COA Curriculum Committee - Minutes

Meeting: April 5th, 2005 A144 1:30 to 3:30 pm

  1. Call to order
  2. 1:38 pm - Called to order by Chair B. Grill
  3. Present: K. Compton; P. Simon; S. Robinson; R. Brem; L. Bollentino; A. Roberts; S. Gerstle; S. Hall
  4. Absent: I. Smith, M. Jones
  5. Guests: D. Sparks; M. Wirth; Jim Silvan; D. Bajrami
  6. Unfilled: Faculty Member, AA & S

2.  Agenda Review

  1. Approval of Minutes from March 15, 2005
  2. 1st - J. Jackson 2nd - R. Brem
  3. Abstentions: S. Robinson, L. Bollentino

4.  Econ 5

  1. M. Wirth/D. Bajrami
  2. Wants class for non-business majors
  3. Students supportive of non-major class
  4. Econ 1 and 2 are difficult and not necessary for non-majors
  5. Econ 5 could serve as “warm-up” for students new to concepts
  6. Will meet Social Science – Area 4
  7. Limitations on number Econ transfer credits
  8. Econ 5 won’t transfer for Econ majors
  9. Need to reduce confusion on student end about fulfilling requirements using Econ classes.
  10. Warning in syllabus
  11. Schedule notes
  12. Motion to approve Econ 5 – 1st J. Jackson 2nd R. Brem – Unanimous

5.  PE 50

  1. Discussion of issue previously brought to committee
  2. Could possibly be offered as a selected topics course.
  3. J. Silvan
  4. Works in private sector with disabled people
  5. Believes there is a demand for classes specifically for disabled
  6. Instructors teaching other PE classes are not trained to deal with the disabled
  7. Class would cater to both physically disabled and developmentally challenged
  8. Problems with SCANS competencies on the outline
  9. Complete list given in submitted outline rather than those specific to course and needs to be revised
  10. Motion to approve pending confirmation of a discussion with Helene Maxwell and a revised outline – 1st J. Jackson 2nd S. Gerstle (no abstentions)
  1. Library Portion of Course Outline
  2. D. Sparks
  3. Materials for suggested courses are generally inadequate
  4. Students have access to…
  5. Other Peralta libraries
  6. Public libraries
  7. Limited electronic access
  8. Students realize/often remark about inadequate materials in the library
  9. Instructors often overlook the library’s need to provide required materials to support a class
  10. Would like clarification about filling out course outlines
  11. Documenting lack of materials will demonstrate need for additional funds for library resources
  12. Outlines must be filled out accurately by COA librarians even if this means noting inadequate resources on the majority of outlines

7.  Discipline clusters

  1. Arranged by subject matter
  2. They are ad hoc – may look different in the future
  3. Need to consult academic senate about discipline clusters
  4. First step toward the creation of departments

8.  Articulation – L. Bollentino

  1. LDTP – Lower Division Transfer Pattern
  2. Proposed to replace CAN
  3. Developed to streamline the transfer process
  4. Requires that students have their campus and major chosen
  5. CAN should stay in 2005-2007 catalog
  6. Course transfer form
  7. A revised version of the course transfer form to be added to new faculty disk was submitted
  8. Motion to approve transfer form
  9. 1st S. Robinson 2nd R. Brem
  10. Unanimous

9.  Web

  1. College website under construction
  2. Peter Simon and Maurice Jones are web representatives

Minutes prepared by S. Hall