Los Angeles Unified School District John Deasy

Superintendent of Schools

Hale Charter Academy

23830 Califa Street, Woodland Hills, California 91367 Neal Siegel

Telephone: (818) 313-7400 Fax: (818) 346-7517 Principal

Dear Parent;

Your child has been assigned to my Physical Education class this year. I hope to create an environment wherein students learn skills for the maintenance of good physical and mental health throughout their lifetime. Students will be provided with a variety of sports and fitness activities, including both team and individual games, rhythmic activities, running, and basic motor skills. On occasion writing assignments will be given and videos may be shown occasionally. It is my goal to provide your child with basic knowledge of game rules, as well as a basis to build a fitness program that will provide your child with a lifetime of health and happiness.

Objectives: In accordance with his or her abilities and capacities, the student will:

• Improve hand-eye and foot-eye coordination

• Develop cardio-respiratory endurance

• Build muscular strength, power, and endurance

• Increase flexibility

• Recognize the value and nature of physical fitness

• Assume responsibility

• Show respect for rules and authority, as well as for each other

• Participate in a variety of games and activities

• Learn to work with others in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation

PE Clothes:

Each student is expected to wear their Hale physical education uniform to class every day. This includes a Hale T-shirt, Hale shorts, white socks, and sneakers properly tied securely to the feet (no slip ons). In addition, students are encouraged to keep a sweatshirt and sweatpants in their PE locker to wear over the uniform on cold days. The shirt and shorts must be marked with the students' first and last name in permanent marker. The shirt must be marked with the student’s last name on the back. PE clothes should be laundered every weekend. Showers are available if the students wish to use them, but are not required.

Medical Excuses:

If your child is ill, parents may write a note describing the illness and number of days the student will be unable to participate. Parents, please sign, date and list a daytime phone number on the note. Excuses of three days or less can go directly to the teacher. Excuses over three days must go through the school nurse. Any excuses over 5 days must have a doctor's note. In most cases your child will be asked to self limit their activities if they are not feeling well. Students are expected to dress for class every day even if they are excused from activity. Assignments for long term absence or excuses will be worked out on an individual basis. Students will be responsible for making up any missed work.


Students are issued lockers in physical education to keep their clothes and personal items for this class only. Each student should keep the combination private and NOT share lockers with a friend. This is very important for the security of our locker room to help prevent thefts. In addition to PE clothes, students may keep some personal items, such as deodorant, lotion, safety pins, sanitary napkins, and bandaids. No sprays, glass containers, food, drinks are allowed in the locker room. Absolutely NO cell phones or electronic devices in the locker room. These items will be taken away and returned at the end of the day.

Grading Policies:

Students are graded on individual effort and ability. The most or least skilled student can earn an "A"

in class. Grades are based on a combination of all work done in class:

Mile 5pts

Skills tests 5pts

100% of participation and effort in all class activities, skill tests, and written tests are counted toward your overall grade..

Extra credit is available to all students.

Work Habits: 3 non-dress in a grading period = U, 3 tardies = U, 3 missing assignments = U, or a combination of the three = U, Missing test scores will lower grade.

Cooperation: 3 improper wearing of shorts in a grading period = U, Having difficulties with the instructor or classmates may effect grade. Gum chewing, food, drink, electronic devices = U on the first offense.

I look forward to a very successful year for all of us. If your child has a medical condition that could affect their performance in P.E. please provide the nurse with a doctor note as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at school any time. The number is (818) 313-7400.


E. Coleman



------Tear-Off ------

Please sign this tear-off and have your child return it to the classroom teacher the next school day.

I have reviewed the above information with my child.

Student’s Name (please print) Parent’s/Guardian’s signature

Teacher’s Name

Date ______Class Period ______