Entering a New Lead/Client

When entering a new lead/client you can either go to the Main Navigation toolbar and select “New Client” or go to the Sub Navigation toolbar and select “New Client”.

Red House will bring up a blank “New Lead/Client” form. Notice that you will find the same information fields that were in CCTS along with a few more.

The New Client / Lead Screen (From Left to Right the fields):

Coordinator – This field is populated automatically with the name of the user that is currently entering the New Client / Lead.

Lead Source – This is where you select a lead source from the drop down menu.

Salesrep – This is where you select a Sales Person that will be assigned to the job.

Office – This field is populated automatically with the office name that has been set up for this user.

Name – This is where you enter the Salutation, Last Name, First Name, & Email of the New Client /Lead.

Other Name – This is where you enter the Salutation, Last Name, First Name, & Email if there is a second contact.

Billing Address – Enter the lead billing address. You can enter in the zip code and Red House will populate the City and State.

Phones – The home phone area code will be pre-filled by Red House, allowing to only having to type in the seven-digit phone number. If the area code is different simply type over the pre-filled area code.

Job Notes – This is where you record the notes pertaining to the work that the client wants done.

Custom Fields – These four fields are user-defined, allowing you to collect data specific to your location. These are fields that an Owner / Administrator will set up.

Job Information – If the Job address and the Billing address for a client is the same simply click on the “Same As Billing Address” option. Red House will complete the address with the Billing address that was entered earlier. Job Type is where you would select whether or not the client lead is T&M, Contracted or Info Only.

Additional Job Information – Select an HRS to perform the work, the Division performing the work, whether this is an emergency job or not, the Project Coordinator, the Project Category, and the Project Type.

Once you have completed the “New Lead / Client” screen, you must select “Save” in order to save your data and move on.

Notice that at the top of the screen you still have the options to go to the “Clients List” or the “Jobs List” from your Sub Navigation Toolbar. Use these buttons only if you wish to leave without saving your data.

Required Fields

There are several required fields that must be completed in order to move on from this screen. They are:

§  Last Name

§  Lead Source

§  Salesrep – If no salesperson is assigned select Info Only

§  Billing Address –Red House will automatically fill in the City, and State if a zip code from your table is typed in.

§  Job Address – In the Job Information screen check the box Same as billing Address if the billing address and the job address are the same.

§  Project Coordinator

§  Project Category

§  Project Type

If you don’t have all of this information you can press “Info Only” to move on.

Once you have pressed the save button, Red House will bring you to the “Job Info” screen, with the information from your new client already filled out. Notice at the top of this page there are ten destination buttons. These buttons also allow you to travel to different areas of Red House.

Job Info Sub Navigation Toolbar

These functions will not automatically save data, so be sure to click save before selecting “Home”.

Home – Takes you back to the “Home Page”.

Client Info – Allows you to view the client information for this client.

New Job – Allows you to open a new job for this client.

Job Notes – Allows you to view the notes entered for this job.

Attach New Estimate – Allows you to attach an estimate to this job.

Register – Allows you to see the financial history for this client and/or job.

History – Allows you to view the history of this job.

Receive Payments – Allows you to make payments for this job.

Create Invoices – Allows you to create invoices for this job.

Clients List – Will take you to the current list of clients in Red House.

Job List – Will take you to the current list of jobs in Red House.

Letters – Allows you to generate letters for this client and/or job.

Reports – Allows you to produce the Job Gross Profit, Job Setup, Lead Sheet, and Transaction Reports.

Completing the Job Info Screen

The following are the fields on the Job Info Screen.

Client – Client name will automatically pre-fill from the client info entered earlier.

Job Number – This field will have “TBA” in it until a Job Number is assigned.

Job Type – Will be pre-filled from the “Client Info” screen. However, if this is a new job simply change the type to what applies.

Job Status – If the Job Type selected for this client is contracted then the Job Status defaults to “Lead”. However, if the Job Type is T&M then the Job Status defaults to “Scheduled”. There are several other Job Status values to choose.

Job Information – This area will already be pre-filled from the “Client Info” screen. If this is a new job, just use the drop down menu to select the category, type, division, and lead source.

Project Contacts – Using the drop down menus to select a Sales Rep, Lead HRS, Project Coordinator and Manager.

Important Dates – This area is for any important dates that need to be recorded for this job.

Job Address – If different from the Billing Address, fill in this section. Otherwise, check the “Same as Billing Address” box, and the system will fill it for you.

Financial & Misc. – Attaching an estimate to the job prefills this area.

Job Detail Summary – Attaching an estimate to the job prefills this area.

Be sure to click “Save” before exiting / moving from this screen to ensure all changes and additions have been stored.