13November 2014



a)All matches under the jurisdiction of this Competition Administrator (CA) will be played in accordance with the FIFA Laws of the Game.

This includes the Regular Season and Finals Series matches.

b)The competition rules outlined below are in addition to those stipulated in the FIFA Laws of the Game.(

c)Clubs, Players and Officials must comply with and agree to abide by the regulations of Football Federation Australia; Football Queensland; Football South West Queensland and the Football Toowoomba Competition Administrators, including;

National Registration Regulations;

National Disciplinary Regulations;

FFA Code of Conduct;

Grievance Resolution Regulations;

Member Protection Policy;

Football Toowoomba Rules of Competition & By Laws


Participation in any level of competition is subject to the payment of aregistration fee to be notified by Football Toowoomba.

Football Toowoomba will not accept nominations to participate in any competition if the Club is un-financial with Football Toowoomba.

No affiliated club shall be permitted to commence playing in the Football Toowoomba competition season if they are un-financial with Football Toowoomba at the commencement of competition unless written agreement has been reached with Football Toowoomba.

Football Toowoomba reserves the right to amend the size, structure and composition of any division.


Football Toowoomba Premier League: Men

a)Clubs will be invited to apply to Football Toowoomba to participate in a Premier League. The criteria to be used by the CA for entry will be as follows:

  • A squad of a minimum 28 registered male players
  • Clear evidence of adequate field facilities including appropriate field and spectator field markings; sunshades / dugouts; and an adequate / secure referees room
  • A match reporting officer responsible for reporting on and promoting the activities of the Premier team to Football Toowoomba and others, including provision of game reviews

b)These squads will play each week as Premier and Reserve Men. There will be a free exchange of players between Premier and Reserves. Unlimited player interchange is allowed for all Divisions except for Premier Men.

c)Two clubs will be allowed to contribute players to these squads co-operatively. If this occurs all players must be registered with the one (1) club.

d)Premier League players will not be allowed to play in any other division other than Colts (should they be eligible), except with the written authority of the Football Toowoomba CA. Such player(s) would then cease to play in the Premier League.

Men’s Division 1 and Division 2:

e)For all Senior Men’s teams currently unable or not wishing to meet the criteria for entry to the Premier League, a Division 1 and Division 2 competition will be conducted (if numbers permit). Clubs will be allowed to self-nominate for either of these divisions, although Football Toowoomba will reserve the right to change a team’s division for the purpose of eliminating byes and balancing the competition. Where necessary, placement will be determined by the previous year’s form

f)Two clubs will be allowed to contribute players to these teams co-operatively. If this occurs all players must be registered with the one (1) club. The team may but will not be required to play under a combined identity.

g)All Division players will only be registered with the one (1) club and may only play for other teams from that club, if eligible.

h)Division 1 or 2 players will be allowed to play up into the Premier League for a maximum number of two (2) games. On the third (3rd) game they will be regarded as permanent Premier League players and will not be allowed to return to Division 1 or 2 without the written permission of Football Toowoomba.

i)Colts will be allowed to participate in Division 1 and 2 competitions if eligible unless they are also a Premier League player.

Football Toowoomba Premier and Division One Women:

j)Clubs will be invited to apply to Football Toowoomba to participate in the Women’s Premier. The criteria to be used by the CA for entry into the Women’s (Ladies) Premier Competition will be as follows:

  • A squad of a minimum 14 registered female players
  • Clear evidence of adequate field facilities including appropriate field and spectator field markings; sunshades / dugouts; and an adequate / secure referees room
  • A match reporting officer responsible for reporting on and promoting the activities of the Premier team to Football Toowoomba and others, including provision of game reviews

k)The Women’s competition will be conducted on the same basis as the Men’s Division1 and 2. The one exception will be that there will be no restrictions placed upon Women’s Division 1 players playing up into the Women’s Premier League. Fillies will be allowed to play up into either Division 1, Premier or both, should they be eligible.

l)Two clubs will be allowed to contribute players to these teams co-operatively. If this occurs all players must be registered with the one (1) club. The team may but will not be required to play under a combined identity.

m)All Premier League and Divisional players will only be registered with the one (1) club and may only play for other teams from that club, if eligible.

n)The Ladies Premier Division will be restricted to between four and six teams, dependant upon the overall number of Ladies teams nominated. Where too many clubs apply for Ladies Premier, placement will be determined by the CA on the basis of the previous year’s form

Football Toowoomba Senior Premier and Divisions - General:

o)The Competition Administrator will determine the number of matches to be played in each division once thefinal composition of each division is determined.

p)The team finishing with the most points in each Division at the conclusion of the competition fixture seasonwill be crowned Minor Premiership winners.

q)At the conclusion of the fixture season, the top four (4) placed teams will participate in a Finals Series todetermine the Grand Final Winners and Runners Up.

r)Finals for Mens Premier and Reserve Grades – players nominated for the Reserve Finals must have played the majority (ie., minimum 50%) of their games played in Reserves through the regular season. The Competition Administrator reserves the right not to accept players who fail to meet this criteria.

s)Finals for Mens Premier and Reserve Grades – there is no restriction on who can play Premier Finals provided nominated players have played at least four (4) games with the club through the season. Players eligible for Reserve Finals may also be nominated for their Premier team in the finals.

