Reconnecting the Academy in Sierra Leone & the Diaspora:

Creating Synergies that Support the

Strategic Visions of Sierra Leone’s Universities

May 17-18, 2013

Hicks Center, Room 111

Friday, May 17th

Welcome & Opening Plenary (1:30-3:00)

1:30 What to Expect & Introductions

Joseph Bangura, Kiran Cunningham & Kathleen West

2:00 Plenary: Sierra Leone’s Universities Today

Vice Chancellors Jonas Redwood-Sawyerr and Abu Sesay

BREAK (15 min)

Identifying Possibilities for Collaboration – Part 1 (3:15-5:15)

Each 60-minute topic session will be formatted as follows:
·  Brainstorm: What are the pressing issues in this area in Sierra Leone today? (5 min.)
·  Facilitate discussion: Where are the intersections between these issues and the work of Njala and USL? (10 min.)
·  Facilitated discussion: Given the interests, connections, experience, and affiliations in the group, what opportunities are there for addressing these issues, especially if we were to work together?Recorder writes identified opportunities on flip chart. (20 min.)
·  Small groups: Which of these opportunities for collaboration are the most promising? Group writes two most promising collaborations on flip chart. (10 min.)
·  Small groups report out – 3-4 minutes per group. (10 min.)

3:15 Health, Medicine, & Social Services

Facilitator: Kathleen West

4:15 Food Security & Development Practice

Facilitator: Russell Rhoads

Reception (5:15-6:30)

(Dinner on your own - Information on nearby restaurants will be included in your packet)

Saturday, May 18th

Welcome to Day Two (8:00-8:45)

8:00 -8:30 – Reconvening & Introductions of Newcomers

Coffee, juice, scones & muffins provided

Write any new ideas on flip charts from Day One

8:30-8:45 – Brief Glance Back at Day One

Jonas Redwood-Sawyerr, Abu Sesay, and Kiran Cunningham

Identifying Possibilities for Collaboration – Part 2 (8:45-1:00)

8:45 Education & Communication

Facilitator: Tom Spencer-Walters

9:45 Civic Welfare, Religion & Peace Building

Facilitator: Joseph Bangura

BREAK (15 min)

11:00 Economics, Governance & Employment

Facilitator: Kiran Cunningham

12:00 Information and Communication Technology

Facilitator: Alyce Brady

Lunch (provided – 1:00-2:30)

Action Planning & Commitment Conversations (2:30-5:15)

2:30 Select collaborative initiatives

·  Review most promising opportunities for collaboration that emerged from each session.

·  Each participant votes with initialed stickers for 3 of the opportunities on the charts

·  Facilitated discussion to identify 4 most promising areas of work

(Break into small groups around identified collaborations)

3:00 Identify desired outcomes of the initiative

3:30 Groups report out

BREAK (15 min)

4:00 Initiative Action Planning

·  Develop a preliminary timeline for the initiative

·  What must be done in the next 30 days to begin this work?

·  Establish individual commitments

4:30 Groups report out

Reflections & Looking Ahead (4:45-5:15)

Dinner and Party at Joseph Bangura’s home! (7:00)

In order to accomplish this exciting work in our brief time together, we will need to strictly adhere to the times outlined in the agenda. Please plan to arrive on time and stay throughout the sessions. Wifi is available on the campus for communication needs, however we ask that cell phones be turned off during the sessions and laptops be used for session note taking only.