Call to order - 4:34 by Board Vice-President Callie Ronstrom

In attendance - Sarah Priest, Patricia Luoma, Mary Zimmermann, Callie Ronstrom, Greta Ireland-Klumb, Kelly Blindauer, Elsa Swenson, Tanya Jackson, Sheryl Boman, Laura DeRosier

Quorum present.

Staff Members Present - Amber Madoll, Danielle Norkunas

Absent –Patricia Pratt-Cook, Nathalie Crowley

Discussion on minutes from previous meeting:

April Minutes: Mary motioned to approve, Laura seconded, minutes approved.

Financial Statements and Discussion (Kelly Blindauer)–

Committee did a standard review and Kelly requested a 90 day cash flow budget from Karen. Revenues are down about $40,000, primarily because of Avon, but there is also some concern regarding the CCAP/program revenues from childcare – childcare is at 59% capacity currently. Sheryl believes we need to listen to Kelly’s concerns and look at all of the issues for all of the programs. Staff is currently working on reports to address that. A report was requested showing capacity issues and leveraging the needs level of the children against the financial aspects. Sarah suggested a “financial bootcamp” for all programs. Employee costs are up about $51k (which was expected with new staff and raises.)A new board resolution with the bank has not been done this year. The Finance Committee will work on identifying who should be authorized for what. An email vote will then occur.

Tanya moved to approve the financial statements, Mary seconded, approved.

Consent Agenda –

Union Contract – Elsa moved to approve, Callie seconded, approved.

Access $25,000 from reserve – Per Kelly, current policies prohibit accessing money from the reserve until other lines of credit have been exhausted. A new policy in regards to this will be discussed at a later date. At this time, there is $5k available through Wells Fargo and $40k through Northshore.

Executive Committee (Sarah Priest)–

Per our lawyer, the board should continue operating as a legal board until it actually becomes legal – once this occurs, all decisions should be ratified by legal board. Sarah did reach out to Aderinsola Gilbert to try to recruit her but has not heard back. She is also in contact with her colleague, Karen St. George, as a possible new member. Tanya has contacted two past board members that may be willing to serve short-term until replacements can be found.

One more board member is requested to attend the MN Council of Non Profit training on the Foundations of Organizational Inclusion on 6/16-6/17. Currently, there are 4 staff members and 4 board members attending – but would need teams of 3. If no board member steps up, a 5th staff member may be considered.

June 27th will be a Board Development Day. This will happen in lieu of the regularly scheduled June board meeting.

Living the Mission (Sheryl Boman) –

Inclusion change plans are still being discussed. They need to be updated with what has been met and what changes are needed. Nathalie and Danielle are putting together a template. There is an issue insofar as some items by nature are not measurable, but that doesn’t mean unimportant.

Marketing Committee (Mary Zimmermann)–

MDWR – 6 years of data were compared. While we were down a bit on registrations (weather/graduations?), sponsorships were great, much better than last year. The Expo fees almost doubled, and expenses were down significantly.

WOD – The committee has now okayed charging a ticket price; Amber provided enough data to convince them it would be more profitable than the ask method.

Personnel Committee ()–

Development Director (Amber Madoll) –

MDWR –Next year is UMD’s graduation so the DECC is not available at all. She and the race coordinator are checking out other venues. They are hoping to make it more scenic and market to tourists. The fee for an Expo booth will most likely increase next year (by a little) and she is looking to add more booths. In addition, Duluth Running Company has approached us hoping to partner in a half-marathon in the fall of each year.

WOD – The budget for the event includes more sponsors with 5 comped tables, a small income from program ads, 10 board tables, and ticket sales to help lessen no-shows.

Grants – We have received a $15k grant from Sheltering Arms for Early Childhood Mental Health initiatives and $5k from Minnesota Power. In addition, we received the Purple Purse award from the national YWCA. However, a few board members expressed concerns regarding this award. Amber will send the criteria list and what we submitted. Those board members also stated that the YWCA isn’t involved enough in domestic violence to justify this and that grants need to be looked at in a community context. They want this to be a board decision.

New fundraising event – Amber has been researching a new fundraising event in January or March per last month’s meetings. Callie and Mary brought up the concern that the focus needs to be on individual donors and not events. Sarah would like a consultant to flesh out a plan for moving forward.

Staff dismissed from meeting – 6:28 PM