Clubs with multiple teams in the same Division:

t)No club or entity will be allowed to have 2 teams in the same division (for Colts and Fillies ONLY, clubs or entities may still have multiple teams);

u)If a club has two or more teams in the same division or division level (Colts and Fillies), the club will be required by Football Toowoomba to provide a list of players allocated to each team. Once this list has been provided, the players are only permitted to play for the team to which they have been allocated when playing in that division or division level. This does not preclude them from playing for other teams within the club in other division levels.

Football Toowoomba Junior Divisions - Colts and Fillies:

v)Colts and Fillies players will play in a Friday night league and will also be allowed to play in other senior divisions. Colts and Fillies will be included in the senior competition draw, but will continue to be regarded as Junior players and teams


Football Toowoomba Junior Divisions – Under 12 to 16:

a) The composition of the Junior Competitive Divisions will fall into the following age groupings:




b) All teams will play in the same (A) division except where Football Toowoomba has resolved that:

i – there are special considerations for a particular team to play in a lower (B) level division; and

ii – there are sufficient teams in the age division and sufficient teams with special considerations to support a lower (B) competition within that age division

c) Special considerations might include but are not restricted to the following:

i – the necessity for a majority of younger (13 or 15 year olds) and / or “out of age” players to play in a team;

ii – a club can demonstrate that they have engaged in internal grading processes and already have teams in the higher (A) division for that age grouping;

iii – a team has an established history of poor performance in lower divisions

d) Each team must be able to field a full and separate compliment of members, and players may not play for another team in the same Division;

e) In exceptional circumstances a lower (B) division player or “out of age” player may play in the higher (A) division of that age grouping (see section 2.4, Age Eligibility). Clubs playing a player in teams outside the Age Eligibility guidelines and / or without clearance from Football Toowoomba may be deemed to have played an ineligible player and may face disciplinary action and sanctions;

f) A player from a younger age group or lower division may play up a grade higher provided that player does not displace a player from the older age group, if available to play that fixture match. i.e. if a team has a reasonable (12 or more) number of players available for that age group;

g) Final placement of teams into divisions is at the discretion of Football Toowoomba;

h) There is no restriction on how many times a Junior player can play up with permission during the season;

i) The Competition Administrator will determine the number of matches to be played in each division once the final composition is determined;

j) Where the competition administrator has determined that there exist sufficient appropriate teams for a lower (B) division within that age competition, and has allocated teams to the (A) and (B) competition based upon likely team abilities, the allocation of teams will be reviewed by the Competition Administrators at the completion of the first four (4) rounds of the competition. In this situation the Competition Administrator may change the placement of teams in (A) and (B) divisions as it sees fit to best meet the needs of the competition as a whole. NO CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM ANY CLUB OR ITS MEMBERS REGARDING ANY CHANGE IMPOSED;

k) Where the Competition Administrator changes the allocation of a team from (A) to (B) divisions or from (B) to (A) divisions, that team shall have their previous points and goal difference removed and shall be allocated the MEDIAN points for the new division at the end of round four (4), and a “0” goal difference. NO CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM ANY CLUB OR ITS MEMBERS REGARDING THIS METHOD OF ALLOCATION OF POINTS;

l) The team finishing with the most points in each Division at the conclusion of the competition fixture season will be awarded as the Minor Premiership winners;

m) Where all teams within the Age Division play in a single competition, at the conclusion of the fixture season, the top four (4) placed teams will participate in a Major Finals Series to determine the Major Grand Final Winners and Runners Up. The next four highest placed teams at the conclusion of the fixture season will play in a Minor Finals Series to determine the Minor Grand Final Winners and Runners Up.

n) Where there exists an (A) and (B) division within an age grouping, at the conclusion of the fixture season, the top four (4) placed teams in the (A) division will participate in a Finals Series to determine the Grand Final Winners and Runners Up, and the top four (4) placed teams in the (B) division will participate in a Finals Series to determine the Grand Final Winners and Runners Up

Junior Divisions – Mini Roos

a)The age groups of Under 6 to Under 11 will play the Mini Roos formats as per thespecifications and guidelines issued by Football Federation Australia and Football Queensland. This includes the stipulation that there will be no grading of either individual players or teams.

b)Football Toowoomba is required to provide Mini Roos in every designated age group from u6-U11. If numbers are low in some age groups, certain age groups may have to be combined. Variations on application will be considered by Football Toowoomba.

c)Clubs within the Football Toowoomba Competition may have to combine age groups to field full compliments of teams (except where players would be required to move from Mini Roos to competition rules). Generally, players will play up in the appropriate age format – U6/U7 in 4 a side; U8/U9 in 7 a side; U10/U11 in 9 aside. Variations on application will be considered by Football Toowoomba.

