Summer Reading: College Prep English 12

Reading High SchoolTeacher: Scott Thamann

Complete these exercises after reading each novel. All assignments will be due on the first day of class. Late work will not be accepted. If you have any questions, I will check my e-mail throughout the summer. You can reach me at .

Extra forms will be on my on-line classroom on the high school’s home page.

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Answer each of the following questions with an EXTENDED RESPONSE (2-4 paragraphs). Include at least one citation per response.

All answer MUST BE TYPED.

  1. One of the themes of this novel is veiled, or hidden, power. Explain how Brown develops and evinces this theme, and explain what you think his commentary is. *WE CANNOT HAVE A THEME WITHOUT INCLUDING AUTHOR’S COMMENTARY
  1. What rhetorical devices does Brown use to build suspense throughout the novel? Name at least 3 devices and describe how it builds suspense.

Possible rhetorical devices:

Anecdote - brief story told by a character in a piece of literature

Allusion - reference to a historical or literary event (often biblical) to apply a symbolic meaning to a character or object.

Foil-a person or thing that makes another seem better by contrast

Irony-a situation characterized by difference from what is expected.

Diction- author’s choice of words

Epigraph-quote set at the beginning of a literary work to set tone or suggest a theme.

Imagery- sensory details that appeal to the five senses.

Tone- attitude a literary work takes towards its subject.

Mood- the feeling one get’s while reading. Ex. Gloom, Fear, Hope

Point of View- the view in which the author has chosen. (1st person, 3rd limited, omniscient)

Foreshadowing-a hint to what is to come in the story

Personification- treating a nonhuman object as if it were a person by giving it human qualities.

  1. Describe in detail all of the elements that serve as motivation for Robert Langdon to go on his quest. (Why does he go on the quest?)

Respond to the following prompts with an EXTENDED RESPONSE (2-4 paragraphs). Be thorough and specific. Include at least one citation from the text per response.

All answers must be typed.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

1. Frankenstein often offers the subtitle of “The Modern Prometheus”. Explain why Shelley would use this subtitle by comparing Frankenstein to Prometheus.

2. Examine the relationship between Victor and the Monster. Compare their relationship to a modern day relationship. It can be real life, or from a movie, or another novel.

3. Beyond the relationship discussed in #2, discuss one other theme from the novel. How does Shelley develop this theme? What is her comment to society through this theme?

  1. Discuss why the creature became so violent. Why did he never attack the source of his anger directly. Can you think of any other situations like this – when someone felt they were wronged, and they reacted similarly to the creature? Explain.