The 2017 Undergraduate Conference for Philosophy

at the University of Florida

April 8, 2017

Gainesville, Florida

The Undergraduate Philosophy Society is dedicated to fostering critical investigation and discussion at the undergraduate level of topics from a variety of topics within philosophy or disciplines which overlap with philosophy. We thus invite undergraduate students from any college or university to submit proposals for presentations at our third annual conference. The event will be hosted by the University of Florida in Gainesville on April 8, 2017, and will feature a Keynote address from Dr. Stephen Kearns

Dr. Stephen Kearns

We are extremely pleased to have Dr. Stephen Kearns as our Keynote speaker. Dr. Kearns is an Assistant Professor at Florida State University and he received his BPhil and DPhil from Oxford University. His research interests are primarily in Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Action, Ethics, and the Philosophy of Mind. Dr. Kearns has many philosophical works out, all of which can be found on his personal website.


Presentations are limited to 20 minutes in length (approximately 8-10 page papers).We welcome presentations by undergraduates on any topic in philosophy or overlapping disciplines.Suitable subject areas for the conference include (but are not limited to) the following:

Aesthetics / Ancient philosophy / Animal studies
Anthropological theory / Critical race theory / Environmental philosophy
Ethical theory / Existentialism / Feminist theory
Film studies / Logic / Marxist theory
Metaphysics / Phenomenology / Philosophy of history
Philosophy of language / Philosophy of mind / Philosophy of religion
Philosophy of science / Political philosophy / Post-colonial theory
Psychoanalysis / Queer theory / Theory of knowledge

Please submit your complete paper to by February 1st, 2017. What should be included in your proposal:

  • A paper, approximately 8-10 pages, if it is a first draft this number may be lower.
  • Your name, college or university, and email contact.
  • An indication of whether or not you require audio-visual equipment for your presentation.

Authors of accepted papers will be notified byMarch 1st, 2017. For questions concerning the conference, please contact us at .

Please note:This is a call for papers, not abstracts, so your submission must be a written complete draft of your paper. Improvements can be made before the conference as you see fit.