ALSC Website Advisory Committee Manual
October 2013

Association for Library Service to Children

Website Advisory Committee Manual

October 2013


This manual has been prepared to aid members of the ALSC Website Advisory Committee in their duties as a virtual committee. With sections on background information, procedures, and roles, and general work deadlines, it is a guide to aid committee members in performing their responsibilities during their term of membership. During his/her committee term, each member should expect to become familiar with the scope and organization of the ALSC website (, to ensure a site that contains content and resources that are up-to-date, relevant, and valuable to librarians serving youth.

The work of the ALSC Website Advisory Committee is limited to the main ALSC site at and does not include microsites such as Every Child Ready to Read, Great Websites for Kids, Everyday Advocacy, ALSC Matters!, etc.

Edited/Approved by:
Betsy Fraser and Mary Schreiber
2013-2014 WAC Co-Chairs
October 2013
Drafted by:
Laura Schulte-Cooper
ALSC Program Officer, Communications
April 2013




Committee Function Statement 4
The Committee 4
Committee Terms 4
Attendance at Meetings 5
Electronic Communication 5


Overview 6
General Guidelines for Virtual Committees 6
Committee Functions 6
General Schedule 7
Website Advisory Committee Guidelines 7
Communication 7
Site Reviews: Professional Content 7
- Process for Proposing New Content 8
- Process for Proposing a Revision to or Deletion of Content 8
Site Reviews: General Maintenance 9
Working with Other ALSC Committees 10
Calendar/Deadlines 10


Committee Co-Chairs 11
ALSC Staff 12
ALSC Board of Directors 12
ALSC President-Elect 12
ALSC President 12
Priority Group Consultant 13

- A. Important/Useful Websites to Bookmark
- B. New Content Proposal Form
- C. Content Change Proposal Form
- D. Letter to Employer


In the fall of 2011, the ALSC Board of Directors established a Website Advisory Task Force (WATF) “to recommend ongoing processes and procedures for evaluating the ALSC website in coordination with the ALSC Program Officer for Communications on a twice-yearly basis.” After a thorough review of the website, the task force recommended, in its report to the ALSC Board of Directors, “that a group of people work on evaluating and updating the website” and provided a general outline on the timing of site evaluations and updates.

In December 2011, in response to the task force’s report, the ALSC Program Officer for Communications made two recommendations to the Board of Directors: (1) establish a Website Advisory Committee (WAC) and (2) create a Guidelines document for the WAC’s use. The Program Officer’s report went on to state, “The WATF report put forth great recommendations for website evaluation and updates to be made by a group of at least five people; in addition, I’d like to emphasize the importance of tapping this group for content/subject matter support and guidance. Whereas the ALSC office is well suited and equipped to manage information on the website that regards association news, awards, events, etc., we really rely on our member leaders for direction on professional content, the materials and resources youth services librarians need to do their jobs day-to-day. A Web Advisory Committee could fulfill that consultant role very well.”

In June 2012 at the ALA Annual Conference, the ALSC Board of Directors "Approved, creation of the Website Advisory Committee to provide direction, guidance, and support regarding the content, currency, and relevance of the ALSC website.”

This manual serves as the “guidelines” document for WAC use.

A. Committee Function Statement

The Website Advisory Committee provides direction, guidance, and support regarding the content, currency, and relevance of the ALSC website. The committee works with ALSC staff and other ALSC committees to ensure that content on the ALSC website addresses ALSC priorities set forth in the Strategic Plan.

B. The Committee

Thevirtualcommittee is comprised of five (5) members appointed from the membership at large and serving a two-year term. Two co-chairs each serve a one-year term. (2 co-chairs, plus 3). Except for the first year of the committee, there should always be one chair with a year's experience as chair.

Established: June2012 at the request ofthe ALSC Board of Directors.

Two Co-chairs, and three members (5 total)

C. Committee Terms

Terms are to begin at the end of the Annual Conference following appointment.

