Wisconsin Student Learning Objective (SLO) Example
After reviewing data and identifying student population for whom the Student Learning Objective (SLO) will apply, create a SLO. Use the questions listed in each section to guide the writing of the SLO. Submit SLO Plan to evaluator prior to Evaluation Planning Session.
Subject Area/Grade LevelReading through use of Braille Literacy: 4th grade General Education
Baseline Data: What sources of data did you examine in selecting this SLO? What issues related to student equity can be seen through the data review? Summarize trends and patterns from you data review. If this is the same SLO as you submitted last year/semester/interval. Provide justification for why you are repeating your goal. Did you consider both qualitative and quantitative data?
My one 4th grade student who is blind is learning to increase Braille proficiency so that their reading comprehension will also increase. The student scored at level C on the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment at the end of the 2013-2014 school year. CCSS RF.4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Learning Content/Grade Level: Which content standards are relevant to/related to/in support of your goal? Is this content reinforced throughout the interval of this goal? Did you identify the national, state or local standards relevant to your role in the district?
Reading comprehension that is aligned to the CCSS RF.4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Student Population: Which students are included in the target population? How does the data analysis support the identified student population?
My one 4th grade student who is blind.
Targeted Growth: Have you identified the starting point for each target student? How did you arrive at these growth goals?
By June 1 2015, this one student will increase meet or exceed their reading comprehesion and fluency goal as determined by the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment.
Time Interval: Does the goal apply to the duration of the time you spend with your student population e.g., by year, semester or tri-semester)?
I will be working on this SLO for the 2014-2015 school year.
Evidence Sources: What benchmark assessments will you use (pre-instruction, mid-interval or post-instruction? What formative practices will you use to monitor progress throughout the interval? What summative assessment will you use to determine student growth at the end of the interval? Is the assessment aligned to the instructional content within the SLO, is it free of bias and is it appropriate for the identified student population?
I will use the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment for reading comprehension baseline and use it at the end of the 2014-2015 school year.
SLO Goal Statement (SMART Criteria): Goals should be SMART = Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Results-based, and Time-bound.
During the 2014-2015 school year, my student who is in 4th grade and who is blind will increase their Braille performance from a baseline of 10% skill level using the iPad-Accessibility Curriculum (Oklahoma School for the Blind) to show an increase to 75% of skills in the Braille curriculum as demonstrated by video taping and curriculum checklist.
Through increased Braille proficiency, the student will demonstrate improved reading comprehension as demonstrated by increasing 2 levels from level C to level E on the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment by June 2015.
Instructional Strategies and Supports: What professional development opportunities support this goal? What instructional methods will you employ so that student’s progress toward the identified growth goal? How will you differentiate instruction to support multiple goals within your population? Who might you collaborate within order to support the unique learning needs within your group?
· Provide multiple opportunities for the student to practice reading comprehension and fluency.
· Provide reading buddies daily.
· Use the Prompting Guide from the Fountas & Pinnell.
· Provide reading assignments to parent and child in advance.
· Follow IEP accommodations.