Ideas for a Choice and Accountability Value Project

~Read The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball or another book about repentance.

~Memorize the YW theme in a different language (Spanish, sign language)then recite it in YW. Possibly teach it to the YW in your ward.

~Pick several (about 10)"standards" from the Strength of Youth pamphlet and prepare lessons for each topic. Give the lessons in FHE, church or as a sacrament meeting talk.

~Compilea binder with about 15-20 articles directed to the youth from the Ensign, New Era or conference talks. Read the talks and highlight the parts of them that will help to remind you of your standards, or that will help you make the right choice in a difficult situation.

~Make a book of quotes for yourself. Chooseinspiring quotes or scripturesthat will uplift you and help you to choose the right, or that will remind you of your standards. Make a quote book for each YW and YW leaderin your ward. Keep your quote book with you so that you can read it if you feel like you need to be spiritually uplifted--encourage other YW to do the same.

~Plan a church activity/fireside where you view the movie The Testaments with the YM/YW in your ward. Invite a few leaders to share their testimony of the Book of Mormon and the importance of coming to Jesus Christ. Also talk about repentance and having a change of heart. Plan a program--Make the evening complete with opening/closing songs, dessert, and handouts.You could even add a special musical number.

~Study in-depth about the repentance process. Read the poem A Touch of the Masters Hand. Prepare a lesson on Repentance to give in YW. Make a special handout/wall hangingfor each girl and leader in YW with that poem on it. Also give the lesson in FHE.

~Ask the missionaries in your ward if you can help them by marking Books of Mormon for investigators. Write you testimony of Jesus Christ and repentance in eachbook you mark.

Ideas for a Choice and Accountability Value Project

~Read The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball or another book about repentance.

~Memorize the YW theme in a different language (Spanish, sign language)then recite it in YW. Possibly teach it to the YW in your ward.

~Pick several (about 10)"standards" from the Strength of Youth pamphlet and prepare lessons for each topic. Give the lessons in FHE, church or as a sacrament meeting talk.

~Compilea binder with about 15-20 articles directed to the youth from the Ensign, New Era or conference talks. Read the talks and highlight the parts of them that will help to remind you of your standards, or that will help you make the right choice in a difficult situation.

~Make a book of quotes for yourself. Chooseinspiring quotes or scripturesthat will uplift you and help you to choose the right, or that will remind you of your standards. Make a quote book for each YW and YW leaderin your ward. Keep your quote book with you so that you can read it if you feel like you need to be spiritually uplifted--encourage other YW to do the same.

~Plan a church activity/fireside where you view the movie The Testaments with the YM/YW in your ward. Invite a few leaders to share their testimony of the Book of Mormon and the importance of coming to Jesus Christ. Also talk about repentance and having a change of heart. Plan a program--Make the evening complete with opening/closing songs, dessert, and handouts.You could even add a special musical number.

~Study in-depth about the repentance process. Read the poem A Touch of the Masters Hand. Prepare a lesson on Repentance to give in YW. Make a special handout/wall hangingfor each girl and leader in YW with that poem on it. Also give the lesson in FHE.

~Ask the missionaries in your ward if you can help them by marking Books of Mormon for investigators. Write you testimony of Jesus Christ and repentance in eachbook you mark.