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Sami MERLYN Rose, president A Service of Spiritual Science
Copyright: ESP Lab® All Rights Reserved December 16, 2009

New Moon v/c in Sag 4:02 am December 16, 2009

Blue Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer 11:13 am on December 31, 2009

Be The Hero Of Your Life!

Hi, Greetings from the mountain top as we wind down the old year in preparation for the new.

Life is like the great ocean… there are sunny days, and stormy days… there are high tides and low tides. Nature is the great teacher and teaches by example.

Winter is upon us and much of the USA has been hit with big snow storms. Winter is Nature's time of going within-- it is the low end of the life cycle, a time of introspection-- good for meditation, planning, and use of that which has been harvested. It's a good time to be inside by the fire and avoid the snowy icy roadways.

This new moon-- December 16th-- the light returns for the lunar cycle while the solar cycle is at its lowest ebb. This time of long dark nights and short days is upon us; it takes its toll on the mind and spirit of each one of us. That is one reason we add bright lights and festive cheer in multiple forms to help us get through this time of less sun and more dark.

In the context that we are the captains of the soul ship-- of our personal evolution, physical well being and spiritual development-- how we weather the storms and tides of our life experience is up to each one of us.

It is easy to turn to the downside, especially during the darkest time within the Solar and lunar cycles. And of course each one of us can have a sad moment or an angry feeling. It turns into a problem when too much of your mental and emotional activity is dedicated to the downside. Just remember Al's comment of "that which you give your attention multiplies."

If we are in a condition of fear, doubt, anger or worry, then our pipeline to the Divine Source becomes constricted. Thus we must learn to turn to the Light through prayer, positive thinking, white magick, and flooding our Consciousnesses with spiritual affirmation.

When my mind or emotions start to drift toward the negative, I switch gears to "I AM the LIGHT going to meet the LIGHT only goodness shall result." I might use some other quick and easy positive thought to switch gears to better and better: "Centered in the Peace and LOVE of the DIVINE-- I know everything else is illusion." If you repeat these like a parrot they do not work as well. One must feel the truth of the message and repeat it until you experience and know it is true.

My challenge to you… is that you spend the next period of time-- 3 days, 5 days, 7 days-- or until the end of the year, seeking to focus on the LIGHT side, rather than the Down side. In doing so, you are choosing the best for you… Let's make it so, Captain, and blessed be we, Love, Sami