Additional Competitions

d)The Competition Administrator may conduct additional competitions as it deems appropriate before, duringor after the competition season, providing the rules for these competition prior to commencement.


Match Scheduling – Seniors, Colts & Fillies

a)The Competition Administrator will arrange and publish the dates, times and venues of all matches, takinginto account the following criteria:

  • All games will be randomly assigned on an even home and away basis;
  • Where a team is unable to host a home game at the assigned time on the home field(s), relocation will be made to either (a) an alternate time, or (b) an alternate field. There will be NO swapping of home games to preferred alternate weeks;
  • Alternate times will be on the same day or the Saturday night, and will not be automatically approved for reasons other than field availability;
  • Where a home game is reallocated to an alternate field, the home team remains responsible for ensuring the field is appropriately prepared for the scheduled start of play, and will provide a GROUND OFFICIAL who is not a team official for that game.

b)Rescheduling of any game will be at the discretion of the Competition Administrator. This will be on the basis of availability of referees, the impact on other teams and clubs, and the reasons provided for the reschedule request. Generally, requests for reschedules should be made prior to the season’s commencement based on the draft draw provided to clubs. Teams requesting more than 20% of their games to be rescheduled will be considered ineligible for that competition.

c)Failure to provide a minimum of two (2) weeks notice to the Competition Administrator of field unavailability will incur a penalty (see schedule of fines) and possible game forfeiture

Match Results

d)The following points will be awarded for matches during the Regular Season.

Win = 3 points

Draw = 1 point

Loss = 0 points

Bye = 1 point

e) The team who accumulates the most points at the end of the regular season will be declared Minor Premiers and the top 4 according to final points make up the final series.

Duration of Matches – Senior

f)All men’s (including Colts) matches will be played over two halves of 45 minutes each. All women’s matches (including Fillies) will be played over two halves of 40 minutes.

g)After normal time in each half, the referee may add on Injury/Stoppage Time as he/she sees fit (as per FIFA Laws of the Game)

h)For Divisional matches the half-time interval must be a minimum of five (5) minutes and no longer than ten (10) minutes induration or as deemed by the referee. For Premier and Reserve matches the duration of the half-time interval must be a minimum of (10) minutes and no longer than (15) minutes

i) The referee has the right to abandon any match if, in his/her opinion, playing conditions compromise playersafety.

Duration of Matches – Junior & Junior Competitive

j)In junior matches the following match duration will be played.

Under 6 to 11 game times shall be as per the Mini Roos Guidelines.

Under 12 shall consist of two halves of 25 minutes each.

Under 13/14 shall consist of two halves of 30 minutes each

Under 15/16 shall consist of two halves of 35 minutes each.

k)After normal time in each half, the referee may add on Injury/Stoppage time as he/she sees fit. (as per FIFA Laws of the Game)

l)The half-time interval must be a minimum of five (5) minutes and no longer than ten (10) minutes induration or as deemed by the referee.

m) The referee has the right to abandon any match if, in his/her opinion, playing conditions compromise playersafety


Procedures to Determine Placing after Regular Season

n)The position of each team at the conclusion of the regular season will be determined based on thefollowing criteria;

Highest number of points accumulated during the Regular Season.

o) If two (2) or more teams are level on points accumulated in any senior division, the following criteria shallbe applied, in order, until one (1) of the teams can be determined as the higher ranked.

Highest goal difference;

Highest number of goals scored;

Highest number of points accumulated in matches between the teams


Highest goal difference in matches between the teams concerned;

Highest number of goals scored in matches between the team concerned;

Play off between the teams at time and venue as determined by Competition


Substitution of Players

p) For all male senior Premier Division matches each team can make up to three (3) substitutions (including agoalkeeper), with no more than five (5) substitutes listed.

q)For all other divisions, unlimited interchange will be permitted, with no more than five (5) substitute playerspermitted to be named on the team sheet. Substitutions cannot be made in the last 10 minutes of a game unless through injury.

r)Only players’ names listed on the team sheet are permitted to take part in the match.


a)Any request for departure from fixtures (by reschedule) shall be in writing to the Competition Administrator at least two (2) weeks prior to the date scheduled. Each request will be determined on its merits by the C.A., including the impact on other team(s) and referees, and other reschedules requested by the team making application. Consequently clear reasons for the reschedule request MUST be provided in the written submission