D. Attendance at Meetings

It is helpful if newly appointed members can attend, as observers, the meetings at the ALA Annual Conference prior to the beginning of their term to familiarize themselves with procedures. Members are not required to attend the Midwinter Meeting or Annual Conference of ALA since all of the work of the committee is done on an electronic basis.

It is recommended that those in Co-Chair positions be able to attend these conferences in order to remain in contact with the ALSC Priority Group Consultant assigned to the committee, as well as with the current ALSC President and Board.

If, during a member’s term, he or she finds for any reason that it is impossible to continue in the committee’s work, the member should resign immediately so that selection of a replacement may be made as quickly as possible. Resignations, in writing, are addressed to the ALSC President and Priority Group Consultant with copies to the committee Co-chairs, ALSC Executive Director, and Program Officer for Communications.

E. Electronic Communication

Electronic communication is the method of distributing information from the Co-Chairs to committee members, the regular discussion of procedural issues, and, at the discretion of the Co-Chairs, the open discussion among committee members of matters of concern. The Committee adheres to the “Guidelines for Electronic Communication for ALSC Committees,” adopted by the ALSC Board in 2000 and printed as Appendix G in the Division Leadership Manual. Also refer to Appendix A of this document for helpful websites with tips on virtual committee work and collaboration.

The Co-Chairs will establish ground rules for electronic communication by the committee at the beginning of each term. At times, the Co-Chairs may invite open discussion on a matter of concern. The Co-Chairs facilitate such open discussion. As this is a virtual committee, all final decisions of the committee will be made electronically.

In the event that confidential communication is necessary, there are several ways to help ensure confidentiality. For e-mail, include the word “confidential” on the subject line or as part of the transmission options. For FAX communication, include the word “confidential” on a cover sheet. It is also recommended that all correspondence for this committee have “ALSC Website Advisory Committee” placed first on the subject line, so committee members are alerted to a committee communication in their mailboxes.


A. Overview

The work of the ALSC Website Advisory Committee is limited to the main ALSC site at and does not include current “microsites” such as Every Child Ready to Read, Great Websites for Kids, Everyday Advocacy, ALSC Matters!, and Día, or any future “microsites.”

As an entity of the greater American Library Association website (, the ALSC website ( is subject to web policies and style guidelines put forth by ALA. Likewise, in regards to content management systems, site functionalities, and general architecture, the ALSC site is governed by and follows prevailing ALA site technology and standards. Consequently, the work of the ALSC Website Advisory Committee concentrates on website content as opposed to site functionality and/or architecture.

B. General Guidelines for Virtual Committees

ALSC provides resources to help foster smooth and effective virtual committee work. Please read the “Best Practices for Virtual Committee Work” at and “General Tips and Advice for Virtual Collaboration” at

C. Committee Functions

In accordance with guidelines established within this manual, the Website Advisory Committee:

1) monitors the website on an ongoing basis to ensure that content is relevant, timely, accurate, and complete; and completes routine maintenance tasks such as link checking;

2) recommends editorial content for the website and liaises with appropriate ALSC member groups in the development of recommended content;

3) works collaboratively with ALSC staff who will maintain and update website content;

4) advises the Association on priorities and strategies that promote use of and continued content development for the ALSC website;

5) develops, recommends, and reviews policies for the ALSC website, as needed;

6) provides assistance to ALSC when ALA calls for recommendations and action regarding evaluation, testing, and implementation of web-related products and services.

7) liaises with the ALA Web Advisory Committee. The ALSC Website Advisory Committee Chair serves as the ALSC representative to the ALA Web Advisory Committee, communicating ALSC Board recommendations for improvements to the ALA website and advising the ALSC Board on activities of the ALA Web Advisory Committee.

The Website Advisory Committee’s main task is to review and evaluate all professional content on the ALSC website, primarily found in, but on limited to, the sections “Professional Tools” and “Communications & Publications | Book Lists.”

The Website Advisory Committee also periodically reviews the entire ALSC site ( to identify broken links and information/announcements that are outdated.

