2016 Federal Recognition Awards
Information &
Nomination Procedures
Alamo Federal Executive Board
550 C Street West, Ste A-123
JBSA Randolph TX 78150-4702
Phone: 210-565-1860 Fax: 565-1862
The Federal Recognition Awards Program is recognized as one of the most prestigious and coveted forms of non-monetary recognition available to civilian and military employees of the U.S. Government in the San Antonio and Austin metropolitan areas.
B. CATEGORIES: Outstanding employees may be nominated for consideration in one of nine categories (See Chart Below).
- Individual or team may be nominated for only one category.
- Agencies may only nominate one person / team per category.
- Base nominee’s record of service for 12 months prior to March 1, 2016.
- Former non-finalists may again be nominated; however, must show record of previous 12 months.
Service Requirements
- Nominee must be a federal employee (military or civilian). Part-time employees are included.
- Nominee's employment need not have been in a single agency.
D. PREPARATION of NOMINATION FORM: (Form included in packet and must be submitted in this format). The Nomination Review Board will consider the overall accomplishments of the individual or team being nominated. The factors used in screening the nominations and selecting the winners are listed with each category description under the judging criteria. While each factor is important, the nominee need not be exemplary in all; however, all factors must be addressed.
AFEB will accept written nominations signed by the nominating agency / installation head, or the person acting in that capacity. In the case of multiple nominations in different categories from one agency/office, a cover letter listing each nominee and signed by the agency / installation head will suffice. Submit written nominations to or fax to 210-565-1862 or mail nominations to:
Alamo Federal Executive Board
550 C Street West STE A-123
JBSA Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4702
F. DEADLINE for SUBMISSION of NOMINATIONS: Nominations must be received at the Alamo FEB office no later than close of business on March 16, 2016. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt within three business days after submitting your nomination(s), please notify our office immediately.
G. THE AWARDS CEREMONY: All individuals submitted will be recognized. Finalists in each category will be featured in the awards program booklet and awarded a plaque at the awards event. All other nominees’ names will be printed in the program as “honorable mentions.”
H. NOTIFICATION: Alamo FEB will notify the nominators of the finalists in each category by email and / or phone on or before April 13, 2016.
I. AWARDS CEREMONY & RECEPTION: Scheduled for May 10, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Schertz Civic Center (1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, TX 78154). Alamo FEB will sponsor this event at no-charge to the Federal agencies—we are aiming for maximum agency participation. Alamo FEB will host a small reception with refreshments following the ceremony. To maintain an accurate head count, we require each agency / organization to RSVP with name of attendee(s) no later than April 29, 2016. Register for attendance through our online event registration page at:
J. NETWORKING EXHIBIT HALL: For maximum agency awareness, the AFEB will provide space for agencies / organizations to exhibit their capabilities, roles and responsibilities at the award ceremony and reception. This is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of organizations to over 300 attendees of various federal agencies. The exhibit hall will open prior to the ceremony and during the reception. There is no cost for federal agencies to host an exhibit space; however, exhibitors will be responsible for setting up their booth at the provided table. If you are interested in hosting a booth please register at or contact the AFEB at by COB Apr 15, 2016.
Categories for
2016 Federal Recognition Awards Program
/Category /
Category Description
/Judging Criteria
/1. Administrative Support / Any employee in administrative, clerical, secretarial, and other office support positions. / A. Specific related extraordinary accomplishment(s) within the past 12 months (prior to March 1, 2016).
B. Explanation of impact on internal agency members.
C. Description of impact on external customers / clientele.
2. Specialist
/ Any employee with duties and responsibilities not specifically covered by one of the other categories.3. Law Enforcement
/ Any employee involved in law enforcement, security, and investigations.4. Professional
/ Any employee in professional / scientific professions (i.e., medicine, mathematics, engineering, accounting, law, etc.).5. Customer Service / Any employee whose efforts resulted in significantly improving customer service, customer satisfaction, and ultimately customer relationships with the agency. / A. Articulate specific accomplishments that resulted in improved customer services / relationships within the past 12 months (prior to March 1, 2016).
B. Explain employees’ determination to exceed customer expectations.
6. Military or Civilian
Deployed / Any military or civilian member who deployed at any time during the past 12 months in support of any Conflict. The military and civilian nominations compete against each other unless we receive three or more nominations for each / Describe extraordinary service and / or valor on behalf of the war effort.
7. Supervisor / Those who direct the work of others and annually evaluate employee job performance. / A. Specific extraordinary accomplishments within the past 12 months (prior to March 1, 2016).
B. Description of supervisor’s leadership philosophy and effect on employees and customers / clientele.
8. Teamwork (Small Team) (10 members or less)
/ A group of individuals dependent upon one another to exceed expectations through self-generated initiatives / innovations that resulted in significant tangible benefits to the agency and / or customers. / A. Describe the team’s mission and how they exceeded expectations during the past 12 months (prior to March 1, 2016).B. Describe tangible benefits such as cost savings, agency efficiencies related to services / products produced.
9. Teamwork (Large Team)
(11 or more members) / A group of individuals dependent upon one another to exceed expectations through self-generated initiatives / innovations that resulted in significant tangible benefits to the agency and / or customers.
Deadline for Submission: March 16, 2016.
Scan and email to:
Mail to:
Alamo Federal Executive Board
550 C Street West, Ste A-123
JBSA Randolph TX 78150-4702
(Please type the following information)
Category of Nomination (e.g., Cat 1 – Admin Support):
Nominee (Or Team Leader-For Team Nomination) Information
Full Name of Nominee / Team Name:
Series and Grade:
Work Email:
Work Phone:
Agency or Department:
Nominator Information
Relationship to Nominee (supervisor, co-worker, etc.):
Agency or Department:
Work Email:
Work Phone:
Agency Awards Coordinator (if different from Nominator):
Work Email:
Work Phone:
Agency Head (or Designee) Statement of Understanding. I fully support the nomination. All information provided is true to the best of my knowledge.
Name of Agency Head (or Designee) and Title:
Signature and Signature Block of Agency Head (or Designee)
Award Questionnaire
Using the judging criteria for each category, answer the following questions. Bullet statements are permitted, but are not required.
A. Please tell us why the nominee is deserving of this award. (Limit to 500 words.)
B. Please describe how the nominee’s performance benefits the agency and/or public. (Limit to 500 words.)
C. Collateral Information (Optional). Use this space to tell us any other notable qualities or societal contributions to merit award. Examples include awards or special recognition, etc. (If a team, please provide the complete list of team member names here.)