Lovettsville Elementary

Veterans Day Program

Scene 1

Brinnay (S) Welcome to the fourth grade Veterans Day Program, when we have the opportunity to honor the men and women, who have served our country so bravely.

On July 4, 1776, our forefathers bravely declared that the United States

of America would be forever free.

Jill (Co) Immediately, young men from throughout these new united colonies picked up their arms, and swore to defend this land with everything they had, including their lives.

It wasn’t until many years later that an official Veterans’ Day was proclaimed to honor the men and women who have so ably served in our defense.

Nur (S) Today we honor them all, including those who first stepped forward and bravely proclaimed “We the people of the United States.”

Please stand for the presentation of the flags and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance and our National Anthem.

Presentation of the Flags by the Girls Scouts and Boy Scouts

“Pledge of Allegiance”

“The Star-Spangled Banner”

Katie G. (Co) Americans have always been proud of the beauty and splendor of our great nation. Katharine Lee Bates said it well when she wrote these words to America the Beautiful.

“America the Beautiful”

Scene 2

Haley F., Alyssa & Danielle will set the table. Riley J. will the ring the bell)

Haley F. (S) Across America in military ceremonies recognizing veterans of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard, tables will be set as a way to remember members of our Armed Forces who are missing from our midst. They are commonly called POWs, MIAs or KIAs. Some call them brothers.

Alyssa (Co) The table is small, symbolizing a soldier’s lonely battle against many. Remember. (bell rings)

Danielle (S) The tablecloth is white, symbolizing the soldier’s pure heart as he or she bravely answers their countries call to duty. Remember. (bell rings)

Haley F. (S) The black napkin reminds us of the sorrow of captivity. Remember. (bell rings)

Alyssa (Co) The single rose displayed in a vase tied with a red ribbon is symbolic of the families and loved ones who keep the faith waiting for their return. Remember. (bell rings)

Danielle (S) The slice of lemon is on the bread plate to remind us of their bitter fate. Remember. (bell rings)

Haley F. (S) The grains of salt on the bread plate are symbolic of the families' tears as they wait. Remember. (bell rings)

Alyssa (Co) The glass is inverted, they cannot toast with us. Remember. (bell rings)

Alyssa (Co) The chair is empty. They are not here. Remember. (bell rings)

Danielle (S) The candle is reminiscent of the light of hope which lives in our hearts to illuminate their way home, away from their captors, to the open arms of a grateful nation. Remember. (bell rings)

Riley J. (Ci) Today we remember all of you who served with them and called them comrades. We will never forget the brave men and women who have served our country and we live everyday with the hope that all our soldiers will return home safely.

“Everyday Heroes”

Scene 3

Carnell (E) We remember. It was called World War I, the War of All Wars. It raged from 1914 to 1918. There were over 40 million casualties; more than 20 million military and civilian deaths.

Blaine (E) American men and women served heroically until the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 when it finally came to an end.

Mitchell (S) To commemorate the agreement signed between the Allies and Germany President Woodrow Wilson declared the first Armistice Day on November 11, 1919.

Thatcher (Cd) The date has become a national holiday in many allied nations to allow people to remember those who were killed during the war. Unfortunately, the War to End All Wars . . . didn’t. Once again, soldiers were called to defend those who could not defend themselves.

Jonah (S) Boys from the Midwest suddenly found themselves fighting in the

Far East. Teenagers, whose parents and grandparents had come to America from Europe, found themselves fighting for freedom in their parents’ homeland, which did not seem like home to them.

Maleeya (Ci) About 350,000 American women served in uniform both at home and abroad. Women in uniform took office jobs in the armed forces in order to free men to fight. They also drove trucks, repaired airplanes, rigged parachutes, served as radio operators, flew military aircraft and provided medical care for the sick and injured soldiers

Brandon (E) World War II raged on from 1941-1945 and was the deadliest

conflict in the history of the world. After World War II, Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day in the United States and it honors all members of the armed forces.

Mason (Co) / Since World War II our soldiers have fought in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. They have honored us with their dutiful service in places with names we have rarely heard.
Armondo (E) / Today, our wish is for peace around the world and freedom for all. Lasting peace and resounding freedom begins in the hearts and minds of all of us.

Colin (Ci) We salute the brave veterans who bore the weight of unimaginable conditions both at war and on returning home. It is never too late to say “thank you.” So on this Veterans’ Day, we humbly say . . . Thank you

Max (Ci) At this time, we would like to show our thanks by presenting our Veterans, with a pin of appreciation. If you have served with the Army, please come forward. (Hand out pins.) If you have served with the Air Force, please come forward. (Hand out pins.) If you have served with the Navy, please come forward. (Hand out pins.) If you have served with the Marines, please come forward. (Hand out pins.) If you have served with the Coast Guard, please come forward. (Hand out pins.) Thank you for your service.

