AS2 Name:______

Reading 8-1: Politics in the Gilded Age, pp. 290-296

Define key terms and concepts.

Gilded Age / laissez-faire
subsidy / blue law
spoils system/patronage / Pendleton Civil Service Act
rebate / Munn v. Illinois

As you read, write one or two sentences to support each of the following main ideas.

1)  In the late 1800s most Americans, in theory, supported a laissez-faire approach to economic matters. ______


2)  After Congress awarded the Union Pacific Railroad loans and land for the transcontinental railroad, a notorious scandal occurred. (Credit Mobiler’s scandal)______


3)  The spoils system had negative consequences for American politics. ______


4)  During the Gilded Age, sharp differences existed between Republicans and Democrats.

a)  Republicans. ______

b)  Democrats. ______

5)  Political leaders tried to reform the spoils system in the late 1800s. ______


a)  Stalwarts. ______

b)  Half-breeds. ______

c)  Independents. ______

d)  President Garfield’s assassination. ______

6)  Government officials tried but failed to regulate the railroads. ______


7)  The economy experienced ups and downs throughout the 1890s.

a)  tariffs.

b)  Pensions.

c)  Depression of 1893.

d)  Jacob S. Coxey.

e)  Pullman strike.

f)  “A Full Dinner Pale”

g)  gold standard

AS2 Name:______

Reading 8-2: People on the Move, pp. 297-303

Define key terms and concepts.

pogrom / Steerage
quarantine / Ghetto
restrictive covenant / Chinese Exclusion Act
Gentlemen’s Agreement / alien

As you read, complete this chart listing the reasons why immigrants came to America and their experiences in their new land.

Place of Origin / Reasons for Immigration / Experiences in U.S.

Focus/Critical Thinking Questions.

·  What were the shared goals of the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Gentlemen’s Agreement?

·  Why do you think only steerage passengers were required to pass through Ellis Island, instead of all passengers?

·  How did immigration patterns change beginning in the 1890s and what is meant by the term “new immigration”?

AS2 Name:______

Reading 8-3: The Challenges of the City (pp. 304-309)

Define key terms and concepts:

suburb / political machine
tenement/dumbbell tenement / graft

Causes & Effects of Rapid City Growth: As you read, complete the table.

Ñ / Ñ / Ñ / Ñ
Ñ / Ñ / Ñ / Ñ
Ñ / Ñ / Ñ / Ñ

The Rise of Political Bosses: As you read, complete the tables.

What contributed to the rise of political machines? / è / Describe “Boss” Tweed’s control of New York City. / è / Who benefitted most from Tweed’s control of NYC?

Focus/review questions:

•  Why did cities expand in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

•  What new developments helped cities grow?

•  How did living conditions in cities change?

•  What were the results of city growth?

AS2 Name:______

Reading 8-4: Ideas for Reform (pp. 311-315)

Define key terms:

social gospel movement / sociology
settlement house / purity crusades
nativism / temperance movement & prohibition

Immigration & Morality: As you read, complete the web-diagram by filling in the key terms from above in the correct bubble below.

Focus/review questions:

•  How did different movements help the needy?

•  How and where did sociology develop?

•  What was the goal of the nativist?

•  What efforts were made to control immigration and personal behavior in the late 1880’s?