Huntsville High School/ Latin I Course Syllabus
Magistra: Ms. Amanda Dennis Email:
Need Extra Help? Want to make up a test? 11:35-12:05 every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in my room
Materials Needed: A notebook for homework and translations, a folder to hold tests and handouts, and 3 x 5 index cards
Latin Club: We will meet on Wednesdays from 11:35-12:05
Course Description:
Level I Latin provides introduction to the language through a proficiency-based program that helps the student to develop the skills of proper pronunciation, translation and composition. Geographical, historical, cultural themes and basic conversational patterns are taught.
II. Course Objectives:
Beginning Latin grammar and syntax
Introduction to the basic forms and constructions in Latin grammar.
Beginning translations from Latin to English and beginning Latin composition
Common Latin phrases and idioms
Mythology and the study of Ovid’s Metamorphosis
Roman Culture
Roman beliefs and daily life, as well as important people, places, and events in Roman history.
The Roman Calendar
III. Classroom Expectations:
1. No food or drink will be allowed in the classroom except for water.
2. Follow the aurea lex at all times. Please remember that this is a Disney rated classroom J.
3. Cheating will result in a ZERO for the assignment/test (which may not be made up), the loss of
all extra credit points for the 9 weeks (including Legion of Honor and Start Off Grade) and loss of any exam privilege offered (note card, bonus points, etc.)
4. Cell phones and electronic devices are not to be used in the classroom for any reason.
If you are using your cell phone during class, it will be taken up and kept until the end of the class period.
Repeat offenders will be written up in BLOOM and sent to an administrator.
5. You are not to use your Huntsville City Schools laptops to play games, watch movies or look up translations online.
You may not have your computers out during translation assignments. Text books and dictionaries will be provided for you. The use of online translators will be considered cheating, and will result in the same consequences as listed above.
6. Please try to complete any missed tests or quizzes within a week of returning to school. You may come during the first half of Power Hour on the days listed above. **After two weeks, these grades will be marked as a 1/F in INOW, and the highest grade that can be earned after this point is 70%. ** If you are absent for more than 3 consecutive days, we will discuss a timeline for completing your missed assignments.
7. If a student does not complete an assignment, a ‘1’ will be used as a placeholder in INOW. The student has until the next test to make up a late or missing assignment and the highest possible grade that may be earned is 70%.
If we have already reviewed the missing assignment in class, an alternate translation will be given.
One day late: 70%; 2 days late: 65%; 3 days late: 60%, etc …9 days late: 30%; 10 days late: 1%
IV. Huntsville City Schools Grading Distribution:
60% : Assessments / Quizzes
All Chapter tests will be comprehensive. Chapter tests will include brief Latin phrases, vocabulary, grammar charts, sentences and a bonus section. Every week there will either be a vocabulary or a short grammar quiz on the current chapter.
40%: In Class Assignments /Homework
There will be homework and class work checks throughout the 9-weeks. A large part of your chapter tests will come directly from your homework and class work, so it will be important to make corrections when we go over the material.
V. 18/36 Week Plan (units of study, reviews, and exams)
Weeks I and II: Introduction to the class and Lesson I grammar and vocabulary.