D. General Schedule

It is understood that all committee members will be working on various aspects of the committee’s work during the course of the year. Because of the great amount of work involved and because the work needs to flow with a certain degree of regularity, it is essential that committee members note the schedule for the professional content review and maintenance checks and adhere to it.

Committee work begins at the close of Annual Conference (or around July 1) with an introduction of committee members, an overview of the committee’s process, distribution of this manual, and a general discussion of the committee’s work for the upcoming year.

In July, the co-chairs communicate with ALSC committee chairs, introducing themselves and the WAC’s function to newly appointed committee chairs.

In October, the committee performs a maintenance check on the site. Broken and misdirected links, and those links without alt tags, and outdated information* and announcements are reported by the end of October to the co-chairs, who compile one complete list of updates to send to the ALSC Office.

In March, committee members review the professional content on the website (primarily found in, but on limited to, the sections “Professional Tools” and “Communications & Publications | Book Lists”); any recommendations for deletions, revisions, and/or additions are due to the co-chairs at the end of March.

The committee as a whole discusses and determines necessary deletions, additions, and revisions in April/May. If proposed deletions/revisions are routine—such as addressing obviously outdated information—no group discussion is necessary. When content in question was created by an ALSC committee or other ALSC working group, that group will be consulted to provide an assessment of the content and suggestions for necessary action.

*Note: Certain outdated information may remain on the website for historical purposes (e.g., ALSC Board Actions, Notable media lists). If there is any need for clarification as to content to be considered for removal due to datedness, contact the ALSC Program Officer, Communications.

E. Website Advisory Committee Guidelines

- Communication

• Each email subject line should begin with “ALSC Website Advisory Committee: <specific topic>” to help committee members quickly identify committee correspondence and follow subject threads. (Please also indicate the year of your committee in the subject line.)

• When writing to a committee co-chair, please include BOTH co-chairs.

• The ALSC Program Officer for Communications and WAC’s Priority Group Consultant should be copied on all correspondence between the Website Advisory Committee and other ALSC Committees and volunteers.

- Site Reviews: Professional Content (e.g., resources for librarians)

Professional content (primarily found in, but on limited to, the sections “Professional Tools” and “Communications & Publications | Book Lists”) is reviewed annually to assess whether or not resources are current, relevant, and comprehensive.The co-chairs assign content to review to each committee member as they see fit.

·  Is content up-to-date? Is there outdated information that should be removed?

·  Is content relevant? Is it valuable and important to the work of librarians serving children?

·  Is content comprehensive? Are there resources, perspectives, information missing on the particular issue or topic being addressed?

·  Is there a significant issue or topic that is not being addressed at all that should be?

Each committee member reviews and evaluates his/her assigned content and reports back to the co-chairs. If a committee member has suggestions for deletions, additions, and/or revisions, he/she completes a New Content Proposal Form (Appendix B) or Content Change Proposal Form (Appendix C) and sends it to the co-chairs.

Co-chairs compile proposed changes/additions from all committee members, determine which require further discussion, create an agenda, and schedule a group discussion. During discussion, the group determines which proposed updates to approve and pass on to the ALSC Office for further action, fleshing out specifics as necessary.

Co-chairs share accepted proposal forms with the ALSC Program Officer for Communications, and the three identify and assign next steps.

Process for Proposing New Content

Co-chairs submit New Content Proposal Forms to the ALSC Program Officer for Communications on an annual basis.

Co-chairs and Program Officer work together to address any questions or concerns that may arise.

Co-chairs, with assistance as needed from the Program Officer for Communications, identify the appropriate ALSC Committee, if there is one, to create/provide the new content. If an appropriate ALSC Committee is not evident, the co-chairs, in consultation with WAC members and ALSC Program Officer for Communications, brainstorm to identify an individual ALSC member volunteer(s).

Co-chairs approach the committee or volunteer(s) to request their assistance. Mutually agreed upon deadlines are set with the committee or volunteer(s) and the co-chairs provide follow-up as necessary.

The working committee or volunteer(s) submits the new content to the co-chairs for review. Any questions or concerns are taken back to the working committee or volunteer(s) for resolution.