Teaching Enhancement Forum

Project Proposal

Please refer to Proposal Guidelines and use the following headings for all project proposals. Proposals are typically 3-4 sides of A4 paper.


  1. Title of project
  1. Project director/s (including contact details, department, extension number/s, email)
  1. Department/unit
  1. Start and completion dates

5.Abstract (A brief account of the work suitable for publication on the University’s intranet. Maximum 200 words.)

  1. Educational Issue

Please outline the educational issue to be addressed. Consider how this issue was identified, why it is relevant and its currency within the University and/or HE sector.

  1. Project Aims and Objectives

(What you aim to achieve and the activities planned to meet those aim/s)

  1. Project Outputs
  1. Evaluation Plan

(How do you plan to measure the effectiveness of the project?)

  1. Continuation of the project

How will the outputs/outcomes continue to influence the enhancement of learning and teaching after the project has been completed?

  1. Dissemination

How do you intend to disseminate the project outcomes?

  1. Acknowledgements of external bodies (if any) involved in the project and details of involvement.


  1. Timeline and milestones (Give a brief outline of the project activity)
  1. Central support (Note any support from the Staff Development Centre or central services required).


The scope of the project as described in sections 7 and 8 should be sufficient to justify the level of support requested. A detailed breakdown of expenditure is not normally required. However, if necessary, further information in support of the level of funding requested can be added here.

Applicants are free to request lower levels of funding: a funding level matched to the case for support will strengthen an application.

If your application is approved, project funding will be transferred immediately. Therefore, please supply an appropriate University cost code. Failure to do so may jeopardize consideration of your application.

Funds should be transferred to cost code:………………………..

If you are successful:

  • you are responsible for the expenditure and accountability of Fund monies in accordance with the University’s Financial Regulations;
  • you are accountable to the University’s Student Experience Enhancement Committee for the running of your project;
  • you are required to submit an end of project report to the Approvals Group detailing output/outcomes for wider dissemination suitable for publication on the University’s intranet. This report will be due one month after the completion of the project.

The applicant agrees to submit a report on completion of the project: the format of the report will in general be an edited version of the project proposal (section A) in a form suitable for internal and/or external publication. The applicant agrees to present the report at an internal meeting if requested.

Other proposals for dissemination:


TEF Project Proposal January 20091