Noun Cases and Parts of Speech
First Declension endings (Grammar Quiz)
Vocabulary Lesson I (Vocabulary Quiz)
Translation and Composition of basic sentences (Classwork)
Narcissus and the Echo (Mosaic Art Project)
Lesson I Test
Weeks III and part of IV: Lesson II grammar and vocabulary
Adjective/Noun agreement in the first declension (Grammar Quiz)
Predicate Adjectives versus Predicate Nominatives
Direct Objects
Vocabulary Lesson II (Vocabulary Quiz)
Roman Numerals
Sentence translation and composition practice (Classwork/Homework)
Roman Names Lesson
Lesson II Test
Weeks V and VI: Lesson III grammar and vocabulary
1st and 2nd Conjugation Verbs in the Present Active Tense (Grammar Quiz)
Gender Confused Nouns and agreement with adjectives
Preposition “to” with Dative, Accusative and Verbs
Ablative of Place Where
Vocabulary Lesson III (Vocabulary Quiz)
Translation Paragraph (Homework)
Lesson III Test
Weeks VII and VIII: Lesson IV grammar and vocabulary
Pompeii Video and Worksheet (Classwork)
2nd Declension Masculine Nouns and Adjectives (Grammar Quiz)
Gender Confused Nouns continued
Ablative of Accompaniment and Means
Lesson IV Vocabulary (Vocabulary Quiz)
Translation Paragraphs (2) (Classwork/Homework)
Pandora’s Box Creative Assignment (Classwork/Homework)
Latin Jeopardy or Certamen as review of Unit I
Lesson IV Test
Weeks IX-X: Lessons V and VI grammar and vocabulary (combined)
Sight Reading Assignment (Classwork)
Future Active Tense for 1st and 2nd Conjugations (Grammar Quiz)
Lesson V and VI Vocabulary (Vocabulary Quiz)
Translation Paragraphs (2) (Classwork/Homework)
Word of the Day Bonus Quiz (week IX)
Lesson V-VI Test
Weeks X-XII: Lesson VII grammar and vocabulary
Prepositions (Grammar Quiz)
Ablatives Place Where, Means, Accompaniment, Place From Which
Cardinal Numbers
Musca Game (to reinforce numbers lesson)
Indirect Objects versus Direct Objects
Vocabulary Lesson VII (Vocabulary Quiz)
Translation Paragraphs (3) (Classwork/Homework)
Lesson VII Test
Weeks XII – XIV: Lessons VIII, IX and X grammar and vocabulary
Lessons VIII and IX Vocabulary (Vocabulary Quiz)
Present Imperatives (Grammar Quiz)
Lesson X Vocabulary (Vocabulary Quiz)
Vocative Case (Grammar Quiz)
Translation Paragraphs (2) (Classwork/Homework)
Lesson X Test
Weeks XV – XVII: Lessons XI-XII grammar and vocabulary
Lessons XI and XII vocabulary (Vocabulary Quiz)
Perfect Tense for all verb conjugations (Grammar Quiz)
-ius nouns and adjectives
Sentence Analysis
Translation Paragraphs (Classwork/Homework)
Lesson XII Test
Week XIII: Review for Semester Exam (Lessons I-XII)
Word of the Day Bonus Quiz
Certamen/Jeopardy Comprehensive Review Games
Structured Review
Semester Exam (Comprehensive)
I have read, understand and agree to follow the above classroom expectations for the 2017-2018 school year.
Student Signature Date
What do you hope to learn in this class this year? Do you have any special lesson requests? I will do my best to include these in my plans this year .
Huntsville High School / Latin II Course Syllabus
Magistra: Ms. Amanda Dennis Email:
Need Extra Help? Want to make up a test? 11:35-12:05 every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in my room
Materials Needed: A notebook for homework and translations, a folder to hold tests and handouts, and 3 x 5 index cards
Latin Dictionary (not required, but helpful)
Latin Club: We will meet on Wednesdays from 11:35-12:05
I. Course Description:
Material from Latin I is reviewed, along with a more detailed study of vocabulary and grammar.
More complex structures of the language along with intermediate translation skills are presented, and the geographical, historical, and cultural themes of the first level are expanded.
II. Course Objectives:
Intermediate Latin grammar and syntax:
Brief review of Latin I concepts
Intermediate translations from Latin to English
Latin composition
Common Latin phrases, idioms and a memorization piece (the dreaded first septem lines of Virgil’s Aeneid,
which I am sure you have heard students moan and wail over, and now it is your turn. J)
Weekly translations from the following major contributors to the classics and Latin literature:
Caesar Ovid and Vergil Marshall
The letters of Pliny Cicero Catullus (my personal favorite)
Roman Culture and Mythology
III. Classroom Expectations:
1. No food or drink will be allowed in the classroom except for water.
2. Follow the aurea lex at all times. Please remember that this is a Disney rated classroom J.
3. Cheating will result in a ZERO for the assignment/test (which may not be made up), the loss of
all extra credit points for the 9 weeks (including Legion of Honor and Start Off Grade) and loss of any exam privilege offered (note card, bonus points, etc.)
4. Cell phones and electronic devices are not to be used in the classroom for any reason.
If you are using your cell phone during class, it will be taken up and kept until the end of the class period.
Repeat offenders will be written up in BLOOM and sent to an administrator.
5. You are not to use your Huntsville City Schools laptops to play games, watch movies or look up translations online.
You may not have your computers out during translation assignments. Text books and dictionaries will be provided for you. The use of online translators will be considered cheating, and will result in the same consequences as listed above.