“Thank You Soldiers”

Scene 4

Aja (Co) I love my country because we are all free.

Bethel (E) I love my country because it is a beautiful place.

Aja (Co) I love my country because we have people to protect us.

Bethel (E) You mean like our active duty military personnel and our Veterans?

Aja (Co) Yes!

Bethel (E) I feel really safe!

Aja (Co) I think we are lucky to live in the United States of America!

Aja & Bethel “God Bless the USA”

Scene 5

Charlie (E) The Army was created by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1775, and is the largest branch in the US Military. Being the main ground force of the United States, its purpose is to protect and defend our country by use of ground troops, armor, artillery, attack helicopters, and tactical nuclear weapons.

Cole S (Ci) The Army song was based on the Caisson song that was written by Lieutenant Gruber in 1908.

Charlie (E) What exactly is a Caisson?

Cole S (Ci) It is a cart used in the field. Now back to that Army song. In 1917 John Phillip Sousa changed the song and renamed it “The Field Artillery Song”. In 1952 the Army had a contest to come up with an official song. They took the Caisson melody and new words written by Harold Arberg and titled it “The Army Goes Rolling Along.”

Ben W. (S) The Navy was also created by the Continental Congress in 1775 in order to maintain the freedom of the seas. The Navy consists of aircraft carriers, naval ships, and submarines. The Navy is also a main supporter of the Air Force in providing air force carriers for transporting aircraft and providing a runway at sea for aircraft

Tyler (S) The Navy is very good for the Armed Forces because they have submarines and good technology.

Wesley (S) Anchors Away was created by Lieutenant Charles A. Zimmerman with help from Midshipman First Class Alfred H. Miles in 1906. The march was written to honor the Naval Academy class of 1907. The Navy Band first play Anchors Away at the Army Nave football game on December 1, 1906.

Ben S. (Ci) Who won the game?

Tyler (S) That would be the Navy. George Lottman changed the lyrics to focus on the Navy instead of football. The song was so well love that it became the national song of the U.S. Navy.

Ben S. (Ci) The oldest armed forces anthem the Marines Hymn was in use as early as the mid 1800’s. It was declared the official hymn of the U.S. Marine Corps in 1929. Although the authorship is unknown, it is believed that the rousing hymns music may have been a variation on the 1859 French Opera Geneve de Barbant.

Elliot (E) Marine Corps was created by the Continental Congress in 1775. However, in 1798 it was established as a separate service by Congress. The Marines consist of amphibious operations, ground-combat, and air power.

Brayden (S) Did you know that the Coast Guard was established 1915?

Richy (S) Yes they also mainly fight on the sea. They are also responsible for law enforcement, boating safety, sea rescue, and illegal immigration.

Brayden (S) Semper Paratus means always ready and that is also their motto. Captain Francis S. Von Boskerck wrote the song incorporating the Coast Guards motto in 1922.

Isaac (E) Five years later while being Commander of the Sea Forces he added music. He tried to write a famous anthem to make their motto as famous as the other branches of the military.

Josiah (Co) Originally in 1790 they were the Revenue cutter service. Then changed to the U.S. Coast Guard in 1915.

Aiden H. (S) In 1937 Robert Crawford made a song about the Air Force and won a competition. The Air Force was a part of the Army until 1947. The mission of the Air Force is to defend the United States in the air and space. It consists of fighter aircraft, tanker aircraft, light and heavy bomber aircraft, transport aircraft, and helicopters.

Levi (Ci) Other responsibilities include military satellites and strategic nuclear ballistic missiles. Now in the 21st century the Air Force has better technology then before.

For those who continue to serve, we say that we have not forgotten you. For those who have served and come home, we again say thank you and welcome home.

Jurgis (E) No matter if you served with the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard, we are forever grateful for what you have sacrificed for us. Your sweat and tears are not forgotten.

Aden B. (Ci) In your honor, we will sing each branch’s official song. When your branch of service is called, please stand to be recognized.

“A Tribute to the Armed Forces”

Scene 6

Kaitlin (Ci) At this time, we would like say a special thank you to all the Veterans’ who are now recovering at the VA Hospital in Martinsburg, West Virginia. To show our thanks and appreciation the 4th grade class at Lovettsville Elementary has put together care bags that will be delivered to the VA Hospital.

Riley O. (Ci) We hope that these care bags will brighten their day and speed up their r recovery. We would like to thank the Lovettsville families who donated

items for our care bags.

Now is the time to show our pride in freedom’s voices. We can be strong. We can be heard. We share our songs.

Kate W. (Co) We would like to say thank you for coming and thank you for serving. I would like to invite Sarah Cooper to sing a song that she wrote to honor all of our Veterans. It is called “Lights of Honor”

“Lights of Honor”

Kate W. (Co) Let us leave you with one final thought. Stand proud of all that has come before. Freedom is the prize for those that fought for our America. Please join us in singing “God Bless America”.

“God Bless America”