The Joint Standing Committee for Legal Education in Scotland
The deadline for submission of a completed application form is
Sunday 10 April 2016 at Midnight.
Applications to be returned to
postal address at end of this form.

Part 1: Personal details

Title (Mr / Mrs / Miss / Other [please specify])



Home address (BLOCK CAPITALS)

Telephone Number

Email address

Part 2: Qualifications

Part 3: Occupational details

a)Occupation – either current or most recent (please include date appointed)

Business Address

Business Telephone number

Business email address

b)Previous occupation (please details dates, positions and names of former employers for the last five years.)

c)Present and previous public appointments, Committee or Board membership, and any other offices or roles previously undertaken.

d) Experience in professional education and training

e)Other relevant experience

f)Are you aware of any possible conflict of interest which might arise, either personally, in relation to your current employment or in relation to your connections with any organisations should you be appointed? If so, please provide details.

Part 4- Personal Statement

In no more than 350 words please provide reasons for your interest in this appointment and what you think you may contribute to the workings of the Committee(s) if appointed.

Part 5: Referees

Please provide the names and addresses of two referees from whom the Committee may obtain references

Part 6: Declaration

I declare that the information I have given in support of my application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and complete. I declare that I am a fit and proper person for the position applied for membership of The Joint Standing Committee for Legal Education in Scotland. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or misleading, or that I have withheld relevant information, my application may be disqualified or my appointment may be terminated. I understand that the appointment applied for is unpaid and is not a position of employment.



Please note if submitting an electronic copy of the application form a signature is not required.

Please return the completed application no later thanmidnight on Sunday 10 April 2016. It is preferred that candidates should submit their application in electronic format to If, however you would prefer to submit a paper application please send it to Heather Tracey, Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL