Project Constitution

1.0Project Name

1.1The official name of the Project is:

“The NSU/Community ______”

1.2Hereinafter referred to as the Project.

2.0Project Aim & Objectives

2.1The general aim of the Project is to benefit the residents of Newcastle and to provide a beneficial experience for Northumbria University students.

2.2The specific aim of the Project is:


2.3The types of activities undertaken bythe Project are:




3.0Volunteer Opportunities

3.1Leadership Committee opportunities are available to any current Northumbria University student.

3.2Project Committee opportunities are available to any current Northumbria University student.

3.3Community Volunteer opportunitiesare available to:

  • any current student of Northumbria University;
  • all staff of Northumbria Students’ Union;
  • all staff of Northumbria University;
  • alumni of Northumbria University who have lifetime membership of Northumbria Students’ Union; and
  • any students from other higher or further educational institutions aged 18+

3.4Where a volunteer ceases to be involved in a project, their data will be retained as a former volunteer for the remainder of the academic year via the NSU Volunteer Database, unless the volunteer elects to remove themselves from the database.

3.5Before becoming involved in the Project, all volunteers must:

  • read and agree to the NSU Volunteer Policy;
  • register on the NSU Volunteer Database; and
  • provide a Medical Declaration and two Emergency Contacts (via the NSU Volunteer Database).

3.4No volunteers will be expected to pay for any aspect of their volunteering and all volunteers will be eligible to claim back their expenses as detailed in the NSU Volunteer Policy.

4.0Project Committee

4.1The Project Committee shall consist of at least 3 committee members, whose minimum requirements are:

  1. Project Leader. Responsible for:
  • the overall success of the Project;
  • communicating with NSU staff and external organisations;
  • chairing meetings of the Projectand its committee;
  • devising and delivering project-specific training to Community Volunteers; and
  • drafting Risk Assessments and a Project Evaluation.
  1. Project Communications. Responsible for:
  • recruitingand communicating with Community Volunteers;
  • keeping an up-to-date volunteerregister;
  • minute–taking and facilitating project meetings;
  • promoting the project to the community; and
  • collecting feedback from Community Volunteers and community members.
  1. ProjectTreasurer. Responsible for:
  • keeping records of all financial transactions;
  • keeping the Project financially viable;
  • sourcing appropriate funding, training and equipment for the Project;
  • submitting an annual equipment inventory form and adding additional equipment purchased throughout the year; and
  • coordinating the documentation of the Project.

4.2The Project Committee as a whole are responsible for:

  • devising and setting the overall direction for the Project;
  • ensuring that the activities of the Project reflect its aims and are for the genuine benefit of all involved;
  • ensuring they attend training appropriate to their role before the Project becomes active;
  • ensuring health and safety is complied with and risk assessments completed for Project events;
  • ensuring that all income received by the Project is paid directly into the Project’s SU account;
  • ensuring grant money shall be used exclusively as specified on the grant application form;
  • requesting attendance at a VN Leadership Committee meeting if needed, or sending at least one representative if requested to do so by a Project Mentor; and
  • preparing a written handover for their successors.

4.3The Project Committee shall be formed by agreement between the volunteers involved prior to the Project becoming Active (see 6.2a).

4.4Any member of the Project Committee may elect to step down from their role, by giving appropriate notice to the remaining committee members and NSU.

4.5If any vacancies occur in the Project Committee during the academic year, the new committee member must be recruited by the remaining committee members within one month of the vacancy occurring. Failure to do so will result in the Project becoming Restricted (see 6.3).

4.6If any volunteer involved in the Project is concerned about the performance of a committee member, they should contact the Community Volunteering Co-ordinators who will respond in line with the Intervention Policy.


5.1The Project shall be a constituent part of Northumbria Student’s Union and thus subject to the rulings of the Student Council.

5.2No project shall hold its own bank account or any external funds. All financial administration shall be conducted through Northumbria Students’ Union.

5.3The Project may undertake fundraising activities in support of the Project.

5.4The Project may not undertake fundraising activities in support of any other organisation.

5.5Novolunteer may receive financial payment or profit as a result of the Project’s activities.

6.0Project Status

6.1TheProject may be ‘Active’, ‘Restricted’ or ‘Dissolved’.

6.2Active: The Project may proceed without any restrictions.

  1. The Project will become Active once the Project Constitution is approved by the Vice-President Activities and Development.
  2. Once the Project becomes Active, it becomes subject to the Restriction Criteria.

6.3Restricted: The Project becomes Restricted if any of the Restriction Criteria apply.

  1. The Restriction Criteria are:
  • The Project Committee has not communicated with the NSU/Community Leadership Committee (via a Project Mentor) and/or Community Volunteering Coordinators for one month;
  • A committee member has not attended training appropriate to their role within two months of taking on the role;
  • TheProject has not had a full committee for one month;
  • A committee member has not signed the Health and Safety Policy within one month of taking on the role;
  • TheProject does not use the Northumbria Students’ Union and NSU/Community names or logos in marketing materials or publicity;
  • The Project has less than ten volunteers within one month of the Project being created;
  • Project representatives do not attend an event to which the Project Committee have agreed attendance.
  1. If theProject is Restricted, the following applies:
  • The Project is unable to access its funds;
  • The Project is unable to apply for anNSU/Communitygrant;
  • The Project is unable to book rooms within the Students’ Union or University; and
  • The Project cannot be promoted via the NSU Volunteer Database or any other Student Union media (unless the only reason for restriction is that the project has less than ten volunteers).
  1. TheProject will cease to be Restricted if the Project Committee takes action so that none of the Restriction Criteria apply to the Project.

6.4Dissolved: The Project becomes Dissolved if:

  • It is continuously Restricted for two months;
  • It carries out an event without submitting a Risk Assessment and/or without gaining NSU permission; or
  • All members of the Project Committee elect to step down at once.
  1. If the Project becomes Dissolved, the Project will cease to be supported by Northumbria Students’ Union and all volunteers will be alerted.
  2. If the Project becomes Dissolved, the Project’s account will be zeroed and the money and all equipment will be claimed by Northumbria Students’ Union for other projects.
  3. If the Project becomes Dissolved, an individual from the Project Committee or an organisation may be prohibited from creating a project for:
  4. Six months in the first instance; or
  5. Twelve months where the project has been dissolved twice in the course of twelve months.


7.1Signed by the Project Committee:

  1. Project Leader:


  1. ProjectCommunications:


  1. Project Treasurer:


7.2Signed on behalf ofStudent Activities and the NSU/Community Leadership Committee:

  1. VP Activities:


  1. Date: ______

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