Grade Six Electricity Projects

Our class will be focusing the next few weeks of our Science classes on our introduction to our unit on Electricity. As part of our unit, students will be asked to apply the knowledge that they will accumulate in class, towards completing a project that utilizes the circuits and concepts that we will study.

Students are asked to follow the step-by-step procedure found within this project outline.

There are specific due dates that must be met in order for the successful completion of the overall project, and in order to do this the students will have to complete the circuitry and actual building of the project at home.

Procedure to be followed

Your child is asked to brainstorm a number of possible ideas that they could use as the central theme for their project. These ideas could range from building a remote controlled car, to an electronic game of skill, or possibly a model of a working power plant. The choices are endless, so be creative. Once they have decided upon an idea for their project, they are to complete a project application form and hand it in to be approved. The date due for this application is February, 4th, 2013.

The next step of the project is the fun part! They are to build the actual project according to the specifications that they stated in their application. This part of the project is to be completed at home and is due in on March 1st,2013.

While they are working at building their project at home, we will be working on their posters that will assist them in their presentations. The presentation of their project and poster will take place in the gymnasium during the Grade Six Electricity Fair (March 4th, 2013)Therefore, their posters are also due no later than March 4th, 2013.

Students will be graded upon their application, project, poster and presentation. We would like to invite parents, guardians and family members to attend our Electricity Fair on March 4th, 2013.

Could you please sign this sheet and your child’s application to signify that you are aware of the details of the project.

Should you require support for materials, please do not hesitate to contact us. The projects should be simple projects, and should not require extensive or expensive material.

Yours truly,

J. Walsh/A. Casey