Name ______English 3A

Beowulf Essay of Epic Proportions: Pagan and Christian Ideals

(…ok, not epic, but still pretty important…200 pts.)

Directions: Write a 2-2.5 page analytical essay following the writing prompt below. Your essay should be 5 paragraphs (1- introductory paragraph; 3- body paragraphs; 1- conclusion paragraph). The essay must contain a minimum of three properly cited quotations from Beowulf (at least ONE quote per body paragraph). In addition to this, your next challenge is to incorporate information from the attached article from Genesis 1 (The Bible) to help you prove your points. See if you can find a connection between the article (strictly as a work of literature!) and the Anglo-Saxon ideals you will be analyzing in your paper. You must quote a minimum of one passage from Genesis and relate it to the ideals that we see in Beowulf.

Make sure to use 1 inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. Also include the following heading: (Each page thereafter should have your last name and the page number in the heading)



English 3 Academic

Ms. Izzo- Day/Block (Ex- Ms. Izzo- A day/Block 2)

Due Date

Writing Assignment:

The Influence of Pagan and Christian Values in Beowulf

Many Christian and Pagan values are displayed throughout the battles and speeches in the epic Beowulf. It is your task to write an essay that analyzes and interprets the use of Christian and Pagan values in the epic. Ultimately, how do Pagan and Christian beliefs influence society (character’s actions, attitudes, fates, etc.) in Beowulf? Throughout the paper, your examples should relate to more than just Beowulf’s character. Also consider Wiglaf, Grendel, Hrothgar, Grendel’s mom, etc. By using the article on Genesis I (strictly analyzing it as a piece of literature), relate one or more passages to your examples in your paper.

Ex: In Genesis, it is said that, “…the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep” (Genesis 1:2). This relates directly to the notion of evil that we see in Grendel’s dwelling place.

*You must devote at least ONE paragraph to an analysis of Christian values and ONE paragraph to an analysis of Pagan values in Beowulf. (Your third paragraph can relate to either one, or both). Use at least ONE quote per body paragraph and strong supporting details to prove your points.


For Pagan values, the concept of “Fame” was predominant because stories were how a soldier wanted to be remembered and immortalized after death.

“Fate” is another Pagan value that is discussed in Beowulf, as heroes believed that everything that was meant to happen in life would eventually happen no matter what. (Remember how Beowulf knew it was his fate to face Grendel and that his fate was to fight his last battle against the Dragon, and yet he didn’t run away from his destiny).

Boasting about one’s honorable deeds

Having pride in one’s loyalty to a Lord or warrior


A hero/warrior thanking God for protecting him

A belief that God will favor those who are good

The notion that all earthly treasures and wealth belong to God

The notion of good triumphing over evil (light vs. dark imagery)

A notion that evil will be punished/looked down upon by God

v  Reference or “allusion” to God or biblical figures (descendent of Cain)

v  A figure who is sacred to the people (a savior) Ex- Jesus Christ figure- Beowulf.


* AVOID THE FOLLOWING: “I think”, “I believe,” “The writer tells you that…”, “In my essay I am going to talk about…” (These are all signs of weak writing!!!)

* Use strong topic sentences that guide the meaning of each body paragraph

* NEVER start a sentence with a quote. Always make your quote part of a full and complete sentence/thought. Don’t forget to analyze the quote in several sentences!

Ex- Beowulf’s heroism is evident in the following lines, “quote” (Beowulf lines 30-33)

*When quoting MORE THAN THREE LINES use a BLOCK QUOTE: This means indenting the entire quoted passage and single spacing it, and then returning to your regular essay format (without indenting again).


*Write down THREE main ideas as you brainstorm. Each of these three ideas could end up becoming a topic for your body paragraphs.

* Find one quote that relates to your main idea for each body paragraph and write it down.

*Determine your thesis statement for the end of your intro:

Ultimately- what are you proving by the end of your paper?

Thesis idea: ______

Main Idea: Body Paragraph 1


Supporting Ideas/quote (examples from Beowulf).


Main Idea: Body Paragraph 2


Supporting Ideas/quote (examples from Beowulf).


Main Idea: Body Paragraph 3


Supporting Ideas/quote (examples from Beowulf).
