City of Seattle
RFP No. SCL- 3751
Table 1 – Solicitation Schedule
Events / DateRFP Issued / 9/29/2017
Optional Pre-Proposal Conference / 10/5/2017 @ 1 PM Pacific
Deadline for Questions / 10/23/2017
Sealed Proposals Due to the City / 11/08/2017 by 4 PM
The City reserves the right to modify this schedule at the City’s discretion. Notification of changes in the response due date would be posted on the City website or as otherwise stated.
Mark the outside of your mailing envelope indicating RFP# SCL-3751
By responding to this Request for Proposal (RFP), Proposer agrees that s/he has read and understands all documents within this RFP package.
The purpose of this contract is to procure services for collection, transportation and disposal of liquid and solid PCB waste (PCBs and PCB Items) generated by Seattle City Light (City Light) including but not limited to:
· Used dielectric fluid (mineral oil);
· Drained/undrained electrical equipment such as transformers, bushings, and breakers;
· Fluorescent light ballasts;
· Remediation waste; and
· Spill cleanup debris.
This waste contains polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at concentrations regulated under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxics Substances Control Act (TSCA) and Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 761 - PCBs Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution in Commerce, and Use Prohibitions. The waste is subject to the disposal requirements of 40 CFR 761 Subpart D Storage and Disposal which requires disposal in an EPA approved incinerator or permitted chemical waste landfill. This contract will also be used for the disposal of liquid and solid waste containing PCBs at 1 to 49 ppm such as spill cleanup debris not regulated by TSCA.
The City has had successful contracts for collecting, transporting, and disposing of liquid and solid PCB waste; however, the current contract is expiring and has no renewal options.
PCB wastes are to be picked up primarily from City Light’s South Service Center (SSC) located at 3613 4th Avenue S. in Seattle; however, PCB waste may also need to be picked up from the following locations:
· City Light’s substations located in King County and Snohomish County; and
· Remote generation facilities, e.g., Skagit River Hydroelectric Project located in the North Cascade Mountains, Boundary Hydroelectric Project located in Northeastern Washington on the Pend Oreille River, Cedar Falls Hydroelectric Project in North Bend, or the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project located in Duval in the Tolt River Watershed.
This contract will be used up to 12 times a year or more. The quantity and type of PCB waste will vary based on City Light operations.
Single Award: With this solicitation, the City intends to award one contract and does not anticipate award to multiple companies. Regardless, the City reserves the right to make multiple or partial awards.
The City expects to achieve the following outcomes through a new blanket contract.
· Legally, safely, and cost-effectively dispose of City Light’s PCB wastes in accordance with 40 CFR 761 Subpart D.
· Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by minimizing the distance City Light’s PCB wastes is transported and disposed.
· Contract with a Vendor that has expertise in providing environmentally sound collection, transportation, and disposal services for PCB wastes in accordance with 40 CFR 761 Subpart D guaranteeing City Light legal, dependable, responsive, proven, and expert services at the best value to the City.
The following are minimum qualifications that the Vendor must meet to be eligible to submit a RFP response. Responses must clearly show compliance to these minimum qualifications. Those that are not clearly responsive to these minimum qualifications shall be rejected by the City without further consideration:
1. Proposers shall have at least five (5) years continuous relevant experience related to the Scope of Work (SOW). Experience level should match or support the SOW. The City shall confirm the Proposer’s experience level through review of requested documents and other sources as necessary.
2. Proposers must have notified EPA of their PCB waste handling activities by filing EPA Form 7710-53 and must have an active EPA identification number assigned by the EPA. Proposers must demonstrate to the City that they have an active EPA identification number.
3. Proposers must have successfully performed at least one contract with a public or private agency of similar size to Seattle City Light that has been active for a minimum of five-years, with volumes and services comparable to those expected by the City for this contract.
4. Proposers must not have received fines, penalties, or Administrative Orders from a government entity (e.g., the Environmental Protection Agency and/or state equivalent) for regulatory violation(s) within the past five years.
