Lesson 37
Right Things or Things Right?
Main Idea:How we worship is just as important as why we worship.
Text: 2 Samuel 6
Also, see: 1 Chronicles 13, 15
As we saw in an earlier lesson, the end does not justify the means. In fact, in this story, the means is what gets David in trouble. As we will see, David has a good idea, but simply goes about it wrong. His heart is relatively pure and sincere in his desire, for what he desires is the power and blessing of God. He is seeking to honor God in his actions. However, in an effort to do this, he gets sloppy in how he goes about doing it. We will see throughout this chapter that David desires to honor and glorify God. Also throughout the chapter, we will see different lessons that David learns about worship. In all, we will learn three principles that all point us back to this truth: how we worship matters.
I.Lesson #1 – Doing the right thing in the wrong way does not honor God.
- Up to this point, all is going well for David. Frankly, he can do no wrong.
- At the start of chapter six, he rounds up a group of 30,000 men and sets out to bring the ark of God to Jerusalem to the tabernacle where it belonged. (if you remember, the Philistines had taken it and brought it back where it was kept in the house of Abinadab for 20 years – 1 Samuel 7)
- David’s desire is completely pure. He simply wants to honor God and enquire of Him as long as he is king. There is certainly nothing wrong with this. (Also see 1 Chron. 13:1-4)
- When they come to the place where the ark is, they place it on a BRAND NEW CART. Wow! Not some old beat up cart, but a NEW one! It was a fancy cart.
- Interestingly enough, this is the exact same way the Philistines transported the ark. They did not know any better. (don’t forget, they were struck with hemorrhoids for mishandling the ark) David had been living with the Philistines and perhaps they influenced him by their WORLDLY METHODS.
- There are a number of problems with the WAY THEY ARE GOING ABOUT ALL THIS THOUGH.
- First, the sons of Kohath (Levites) were supposed to be the ones moving the ark. (Numbers 4:15) Not just anybody could do this.
- Second, they were to carry it on their shoulders not on a cart! (Numbers 7:9)
- Staves of wood, overlaid with gold were made specifically for carrying the ark. (Exodus 25:12-15)
- Finally, David NEVER prayed about this MAJOR move. 1 Chronicles 13 shows that he only consulted with the leaders of Israel and in 1 Chronicles 15:13, David confesses the reasons they had problems was because theydid not seek God properly. (Not in prayer or written scriptures)
- So anyway, off they go carrying the ark of God on this new cart. Doing the right thing (bringing the ark back) in the wrong way (on a cart instead of Levite shoulders).
- All of a sudden, the oxen that are pulling the new cart begin to shake the cart! The ark may fall off! Therefore, Uzzah stuck his hand up there to steady the ark and to keep it from falling.
- God is angered with Uzzah and strikes him dead on the spot, which halts the move. They end up putting the ark in the house of Obededom for three months, whose house is blessed by the presence of the ark.
David and his men have done something very good in a very wrong way. As a result, God is displeased. “I thought God only looked on the heart! I just think as long as a person is sincere, that’s all that matters!” Well, David was sincere, but Uzzah was killed because David’s sincerity was not all that mattered. Doing the right thing in the wrong way did not please the Lord at all.
II.Lesson #2 – Doing the right thing in the right way pleases God.
- Apparently, by the time he goes back to get the ark from Obededom’s house, David has sought the Lord on how to transport the ark.
- 2 Sam. 6:13 – people are baring the ark…no cart.
- 1 Chron. 15:2, 13 – He understands that the Levites ought to do this and that they need to seek God.
- He even goes above and beyond and offers sacrifices as they go along the way.
- As a result, the scene is filled with joy.
- David is dancing.
- All the house of Israel brings up the ark of God with shouting.
- The ark winds up back in Jerusalem without anyone being killed.
A completely different feel to it characterizes this part of the story. Now there is joy and success. God is pleased, people are right with God…good times.
III.Lesson #3 – True worship demands humility.(You cannot let what others think keep you from honoring God.)
- When David is bringing the ark back, the Bible says that he is dancing with all his might.
- His wife Michal sees him and despises him for this. Why? She later gets on to David for dancing and “uncovering” himself in the eyes of all these handmaids. This does NOT mean that David was doing anything lewd, sexual, or even improper.
- Uncovering does not have to mean naked, it can also mean to reveal or publish. It can also carry the idea that someone has acted shamelessly and unreservedly.
- The devotion that was in David, he let out. This embarrassed Michal.
- Therefore,she is not accusing him of nudity, but rather of acting like a fool in her opinion.
- Notice David’s response.
- It was before the Lord. I was doing what I did for the Lord, not to impress anyone else.
- I will be yet more vile and base in my own sight. I can never be too humble!
David desired to worship the Lord. In an effort to do this, his own wife thought he was acting like a fool. This did not stop David though, for he understood that worship demanded humility.
How we serve God is just as important as why we serve him. Sincerity is not everything. Jesus taught us to worship him in spirit and in truth. (Jn. 4) Paul taught the Corinthians to worship with sincerity and truth. (1 Cor. 5) The key word here is ‘truth.’ Many want to worship God, but leave the truth part out of it. This is just as dangerous as carrying the ark of God on a cart. We do not get to do with God just whatever we think is best. We need to approach him on his terms and his way. Only then will we experience the blessing and joy that he wants to give us.