MATH 243Probability and StatisticsDoug Gardner, MATH DEPARTMENT

Spring 2013Riverside Campus Rogue Community College

Meeting Information:Monday - Thursday 8:40am – 9:50am RVC B-18

Instructor: Doug Gardner, Mathematics Instructor

Phone :245-7505 Email: Office: HEC 301 Hours: 12:00 – 1:00 Mo, Tu, Th

Website: by appt.

Prerequisites: MATH 95, RD30 (or ACCUPLACER test of ≥ 36)

Text: Statistics, informed decisions using data, Michael Sullivan, 4th edition, custom edition for RCC

Tools and Supplies: 8.5x11 Notebook Paper, TI83/84 graphing calculator (required).

Course Description: This course is designed to help you begin to make sense out of data. We will study ways to collect, describe, organize, present, and interpret data. We will also study techniques for making inferences about large populations based on data collected from smaller samples. These concepts are useful in many different aspects of your life from reading the newspaper intelligently to making informed decisions as a voter and in your professional life.

The long, tedious numerical calculations that used to form the basis for beginning statistics courses can now be done using computers and calculators. Therefore, your grade will be based on your understanding of concepts rather than on your ability to do computations.

You will not be required to memorize formulas. You will be required to have a calculator and be able to use it. You will be using Excel for your labs.

Course Objectives:

1.Learn to organize and display data

2.Calculate measures of central tendency and dispersion

3.Discover correlation between 2 variables, least squares regression

4.Calculate binomial and normal probability distributions

5.Calculate distributions for the sample mean and proportion

6.Estimating population proportion, mean and standard deviation

7.Perform hypothesis tests for apopulation proportion and mean

Evaluation and Scoring:

3 In-Class Chapter Tests ………………………………...50% Grades will be updated after each

MyLabsPlusand Hand in Homework ……...……...... 25%test as a pdf file, available at my

Labs & Final Project ….……………………………………25%website, according to student number

Random extra credits will be assigned during the term … 2 or more will raise your grade 1% at the end.

Tests: must be taken on the scheduled day unless prior arrangements are made. Failing to show up on test day without notice will result in a 20% deduction.

MyLabsPlus: log onto the website at:

These assignments are due by midnight Sunday night of the week they are covered in class. No adjustments will be made to this deadline. You should do the problems on paper first; it will not benefit you to “click” answers and lean too heavily on the 3 tries that you are allowed.

Labs: due on dates listed on the calendar. Late work will not be evaluated, even if you are absent, unless prior arrangements are made. You may work/consult with classmates, but the work you turn in must be your own.


1.Read the chapter before we discuss it in class so you are able to ask good questions and assimilate the material more completely.

2.Do your assigned work the day we cover it, not the night before it is due.

3.Ask questions, be curious and connect what you are learning to life beyond the classroom.

4.Attendance is critical … email me if you have to miss … I like to know.

Hand in Homework Assignments with Due Dates

HIH#1: Chapter 2/3: the basics ……………………………...…(DUE Apr 16)

HIH #2: Chapter 4: relationships between variables ………..(DUE Apr 23)

HIH#3: Chapter 6: the binomial distribution ………………..(DUE May 7)

HIH#4: Chapter 9: the confidence interval …………..……….(DUE May 29)



Apr1-4 Intro/Ch. 12.1/2.22.2/2.3Lab 1 (due 4/8)

Apr 8-11 #1)

Apr 15-18 Lab 2 (due 4/17)4.14.2(HIH #2)Lab 3 (due 4/24)


Apr 29-2 #3)

May6-9Lab 4 (due 5/9)7.1/

May13-16REVIEWTEST 28.18.2

May20- (HIH #4)

May27-30NO CLASSNO CLASSLab 5Lab 5 (due 6/2)

Jun 3-610.110.210.2/10.310.3

Jun 10-13Review TEST 3PresentationsPresentations

General Expectations:

Student Support Services: As situations and needs arise, please visit other student support services on

campus such as the Library, the Bookstore, Student ACCESS Center, Disability Support Services, Veteran’s

Administration, Counseling and Career Center, Learn & Earn, Federal Work Study, Student Employment

Center, and Financial Aid Office.

The Academic Learning Center: (Tutoring Center in the G-building) is available for any math students who seek help. The math and science tutors are scheduled with variable availability from 8:30am to 5:00pm Tu-Th. Seek out the tutors who are providing help at the math level you need. The tutors are there to explain possible problem-solving methods and algebraic principles. The tutors are not expected to do homework for you.

Attendance and Responsibility: If you are not able to attend class, it is your responsibility to obtain all material missed. Each student is expected to attend regularly, take notes, ask questions in class, & participate in activities. If you miss too many classes (more than 50%), you will not be allowed to hand in late homework or take tests you missed. If there are complaints or questions about the rules, expectations, grading, or tests, please talk with me outside of class about your concerns.

Classroom Behavior: Simply put…be nice to me AND each other. All students are expected to follow usual academic behavior and participate in an orderly manner. Please come to class ON TIME, wandering in or out of the classroom is not acceptable behavior. Common courtesy and civility prevail as stated in the RCC Student Code of Conduct in RCC Schedule of Classes. Cell phones should be off during class.

Plagiarism: Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are unacceptable and are subject to disciplinary action which may include a zero for the test or homework, a failing grade for the course, or expulsion from RCC, depending on the severity of the case.

Regular Study Time: Budget an hour or more each day to “practice” your math skills. If you don’t, your brain will explode. Students are greatly encouraged to form study groups and work together to understand, discuss the material, and check the answers and process on homework assignments. Course Compass homework will be checked by the computer on-line multimedia resource.

Americans with Disabilities Act: "Any student who feels that he or she may need an academic accommodation for a disability, such as vision, hearing, orthopedic, learning disabilities, psychological or other medical conditions, should make an appointment with the Support Services Office. (Located in the Wiseman Tutoring Center at the Redwood Campus or Building G/207 at the Riverside Campus.)"

It is the responsibility of a student having a documented disability to inform the instructor of any needs for accommodation by the end of Week 1. All students are graded on the same basis in this course. Students needing help with this should contact Dr. Guerin Fisher at 245-7537 in the G building in Medford or Ms. Bonnie Reeg at 956-7213 in the WisemanTutoringCenter.

If accident, illness, or other crisis interferes with completing the math course this quarter, it is recommended

you drop the class by official withdrawal "W". Incompletes generally will not be given. If 75% or more of

the course work has been successfully completed, incompletes might possibly be given for a special case

that is evaluated on an individual basis, but not in lieu of a poor grade.