
33 / If both butterflies fly away, how many will be left?
A. one
B. two
C. zero
D. three / 1.04
planned incidental vocabulary / C
71 / Look at the pictures. Which animal laid the most eggs?
A. turtle
B. frog
C. duck
D. all the animals laid the same number of eggs / 2.01a,b / B
68-81 / How many different kinds of animals were in this story?
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six / 1.01a,b / A
Make a Graph
85 / Look at the graph. How big was the sprout on day 2?
A. 0 cm.
B. 1 cm
D. 3 cm / 4.01 / B
English at Your Command
42 / Look at the graph. How many eggs does an owl lay?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7 / 4.01 / C
English at Your Command
42 / Look at the graph? Which animal only lays two eggs?
A. eagle
B. owl
C. goose
D. hummingbird / 4.01 / D
Come Along, Daisy!
104-105 / How many animals were with Daisy on pages 104-105 of the story?
A. zero
B. one
C. two
D. five / 1.01a
planned incidental vocabulary / A
Come Along, Daisy!
116-117 / Daisy played with three butterflies. If three more butterflies came to play, how many butterflies would there be in all?
A. 10
B. 8
C. 6
D. 4 / 1.03 / C
Come Along, Daisy!
116-117 / Daisy played with three butterflies. If two butterflies flew away, how many butterflies would be left to play with Daisy?
A. four
B. three
C. two
D. one / 1.04 / D
Five Little Eggs
124 / When all of the eggs hatch, how many birds will be in the nest?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6 / 1.03, 1.04 / C
From Here to There
4-33 / Which is the largest?
A. country
B. hemisphere
C. town
D. continent / 2.01b,c
planned incidental vocabulary / B
From Here to There
4-33 / Which is the smallest?
A. planet
B. county
C. galaxy
D. town / 2.01b,c
planned incidental vocabulary / D
From Here to There
25 / A planet has a ____ shape.
A. cube
B. round
C. square
D. cone / 1.04
planned incidental vocabulary / B
Mama Talks Too Much
141 / Look at the picture. If Celeste's mother loses a button from her coat, how many buttons will be left?
A. six
B. five
C. four
D. three / 1.04 / B
Mama Talks Too Much
154-155 / Compare the number of wheels on Celeste's metal carriage with the number of wheels on a car, the bike, and the baby stroller. Which sentence is true?
A. The number of wheels on a car and a bike is equivalent.
B. The number of wheels on the metal carriage and the bike is equivalent.
C. The number of wheels on a car and the metal carriage is equivalent.
D. The number of wheels on the baby stroller and the bike is equivalent. / Direct and planned incidental vocabulary
2.01c / B
Mama Talks Too Much
159 / Mrs. Castro's puppy is 10 weeks old. How probable is it that next week he will be 11 weeks old?
A. impossible
B. definite
C. likely
D. unlikely / 4.02
direct vocabulary instruction / B
Mama Talks Too Much
159 / Mrs. Castro's puppy is 10 weeks old. How probable is it that next week he will be 9 weeks old?
A. impossible
B. definite
C. likely
D. unlikely / 4.02
direct vocabulary instruction / A
What is a Map?
174 / In the diagram, what shape is used to show the bed?
A. circle
B. square
C. rectangle
D. straight line / 3.01
planned incidental vocabulary / C
What is a Map?
178-179 / On the map of flowers, which group has the fewest flowers?
A. red
B. orange
C. purple
D. pink / Goal 1 planned incidental instruction
5.01 / B
What is a Map?
185 / Which map symbol is a cylinder?
A. field
B. house
C. road
D. silo / 3.02 / D