Prevention Agenda Workgroup
√ / Caroline Troue, HCDI / √ / Dot Jones, Saratoga Hospital / √ / Julie Clegg, AFBH√ / Keshana Owens-Cody, HCDI / √ / Jillian Diperna, GCPH / √ / Nicole Suissa, AFBH
√ / Larry Schoen, HCDI / √ / Mary Daggett, CMH
√ / Kevin Jobin-Davis, HCDI / √ / Mary Fran Wachunas, RCPH
√ / Cathy Duncan, SCDOH / √ / Pamela Rehak, SPHP
√ / Diane McAlpine, AMC / √ / Ron Rouse, RHN
Call to Order / The meeting was called to order at 8:37 and introductions were made around the room and on the conference call.
CHIP Implementation Plans / a. Kevin reviewed the implementation plan tracking with the group. A year from now at this time will be a good target date for year 1 report outs in the community since it is Public Health Week. We could do a regional report out or organizational report outs. The group decided to go with a Jan-March Q1 time period, instead of Dec-Feb which had been previously discussed.
b. County-Hospital Report Outs
Greene County: They are following the Project Lazarus Model which encompasses various components that are being carried out through the Columbia-Greene Controlled Substance Awareness Taskforce and prevention/prescriber subgroups. They currently have 5 drop boxes in Greene County and there have already been ~500 lbs collected this year. They collect this data from reports from the sheriff. They are doing monthly Narcan trainings through Catholic Charities but there is a currently a Narcan shortage. They have 8 sharps collection sites. >500 lbs of sharps have been collected this year and this is collected through solid waste. They have an educator at GCPH doing prevention education in the schools. They have their tracking system in place. Ron Rouse added that the Biggest Loser Competition has 550 participants throughout the county this year.
Saratoga Hospital: They are working with county partners through their substance abuse group. They filed for CON to add addiction to Community Health Centers. They are going for duel certification to be able to add addition medication beyond DSRIP. The committee has a tracking measure for work going on in the communities. They have combined targets on some of the measures with the County.
Albany County: Cohoes has adopted a Complete Streets policy to help reengineer some of the built environment in the city. They will have a community walking event on May 21st. They just kicked off a local Opioid taskforce on March 19th to include police force, providers and mental health. They plan on doing some marketing around National Drug Take Back Day which is Saturday April 29th.
St. Peter’s Hospital: They are working with provider training which they are required to take by July 15th. They are able to take it free online or through Medical Society. They’ve been working with Boston University to get their prescriber program approved by the State Health Department and training will be open to the community in June. Ambulatory Detox is close to being open and the clinics are already doing Ambulatory Detox.
AMC: They have Emergency Medicine Physicians actively providing Narcan trainings. They will report back more on number next quarter.
Saratoga County: Working on a Vivitrol program in the county jail. They haven’t had great number of people participate in the program yet so they are working t expand it to include alcohol dependent inmates. They have a Suicide Workgroup that focuses on prevention and post-vention strategies. They will have a post-vention training this coming Friday. They also hold SafeTalks trainings and RealTalks throughout the counties. They have an event in May that they will try to get media coverage for. Four Winds will be doing a Grand Rounds on Suicide within the next year and a half as well. The county educator is responsible for tracking meetings, events, etc.
c. There is a Narcan shortage in NYS due to the recall. Catholic Charities is looking for other vendors and we will stay tuned for any other action steps.
d. Saturday April, 29th is National Drug Take Back Day. We will organize a regional press release around the event. / a. HCDI planners may be following up to ensure any missing tracking pieces or proper contacts are being captured
b. HCDI will plan internally what to include in a Drug Take Back Day report and will follow-up with the counties/hospitals
HCDI planners will provide a brief overview of CHIP success stories next meeting
d. Charles will follow up with Dr. Whalen on messaging and photos from last years take back at Guilderland Library. Kevin will follow-up with Camino Nuevo on getting a consumer experience or personal story. Counties will send Keshana Drug Take Back locations.
Alliance for Better Health DSRIP Updates / Julie Clegg of Alliance for Better Health joined the PAWG as an opportunity for more collaboration between the counties and DSRIP. She also brought Nicole Suissa who will be the new PAM project lead. They have a new leadership and new vision to make sure they’re doing as much as they can to improve the health of the overall community. They were slow to pivot after the first two years of DSRIP from pay for reporting to pay for programming. They are beginning a new “Fast Start” plan which will create push towards working with more CBO’s, where they had previously focused too much on providers and hospitals. They have developed a robust system for collecting data when they get it from the DOH. They previously haven’t been able to share that data but they are working to rectify this issue and will hopefully be able to distribute their data down the line.
The Counties/Hospitals shared which DSRIP project they currently are involved in or previously have. Julie discussed the three projects where she can see the biggest areas of opportunity for involvement from the counties being Behavioral Health, Asthma, and PAM.
Alliance’s 4 A’s:
Align with Partners
Assist where there are limited resources
Add people in to help mitigate losing partners
The PPS are trying their best to work with each other so that organizations aren’t stuck in the middle of two PPS whose projects don’t align.
Julie will follow-up on the details of the Population Health Roadmap and how it could provide clues on how counties could interact with their PPS. It is a living document that can change how it sees fit.
Julie Clegg, Alliance for Better Health
Phone: 646-642-2669
HCDI Web Updates / Kevin presented the new format and resources that can be found on or updated HCDI homepage. He discussed some of the types of resources that can be found under each pillar (Health insurance, Health Care Providers, Community Supports and Self-Management), as well as the Progression of Patient Activation Core Competencies which is a good tool for coaches in the DSRIP PAM project, which can be found on the Health and Wellness Services tab.
Next Meeting: / Wednesday July 12, 2017 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.