Application for Rates Remission

Following theearthquake on 14thNovember 2016 and associated aftershocks some properties have been damaged to an extent that has rendered them unusable for residential, commercial or any other use.

The Council has a policy to provide rate remissions for earthquake affected properties for the remainder of the 2016/2017 rating year.The policy is to provide rates relief to properties unable to be used and that have become uninhabitable due to the earthquakes.

The policy provides for:

Full remission of rates for primary dwellings and commercial buildings that have been red stickered for the period in which the property is deemed to be uninhabitable. This will be in accordance with the information provided by the Council’s building inspectors.

If the water supply to the property has been interrupted due to damage to the Council’s infrastructure, then a remission for water rates (both urban and rural) will be granted for the period in which the water was unable to be provided.

For properties that pay a targeted tourism rate, if the property was damaged to point in which it cannot continue to provide its tourism services, then a remission of the targeted tourism rate will be granted for that period.

Applications are required to be made by the owner of the damaged property.

For red stickered properties, the rate remission will be prorated on a daily basis effective from 14 November 2016 and will conclude upon the earlier of 30 June 2017, or the property being returned to ahabitable state and able to be used.

For interruptions to the water supply, the rate remission will be prorated on a daily basis from 14 November 2016 to when the water supply is restored to the property.

For tourism based properties, the rate remission will be prorated on a daily basis effective from 14 November 2016 until the tourism activity can be again undertaken on the property.

The Council will consider the need to extend this remission policy beyond 30 June 2017during the2017/2018 annual plandiscussion. If earthquake-related remissionsare to continue beyond 30 June 2017and into the 2017/2018 rating year, a newapplicationmay need to belodged.

If you have any questions regarding the earthquake relief policies, or this application form please contact the rates officer on 03 314 0108 or

If a remission is approved for my property under this earthquake remission policy, what will happen to my rate account?

  • You will be notified once a remission has been approved for your property.
  • Any rates due before the day of the earthquake remain payable. We will contact you to discuss any rates that had not been paid at the point of the earthquake.
  • Invoices will be issued for the balance of any rates due after the remission has been credited. The usual quarterly payment due dates will apply for the balance of any rates due.
  • The Rates Department will regularly liaise with the Building Department to check status of the property.
  • Should your circumstances change in any way that might affect the remission eligibility please advise our rates staff.

Applicants are required to complete page 2 of this application

Please return completed application forms to: Hurunui District Council, P O Box 13,Amberley 7410, or hand in to a Council Service Centre.

Applicant & Property Detail

(all applications are to be made by the property owner)

Damaged Property Detail


Valuation Number:

Legal description:

Owner Detail


Current residential address:

Phone numbers – Home:______




Are you likely to move from this address before reoccupying the damaged property?


Yes – how long do you plan to be at your current residential address?

Please keep us updated should any of your contact details change.

Reason property is uninhabitable

a certificate has been issued by Council building inspectors (eg. red stickered, or dangerous, or insanitary building notice); or

it has been determined to be uninhabitable by the EQC/Insurance company(please attach a copy of their notice); or

it has been deemed by a qualified structural engineer or Council building inspector to be structurally unsound and therefore unsafe to occupy(please attach a copy of their notice);


the property is not being lived in or otherwise occupied or used.

Date property was vacated ______

Do you have an estimated date of reoccupation? N Y -


Is the house to be demolished Y - if so estimated date of demolition ______

Notes & other relevant factors:

Signed ______(please print name)______/ /201__

Signed ______(please print name)______/ /201__