Monday Morning Messenger

Week of December 4, 2017

The week at a glance ~ ~ ~

12-4-17 / Tuesday
12-5-17 / Wednesday
  • December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Make this day special for a student.
  • Dr. W. at Rural Alliance Board Meeting @ Spokane – all day
  • Bus Duty: Mr. Cools & Ms. Christen
  • December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Make this day special for a student.
  • Bill gone afternoon to P.E.A.B. meeting at EWU-Spokane (depart at 12:30 PM)
  • Bus Duty: Mr. Cools & Ms. Christen
  • HSBB vs. Northport – 4:30 PM
  • December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Make this day special for a student.
  • Columbia Safety Meeting in Library @ 8:30 PM
  • Bus Duty: Mr. Cools & Ms. Christen

12-7-17 / Friday
12-8-17 / Saturday
  • December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Make this day special for a student.
  • Bus Duty: Mr. Cools & Ms. Christen
  • December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Make this day special for a student.
  • Bus Duty: Mr. Cools & Ms. Christen
  • December ASB Meeting in Library – 8 AM
  • P.L.C.:Presentation Lavonne Grimes -Assistive Technology (Google Docs, etc.)Meet in Mrs. Dashiell’s Classroom @ 1:45 PM
  • HSBB @ Odesssa – 4:30 PM
  • December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Have a great Weekend!
  • HSBB vs. Wellpinit – 3:00 PM

* Athletic competition times and dates are posted and kept current on the school calendar on the website or for quick changes, please see you email updates from Curt.

Upcoming Major Event ~ ~ ~

  1. December 8, 2017: In-service Training – Lavonne Grimes will provide training on the variety and breadth of Assistive Technology (Google Docs, etc.) with the intent to have specific training (drop-in format) during future in-service days.
  2. December 11-16, 2017: Bus Duty - Mrs. Dashiell and Mrs. Hood
  3. December 15, 2017:All Staff Meeting in Mrs. Dashiell’s Room(1:45–2:15 PM); P-6: Mrs. Loe’s Room; 7-12: Mrs. Dashiell’s (2:20–3:05 PM)
  4. December 20, 2017:Columbia School District Board of Directors in Library – 6:00 PM CHANGE
  5. GUIDANCE #2: throughout the year I will provide guidance on management issues. This is intended to provide guidance in how I expect processes to be accomplished. Please review operating protocol on the Columbia S.D. 206 Web Page at LINK. My personal philosophy when working with children or adults in an elevated emotional state is to work toward de-escalation and that meaningful outcome will not occur if any party is exhibiting ‘unreasonable’ behavior. There are few issues in our profession that cannot be processed with time unless violence, safety, or property destruction is involved. As with any communication, if you have questions or need clarifications – contact Bill.
  6. Web Page Development:please begin work developing a fine tool and clearinghouse for information for parents and students. I will provide a general template and offer suggestions.
  7. Staff Opportunities: please visit the STAFF OPPORTUNITIES page in the Staff section on the Columbia Web Page for opportunities for students or staff that comes to my attention.
  8. Efficiency Notes:
  9. Two-sided Copies: Please use the DUPLEX function when printing to the copiers. If you send it from your computer to either copier, go to the Properties button to the right of the printer name and select DUPLEX - - ON. You can also select STAPLE - - UPPER LEFT SLANT. If you are using the copier manually, please use the duplex function.Each page = 2-sides: Use paper that is one-sided as scrap paper, notes, or in your printer at your desk when a clean copy is not required.
  10. Teacher Page on the District Website: a well-crafted teacher page can provide parents and students with a wealth of information and a way to extend learning beyond the confines of the classroom walls. We will work together to create a great web presence without making it a time burden.

Columbia School District 206 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Dr. William J. Wadlington, Superintendent/Principal at P.O. Box 7, 4961 B Hunters Shop Road, Hunters, WA 99137. Telephone: 509-722-3311. Email: .

Please review the overview above and ask questions, provide insight, etc.

Challenge: As I came to Columbia this summer and ‘rattled’ around the rooms, I noticed something very common to most schools – old textbooks (some beckoning back prior to the turn of the century; some sitting unused for decades). I wish for that to change. We need to establish if there is any value in a book prior to (1) offering it as surplus and selling or (2) disposing it as having no value.

To that end, please send me the following information about any potential surplus books so that I can contact book sellers/buyers to determine nominal value. If there is value, I will have you inventory and pack books. We will then post them to the buyer and place any revenue in the Curriculum line of the budget.

Title (complete)
Edition (?)
Publication Year
# Texts

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Columbia School District 206 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Dr. William J. Wadlington, Superintendent/Principal at P.O. Box 7, 4961 B Hunters Shop Road, Hunters, WA 99137. Telephone: 509-722-3311. Email: .