How can you successfully do the shopping with a toddler in tow?

My 16 month old is walking now – we couldn’t wait for her to reach this stage, but we forgot about the new challenges that come with each stage.

For example, we recently took her to a shopping centre - all new to her– and she had a complete meltdown. When we got home, we didn’t want to tell anyone the truth – that she had been a nightmare to deal with, because we love and cherish her so very much. Our solution? We told people she had found the experience‘challenging’.

Now that she can toddle along on her own, she doesn’t see the purpose of the buggy anymore. She wants to be out there in the midst of it all looking at things, collecting items from the shelves, opening them, eating them and generally running free. If we make her stay in the buggy, we may find ourselves with a screaming toddler on our hands - and being started at by on-lookers, some of whom stare at us as if we are not fit to parent.

So, how do you go shopping with a toddler and not come home feeling like the worst parent in the world? There are some steps you can take (but it’s not guaranteed any will work!).

Choose the time of the day wisely - when your toddler is fed and has slept well.

Fill your bag with nibbles, drinks, toys and anything they usually get a few minutes of fun from.

Make sure you have slept and eaten also as it won’t work if youare both tired and hungry.

Have a plan of where you need to go - how many shops.

Would a trolley work better than the buggy?

Is there someone who can come with you? Maybe they can take your toddler to the play machines while you run about and get the messages.

If it is really not working, just stop. Give them a hug. They have no control over their emotions yet. As parents we need to see what is challenging for them and then put small steps in place to help them succeed.

Explore shopping on line – I think it may have been invented for parents of toddlers.

Remember, your toddler isgrowing and will soon reach another stage, with new challenges. And believe me, the day will come when they will be able to cope with this challenge and may even want to spend the whole day shopping! How the tables turn!

Geraldine Kelly – Parenting Co-ordinator, One Family