6. Please try to complete any missed tests or quizzes within a week of returning to school. You may come during the first half of Power Hour on the days listed above. **After two weeks, these grades will be marked as a 1/F in INOW, and the highest grade that can be earned after this point is 70%. ** If you are absent for more than 3 consecutive days, we will discuss a timeline for completing your missed assignments.
7. If a student does not complete an assignment, a ‘1’ will be used as a placeholder in INOW. The student has until the next test to make up a late or missing assignment and the highest possible grade that may be earned is 70%.
If we have already reviewed the missing assignment in class, an alternate translation will be given.
One day late: 70%; 2 days late: 65%; 3 days late: 60%, etc …9 days late: 30%; 10 days late: 1%
VI. Huntsville City Schools Grading Distribution:
60% : Assessments / Quizzes
All Chapter tests will be comprehensive. Chapter tests will include brief Latin phrases, vocabulary, grammar charts, sentences and a bonus section. Every week there will either be a vocabulary or a short grammar quiz on the current chapter.
40%: In Class Assignments /Homework
There will be homework and class work checks throughout the 9-weeks. A large part of your chapter tests will come directly from your homework and class work, so it will be important to make corrections when we go over the material.
IV. 18/36 Week Plan (units of study, reviews, and exams)
Weeks I-III: Lesson I vocabulary and grammar
Getting To Know You Activity (Classwork)
Review of 1st and 2nd Declension Nouns, Adjectives and Case Uses (Out loud grammar quiz)
Present, Future and Imperfect Active Tenses of 1st and 2nd Conjugation Verbs
Present Imperative Forms for 1st and 2nd Conjugations
Linking Verbs in the same tenses
Gender Confused Nouns and Nouns/Adjectives ending in -er
Vocabulary Lesson I (Vocabulary Quiz)
Translation sentences and paragraphs (Classwork/Homework)
Lesson I Test
Weeks IV-VI: Lesson II vocabulary and grammar
Lesson II vocabulary (Vocabulary Quiz)
3rd Declension Nouns and Adjectives all three genders (Grammar Quiz x two)
I-Stem Rules and Declension
Translation Paragraphs (multiple) (Classwork/Homework)
Mosaic Art Project based on Io paragraph (Classwork/Homework)
Lesson II Test
Weeks VI – VIII: Lesson III vocabulary and grammar
Vocabulary lesson III (Vocabulary Quiz)
III, IIIi and IV Conjugation Verbs in Present, Imperfect and Future Active Tenses
Present Imperative forms of these conjugations (Grammar Quiz)
Vocative Rules
Idiom Phrases
Ablatives of Means, Accompaniment, Place From Which, Place Where, Manner, Time When, and Agent
(Open Notes Grammar Quiz)
Translation Paragraphs (multiple) (Classwork/Homework)
Latin Jeopardy or Certamen comprehensive review game
Lesson III Test
Weeks IX – XI: Lesson IV vocabulary and grammar
Vocabulary lesson IV (Vocabulary quiz)
Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect Active tenses for all conjugations and linking verbs
(Grammar Quiz)
Translation paragraphs (multiple) (Classwork/Homework)
Word of the Day Bonus Quiz (week IX)
Lesson IV Test
Weeks XI – XIV: Lesson V (Part I) vocabulary and grammar
Halloween Vocabulary list (Vocabulary Quiz matching)
Passive Voice (Active Tenses only) (Grammar Quiz)
Aeneid Line I Memorization
Board Game review of verb tenses
Translation paragraphs (multiple) (Classwork/Homework)
Group Halloween Paragraph Composition Project (one week) (Test Grade)
Lesson V Part I test
Weeks XV – XVII: Lesson V (Part II) vocabulary and grammar
Vocabulary Lesson V Part II (Vocabulary Quiz)
Aeneid lines I-II Memorization
Perfect Passive Verbs for all conjugations and tenses (Grammar Quiz)
Translation paragraphs (multiple) (Classwork/Homework)
Lesson V Part II Test
Weeks XVII – XVIII: Review for Semester Exam
Latin Jeopardy/Certamen Review Games
Structured Review
Word of the Day Bonus Quiz
Semester Exam
I have read, understand and agree to follow the above classroom expectations for the 2017-2018 school year.
Student Signature Date
What do you hope to learn in Latin this year? Do you have any special lesson requests?
I will do my best to include these in my plans this year .