1. Proposers must be able to pick up PCB waste from City Light within 15 business days of the date City Light notifies that a pick up is needed unless other arrangements are made and mutually agreed on.
2. To minimize the distance City Light’s waste is transported for disposal and thus reduce greenhouse emissions and the potential for transportation related incidents, facilities for disposal of City Light’s PCB waste must be located within a 2700-mile radius of Seattle City Light’s South Service Center located at 3613 4th Avenue S., Seattle, WA.
This solicitation and resultant contract may require additional licensing. The Vendor must meet all licensing requirements that apply to their business immediately after contract award or the City may reject the Vendor.
Companies must license, report and pay revenue taxes for the Washington State Business License (UBI#) and Seattle Business License, if they are required to hold such a license by the laws of those jurisdictions. The Vendor should carefully consider those costs prior to submitting their offer, as the City will not separately pay or reimburse those costs to the Vendor.
Seattle Business Licensing and associated taxes
1. If you have a “physical nexus” in the City of Seattle, you must obtain a Seattle Business license and pay all taxes due before the Contract can be signed.
2. A “physical nexus” means you have physical presence, such as: a building/facility located in Seattle, you make sales trips into Seattle, your own company drives into Seattle for product deliveries, and/or you conduct service work in Seattle (repair, installation, service, maintenance work, on-site consulting, etc).
3. We provide a Vendor Questionnaire Form in our submittal package items later in this RFP, and it will ask you to specify if you have “physical nexus”.
4. All costs for any licenses, permits and Seattle Business License taxes owed shall be borne by the Vendor and not charged separately to the City.
5. The apparent successful Vendor must immediately obtain the license and ensure all City taxes are current, unless exempted by City Code due to reasons such as no physical nexus. Failure to do so will result in rejection of the bid/proposal.
6. Self-Filing You can pay your license and taxes on-line using a credit card
7. For Questions and Assistance, call the Revenue and Consumer Protection (RCP) office which issues business licenses and enforces licensing requirements. The general e-mail is . The main phone is 206-684-8484.
8. The licensing website is
9. The City of Seattle website allows you to apply and pay on-line with a Credit Card if you choose.
10. If a business has extraordinary balances due on their account that would cause undue hardship to the business, the business can contact our office to request additional assistance. A cover-sheet providing further explanation, along with the application and instructions for a Seattle Business License is provided below.
11. Those holding a City of Seattle Business license may be required to report and pay revenue taxes to the City. Such costs should be carefully considered by the Vendor prior to submitting your offer. When allowed by City ordinance, the City will have the right to retain amounts due at the conclusion of a contract by withholding from final invoice payments.
State Business Licensing and associated taxes
Before the contract is signed, you must have a State of Washington business license (a State “Unified Business Identifier” known as a UBI number#). If the State of Washington has exempted your business from State licensing (for example, some foreign companies are exempt and in some cases, the State waives licensing because the company does not have a physical presence in the State), then submit proof of that exemption to the City. All costs for any licenses, permits and associated tax payments due to the State as a result of licensing shall be borne by the Vendor and not charged separately to the City. Instructions and applications are at
CITY means the City of Seattle.
CONTRACT means the entire agreement that is a result of the bidding process.
DECHLORINATION means the removal of chlorine from a substance.
DESIGNATED FACILITY means the off-site disposer or commercial storer of PCB waste designated on the manifest to receive City Light’s PCB waste.
DISPOSAL means all actions related to containing, transporting, destroying, degrading, decontaminating, or confining PCBs and PCB Items.
DIELECTRIC FLUID means liquids such as mineral oil and natural ester fluid used as electrical insulators in high voltage applications, e.g., transformers, capacitors, high voltage cables, breakers, and switchgear.
ENVIRONMENTAL OR SAFETY LAW means any and all statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, orders, other court or regulatory agency directives, and common-law causes of action, whether federal, state, regional, local or international, that apply to any toxic or hazardous material, hazardous substance (meaning any material regulated or restricted under any environmental or health or safety law), pollutant, contaminant, waste, health and safety of persons, or protection of the environment, including past and future amendments or supplements thereto.
