• Follow directions the 1st time.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Use good manners.
  • Share & take turns.
  • Use time wisely.
  • Care for all property.
  • Cooperate with others.
  • Stay on task.
  • Push in chair.
  • Use walking feet.
  • Keep 6 feet on the floor.
  • Keep hands, feet & objects to self.

  • Keep hands, feet & objects to self.
  • Follow adult directions the 1st time.
  • Walk quietly.
  • Use polite language.
  • Have appropriate pass.
  • Walk directly to your destination.
  • Hands by your side.
  • Stand on the third tile.
  • Use stairs properly.
  • Always walk quietly, calmly & safely.
  • Walk facing forward on the right side.

  • Respect other’s privacy.
  • Leave the restroom clean.
  • Wait your turn.
  • Enter & leave in a timely manner.
  • Flush the toilet.
  • Inform an adult of problems.
  • Use a kind, soft voice.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Keep water & soap in the sink.
  • Walk & keep feet on floor.

  • Use a kind, soft voice at your own table.
  • Use good manners.
  • Obey adult requests.
  • Wait your turn in line.
  • Gather necessary items before you sit.
  • Clean your area when you finish.
  • Know your number.
  • Sit at assigned table.
  • Keep hands, feet & objects to self.
  • Enter & exit cafeteria appropriately.
  • Hold tray with 2 hands.

  • Be polite & play fair.
  • Respect others’ space & property.
  • Show proper care of school equipment.
  • Listen to directions the 1st time.
  • Report unsafe items & injuries immediately.
  • Respond promptly to bells & instructions.
  • Take ownership of your actions.
  • Take care of your personal belongings.
  • Play in approved areas only.
  • Keep hands, feet & objects to self.
  • Use equipment appropriately.
  • Dress according to handbook rules.

  • Be patient & polite.
  • Use a kind, soft voice.
  • Listen to adult directions.
  • Have an office pass or note.
  • Enter quietly, calmly and slowly.
  • Stop at the desk & check in.

  • Keep eyes & ears on speaker.
  • Applaud when appropriate.
  • Stay with your class.
  • Walk directly to your destination.
  • Use appropriate voices.
  • Stay seated “crisscross applesauce”.
  • Keep hands, feet & objects to self.

  • Follow adult directions.
  • Use a calm, soft voice.
  • Use appropriate language.
  • Keep bus clean.
  • Be responsible for your belongings.
  • Walk & use stairs properly.
  • Stay seated.
  • Keep aisles clear.
  • Keep hands, feet & objects to yourself.

  • Follow adult directions.
  • Be patient.
  • When spoken to, respond politely to others.
  • Be responsible for your belongings.
  • Use appropriate voices.
  • Exit vehicles quickly.
  • Stay on the sidewalk.
  • Use walking feet.
  • Keep hands, feet & objects to self.