Draxten Memorial Fund for Heritage and Cultural Camps
The Draxten Fund was a gift by will in 1998 from Nina Draxten, the daughter of the original founder and first president of Sons of Norway, Bersvend Draxten. She wanted children to have a chance to learn about their Norwegian heritage and culture. Nina was a lifelong teacher and retired from the University of Minnesota as an Associate Professor of English. She began an acting career at age 80. She directed many school plays in her long career as an educator. She lived to be 98 years old. Her name was pronounced, like Dinah, as she was born at 9 PM on the 9th day of the 9th month.
Each year the Sons of Norway Foundation awards approximately $10,000, divided by the number of members in each of the six US Districts within Sons of Norway, specifically for Sons of Norway youth to attend heritage & culture camps. Around two hundred children are awarded partial scholarships to attend these camps every year. To be eligible to receive Draxten Fund assistance in District 2, the camper must be accepted by one of the three camps andmust be receiving a scholarship from their local lodge. The funds provided to District 2 will be distributed to those campers who qualify.
Sofie/Olson Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Sofie/Olson Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in 1995 from donations contributed after the untimely deaths of two women who gave much of their time and talent to District 2. Sherrie Sofie was District President from 1988-1989 and Bernice Olson served as District Treasurer from 1980-1994.
The fund provides scholarships to the children and grandchildren of district members to attend our youth camps: Camp Nidaros, Camp Normanna and Camp Trollhaugen.
The scholarship fund is self-sustaining and only the interest earned will be used for the awards.
Carl M. Saltveit Scholarship Fund
The Carl M. Saltveit Scholarship Fund is a permanent, endowed scholarship fund designed to encourage and facilitate attendance to the University of Oslo International Summer School in Norway. The amount of the award varies each year and covers tuition, room and board. Only District 2 members, children or grandchildren are eligible to apply this scholarship. For more information about the school, please go to
The scholarship is named for Carl M. Saltveit, Sr., in honor and remembrance of his contributions to the Norwegian-American community through Grieg Lodge #15 (Portland, Oregon), his work in Norwegian war relief, and educational exchange and services to immigrants and visitors from Norway. In addition, he served as an International Director of the Sons of Norway.