Newsletter Autumn Term ~ 5
Dear Parents/carers
The children have made a fantastic start back this term and I have already seen good progress in their learning.
There are so many exciting things happening this term. Please make sure we have your up to date mobile number so you don’t miss out on any important text messages.
A BIG THANK YOU for your amazing support at Parents evening last week. As you can see from the table below nearly everyone was able to come and support their children’s learning.
Class / Teacher / Number of parents attendingReception / Miss Whitmore / 100%
Year 1 / Mrs James / 100%
Year 2 / Mrs Tyers / 100%
Year 3 / Mr Cutler / 95%
Year 4 / Miss Williams / 93%
Year 5 / Mr O’Connell / 85%
Year 6 / Mrs Spendlove / 89%
Children who were elected as Librarians and School Council received their badges in celebration assembly.
Year 3 made a Stone Age dessert
using ingredients that could be foraged.
Meet our Play leaders
They are on our playground
everyday to help our children
to learn and play games.
Friendship Friday was a great success. Children played a big game of stuck in the mud with the teachers at playtime
and we raised £116 for the charity Kidscape.
Thank you.
All clubs run after school until 4.15pm (except Choir). Please collect your child promptly.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayFirst team squad Football.
Mr. O’Connell
KS2 Choir
Miss Crompton. / Development squad Football
Mr. Wills / Bananagrams Y4&5&6
Mrs Timpson. / Y4&5&6 Netball
Miss Hannah & Mrs Greenlee. / No clubs
House (BEST) points (winning house highlighted)
Congratulations to all the children who were awarded BEST house points.
Ash won the most BEST house points for week 1 with Oak stepping up to the mark and winning in week 2. Well done to everyone in Ash and Oak.
Maple - Blue / Oak - Yellow / Ash - Red / Teak - GreenWeek 1 / 215 / 206 / 250 / 248
Week 2 / 190 / 254 / 223 / 242
Whole school target 96% (highlighted hit the target)
We are so excited to see so many children in school on time. The more time your child spends in school the better their learning will be.
Well done to Reception, Years 1, 3, 4 and 6 for over 96%. That is a record with only two classes falling below the expected percentage. Please keep up the good work.
The children will also receive attendance badges at the end of the whole term if they have achieved outstanding attendance (over 98%).
Week 1 / Week 2Reception / 98% / 97.6
Year 1 / 85% / 97.3
Year 2 / 98.3% / 94.6
Year 3 / 98.7% / 96.8
Year 4 / 88.8% / 96.3
Year 5 / 94.7% / 89.6
Year 6 / 93.4% / 96.3
Important dates for this Autumn term
Friday 17th November / Children in Need (wear something spotty/bright)Return Operation Christmas Child box.
Monday 20th November / School Photographer
Road Safety Week
Monday 27th November / New Parents open day 2pm
Wednesday 29th November / Christmas Crafts Parent and child open afternoon. 2pm – 3pm. NEW EVENT
Thursday 30th November / Year 4 class assembly. NEW EVENT
Monday 4th December / New Parents open day 9am
Tuesday 5th December / Reception/Y1 & Y2 – Multiskills event.
Thursday 7th December / Whole School Pantomime trip.
Monday 11th December / Christmas Concert 2.30pm
Wednesday 13th December / Christmas Craft fair and Santa’s Grotto.
Friday 15th December / Christmas Jumper Day
Family Christmas Dinner (NB change of date)
Tuesday 19th December / Nativity performance.
Wednesday 20th December / Christmas Breakfast club
Break up.