EPA IDENTIFICATION NUMBER means the 12-digit number assigned to a facility by the EPA upon notification of PCB waste activity as required by 40 CFR 761.205.
FLUORESCENT LIGHT BALLAST means a device that electrically controls fluorescent light fixtures and that includes a capacitor containing 0.1 kg or less of dielectric.
INCINERATION means the thermal destruction of PCB wastes by complete combustion in a “Qualified Incinerator” as defined in 40 CFR 761.3
LIQUID PCBS means a homogenous flowable material containing PCBs and no more than 0.5 percent by weight non-dissolved material.
MANIFEST means the shipping document (EPA Form 8700-22 Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest or Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest) originated by the Vendor and signed by City Light.
MANIFEST DISCREPANCIES are significant differences between the quantity or type of PCB waste designated on the manifest, and the quantity and type of PCB waste that the Designated Facility receives; or rejected waste, which may be a full or partial shipment of PCB waste that the Designated Facility cannot accept.
PCB Article means any manufactured article, other than a PCB Container, that contains PCBs and whose surface(s) has been in direct contact with PCBs. For this contract PCB Article includes but is not limited to bushings, capacitors, transformers, breakers and other electrical equipment.
PCB Article Container means any package, can, bottle, bag, barrel, drum, tank, or other device used to contain PCB Articles or PCB Equipment, and whose surface(s) has not been in direct contact with PCBs.
PCB Capacitor means any capacitor that contains ≥500 ppm PCB.
PCB Container means any package, can, bottle, bag, barrel, drum, tank, or other device that contains PCBs or PCB Articles and whose surface(s) has been in direct contact with PCBs.
PCB-CONTAMINATED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT means transformers, capacitors, transformers, breakers, reclosers, voltage regulators, switches, electromagnets and cable that contain PCBs at concentrations of ≥50 ppm but <500 ppm.
PCB EQUIPMENT means any manufactured item, other than a PCB Container or PCB Article Container, which contains a PCB Article or other PCB equipment. For this contract PCB Equipment includes electronic equipment and fluorescent light ballasts and fixtures.
PCB ITEM means any PCB Article, PCB Article Container, PCB Equipment, or anything that deliberately or unintentionally contains or has a part of it any PCB or PCBs.
PCB REMEDIATION WASTE means waste containing PCBs as a result of a spill, release, or other unauthorized disposal and includes but is not limited to environmental media containing PCBs such as soil, vegetation, sediments, and gravel; and man-made structures such as concrete pads.
PCB TRANSFORMER means any transformer that contains ≥ 500 ppm PCBs.
PCB WASTE means those PCBs and PCB Items that are subject to the disposal requirements of 40 CFR 761 Subpart D.
POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) means a group of man-made organic chemicals that is limited to the biphenyl molecule that has been chlorinated to varying degrees or any combination of substances which contains such. Refer to 761.1 for applicable concentrations of PCBs.
QUALIFIED INCINERATOR means an incinerator as defined in 40 CFR 761.3.
UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST means EPA Form 8700-22 and, if necessary, the continuation sheet (EPA Form 8700-22A).
USER DEPARTMENT means City of Seattle Departments including but not limited to Seattle City Light, Seattle Department of Transportation, Seattle Public Utilities, etc.
The Scope of Work (SOW) for this contract with City Light will be to:
Collection, transportation, and disposal of liquid and solid PCB wastes (PCBs and PCB Items). PCB waste shall be picked up as directed by City Light's PCB Program Manager or the Toxics/Salvage Crew Chief. The primary pick up location is City Light’s SSC located at 3613 4th Avenue S., Seattle, WA 98134. Hours of operation are 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The Successful Proposer may be called upon to pick up PCB waste at other locations as noted in Section 1, Background. Remote locations may not be accessible to large trucks. Pricing for services at remote locations may be determined on a case-by-case basis. Hours of operation vary by location but will be communicated to the Successful Proposer.